The Iran Anti Proliferation Agreement is a good thing and should be approved. Predictably Republicans have rallied against it, remember the Senate Republicans actually sending a petition to Iran?
This was one of the most blatant disloyal acts I can ever remember from the United States Senate.
This all reminds me of 1919 when the U.S. Senate, looking to the 1920 Presidential election, turned down the treaty President Wilson brought back from Versailles.
History has not been kind to Henry Cabot Lodge and other Senate Republicans, who killed America's participation in the League of Nations.
This led to Italy's rape of Ethiopia, the march to World War II, and directly aided the rise to power of fascism throughout the world.
The United States was the only world power after WWI who had the strength to provide some kind of world order. Instead of seizing this, as Wilson urged, we shrunk back into isolationism. Japan, Germany and Italy saw their opportunity. Without the United States in the League of Nations it was emasculated and ineffective. FIFTY FIVE MILLION PEOPLE DIED because of this stupidity on the part of the Republican Party.
And, they won the Presidency for three terms, culminating in the disaster of Hoover and you know the rest.
We are looking at the same thing now. Republicans are driven by politics, and a Israeli leader who is a hawk on everything, to opposed virtually anything the outgoing Democratic President proposes. There is jockeying for position from over a dozen "viable" candidates, ALL who oppose the Iran Deal.
Fact: The major world powers were at the table and participated in the negotiations from the outset.
Fact: The United Nations Security Council unanimously approved the settlement.
Fact: The opposition has NO alternative to offer save attacking Iran.
Fact: Iran, whether we like it or not, is an essential player in the politics of the Middle East. They can either help or hinder virtually any efforts we make fighting terrorism in the area. To isolate them further is stupid plain and simple.
Fact: History is not kind to the Republican Party and American Firsters (yes some Democrats participated in that stupidity). They helped cause WWII!
Show some sense, read the agreement and support the President! "Let us not negotiate in fear nor fear to negotiate", was the phrase President Kennedy used when he negotiated the end to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Can you imagine if the Republicans would have blocked him? We all would be dead!