When, long ago, I went through basic training. I am one of the 1% of Americans who actually served in the military, admittedly with great reluctance at the time. Today, the vast majority of Congress men and women have not come near military training. Their foolishness and me first attitudes is a result of never serving something greater than themselves.
Yesterday, a young girl, nine I believe, lost control of an automatic weapon at a for profit gun range, and shot her instructor to death. The instructor was a retired police officer, well trained in firearm safety.
It didn't matter, when the girl attempted to fire the automatic weapon on "rock and roll", which was slang for full automatic (machine gun like), she whirled from the kick of the weapon, and accidentally shot her instructor to death.
She is a child. Video is available, not showing the actual shooting, of the pair as she timidedly attempted to fire a weapon intended to kill with multiple shots.
Have you ever wondered about why automatic weapons were invented? In the "old west" single shot weapons were of small help in shooting enough Indians to stop a charge. The Civil War saw the invention of the gatlilng gun, and repeater rifles which enabled the wholesale extermination of Native Americans from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean.
Up until the invention of what amounts to an automatic weapon, that you don't have to cock, load singly; etc., single shot weapons were useful for hunting, but not for killing human beings.
If you missed for example, it took time to reload, and your opponent could get close enough to you to do you harm. The Comanche held off Texas Rangers for decades, because they learned, by counting to wait until the Rangers fired their first volley, and they had horses fast enough to charge and kill with bows and arrows before the Rangers could reload.
And the Comanches were very good at it.
After the Civil War, the strategy no longer worked, because the Rangers had repeating handguns and rifles. Counting did not work anymore, and the Comanches were basically wiped out.
Which gets us back to what automatic weapons are for: they kill people with multiple wounds, or can be used to spray a group, inflicinting wounds or death on many from one weapon.
World War I is a good example of how the machine gun, the ultimate in automatic weapons, changed warfare forever. Trench warfare evolved quickly, when it became obvious that a frontal charge, usually timed when the enemy reloaded, was useless against a machine gun. What is amazing is troops for years kept the frontal mass attack as a strategy, with horrendouls results. An entire generation of European young men were exterminated. They are called the "lost generation".
So, an automatic weapon is meant to kill lots of people. It is not meant to hunt with. The meat is ruined if you shoot multiple bullets into a deer for example.
And then the interview with the gun range owner. He was contrite, and at one point said he felt very bad for the young girl. He was defensive obviously, and rambled on how safe the range was.
Of course, he never mentioned the absolute lunacy in having a small girl attempt to fire an automatic weapon on rock and roll.
When we fired our M-16s, one shot at a time was ok, but multiple shots sprayed all over, unless you kept the bursts to three or four rounds at a time. Otherwise, no accuracy at all was the result.
And these were all adult males, who had sat through hours of training, and many had gun handling backgrounds.
At one point the gun range owner said perhaps they needed to have a height requirement, 'like Disneyland'! I almost gagged on that one.
DAMN THE SECOND AMENDMENT. That's right, damn our interpretation of it. Modern firearms do not belong in the hands of anybody. That's right, nobody needs to have an automatic weapon. They are a military weapons and should be banned as well, because of the damage they do.
If a hunter wants to shoot a deer with an M-16, they should be imprisoned for animal cruelty! A machine gun is an atrocity!
Why on earth do we continue this madness? Why do we tolerate these loon toons, who advocate children shooting machine guns, and then weep when they shoot someone, or themselves, because THEY HAVE NO REASON TO FIRE AN AUTOMATIC WEAPON. THIS IS NOT DISNEYLAND, IT IS A KILLING MACHINE!
And automatic weapons have no place for personal defense either. If you go to rock and roll, you kill everything in front of you, with no accuracy whatsoever.
And don't give me that bullshit that training helps. It doesn't help a nine year old girl. And for most troopers, it doesn't really help either.
In combat most troops fire blindly, because if they aim, they expose themselves to enemy fire. So they put the rifle around a corner and fire, on rock and roll, and kill or wound dogs, cats, kids; etc.
That is the reality of this madness. America has lost its mind to fools who worship weapons on rock and roll.
God forgive us!!!!!!!!