Thursday, May 25, 2017
For Lewis Mumford
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Ok, we told you so....we told you so..who gets hurt in this abomination of a budget? You do, the aging white middle class who had voted Democratic in the past but bought a bill of goods from a person who made his reputation through reality T.V. as a CHARLATAN!
And then you get all huffy, write nasty posts, argue incessantly when your friends, and we are your friends believe it or not, tell you that you GOT SCREWED! We are your friends because we tell you like it is: how could you trust Trump who lies all the time? Here are the two ways you scewed up!
1. The decline in manufacturing jobs is not a simple thing. A large part of it is technology advancements that can replace assembly line workers. A large part is the corporate leadership who ruthlessly outsourced millions of jobs for pure profit with absolutely NO LOYALTY to the working force who made them rich (and one of of them is Donald J. Trump)..
2. And You...we...have benefited from the outsourcing and cheap labor costs everytime we order from Amazon or go into a Wal-Mart, Penneys, you name it. Hardly anythiing is made in the U.S.A. I always cringe when I put on a hat that or put together patio furniture (just happened YESTERDAY) that says "Made in Vietnam".
We reap the benefits of the global economy in the ridiculous low prices for electronic, clothing and yes even automobiles.
Good union jobs, with benefits and pensions are dwindling because the corporate class, of whom Donald J. Trump is a leader, have benefited from this attack on labor. Beware of "right to work" laws, that emasculate unions, driving wages and benefits down, and ultimately jobs go overseas. Now they are attacking the service sector, and public employess, for their benefits as well; in a blood slaughter of human labor dignity!
It is NOT a simple "Make America Great Again" thing. It is complex and you need to know who your friends are.
The Trump budget tells you right off who your friends AREN'T! Look at the care cut, especially Medicaid....he promised he wouldn't do that. Medicare and Social Security are next; an obsession by the wealth and privileged who want to make more and more and more and don't give a shit about you. What is next is grandpa and grandma (YOU) won't have a place in a nursing home and the burden will fall even more on middle class families who just can't afford it...I see mercy killings exploding! Nice end for years of sacrifice and hard work, huh????
They are trying to KILL YOU!
I have warned you all over and over that the rich HATE YOU!. Is that class warfare? YOU BET IT IS!
OK, now that you know that you were used and made a fool of what do you do? What do you do for your children; for your grandchildren?
Throw the assholes out of office, and I mean Republican assholes. Get involved in the Democratic Party and demand changes that yes redistribues income...there I said it...we need more taxes on the rich who are getting away with murder right now. And we need to realize that WE are part of the problem, demanding cheap gasoline all the time when WE KNOW the shit is running out, but refuse to demand mass transportation before it is too late!
There is much to do, and we are going the wrong way...witness the Budget Trump!
And throw Trump out of office with extreme prejudice!
Friday, May 12, 2017
Wilson And Mistakes
If we ignore history we are doomed to repeat it.
Woodrow Wilson is a tragic American figure. His post-WWI leadership was destroyed by two things: his health that failed him and the Republican Party that refused to share his internationalist vision.
WWI was the most destructive war in human history. And those who were making decisions about it were in the same generational paradigm as we who are over 60, are comparing the Civil War to Vietnam.
I was 18 in 1965, a civil war veteran was 18 in 1865. It is 2017 now which compares with 1917 . In short, my generation is in exactly the same place as were civil war veterans and those old enough to know better in 1917.
And that generation was against ANY foreign war or any war for that matter.
Why? Because the Civil War virtually destroyed the south and killed a generation of young men. It was obvious in 1917 that the same thing was happening in Europe, a generation of young men were dying as the war, the SECOND modern war, ground human beings into pulp.
So, the American People, especailly Republicans (the Party of Lincoln remember) were against any modern war. People were in positions of power who remembered, and their children had been told the stories of Vicksburg, Shilo and Gettysburg.
So when the U.S. went into the war in 1917 it was with great temerity....there was a lot of opposition. And the United States was very cautious to get embroiled in European politics that were as unstable as middle east politics are today.
And when the U.S. fresh troops, whose knowledge of static line warfare was far advanced from the Europeans (the lessons of the Civil War was that small squad type manuvers rather than frontal assaults were most effective) turned the tide, all Americans wanted was to bring the troops home.
In short, tactically the U.S. troops fought with the hard lessons learned in the Civil War. Those lessons were observed first hand by Adoph Hitler, a corporal at the time in the German Army, and used twenty years later in France and Poland during the start of WWII; they called it Lightning War.
After the war, Wilson (a southener) fought for a fair peace and the League of Nations, knowing full well that modern warfare had simply become too lethal to be used anymore by mankind. Remember the generations of Americans who were making decisions still had the taste of the Civil War and were highly against foreign entanglements.
And Republicans, who had won the Civil War and knew the costs, were not interested in entering the world stage, whose lack of judgement had just cost a generation of young men their lives. So they resisted ANY actions by the United States to stabilize the world poltical system; which needed it badly.
Wilson, who was a southener had no real base to oppose this isolationism; which was the American dominant foreign policy in 1919.
So the problems of the middle east, Africa and central Europe, that had helped start WWI, were left unaddressed; and would quickly cause WWII!
And Hitler was watching, waiting for his chance to destroy the world.
And America, still remembering the horrors of the Civil War and just witnessing the horrors of WWI, froze politically and withdrew from the world stage, leaving it to the future dictators of the world.
We are faced with a similar situation in the United States right now. We have elected a potential dictator in Donald Trump. Right now we are faced with a fledgling Constitutional Crisis and Trump struggles to "control" the raging controversy about Russian interference in our election. And Republicans, ironically, are saying do nothing; that it is all political, ignore it; JUST like they did in 1919.
In a sense their lack of historical judgement is about to cause the same kind of disaster that we endured in 1939!
And the consequences of that were the births of four dictatorships that nearly reduced the entire globe to ashes (Stalin, Mussollini, Tojo and Hitler).
Right now the dictator who has ALREADY manipulated our political system, is waiting as his surrogate, Donald J. Trump, struggles to carry of the greatest con on the century.
The true tragedy of history is when we ignore it, we repeat it...The true tragedies of history happen when good people know there is a danger and do nothing.
Sunday, May 7, 2017
We are going the wrong way!
We have made two huge mistakes in our tortured history of health care: 1. We decided during WWII that employers, flush with cash from the war, should provide benefits rather than install a socialized medicine model. So we now have an employer benefit model of medical insurance. The consequences vastly outweigh the benefits of this error. Employers immediately became adversaries with workers over health care of all things, constantly negotiating lower and lower benefits relative to costs, to protect profits and sometimes to stay solvent. As time wore on, benefits were often what prompted strikes not pay.
Meanwhile in the rest of the world, employers did not have the cash to even consider paying benefits for health care: their economies were in ruin . So all over the globe "industrialized" nations were forced to adopt various forms of single payor or socialized medicine, at low level of coverage (only basic services could be afforded).
Meanwhile America's economy boomed, making the poison pill of health benefits grow and grow; and lure insurance companies of all things (they were invented for fire, theft and life insurance) into the market of health care.
And, science meanwhile was making huge inroads into vaccines, polio for example, eradicating diseases that had kept the life expenctancy rate to about 48 years. The drug companies grew quickly, riding the wave of one "wonder drug" after another, rising prices as they went, making a multi-billion dollar industry.
Suddenly medicine, that had NEVER been a major "industry" in America became one: with insurance companies, hospitals, doctors and drug companies making much more money than ever before.
And then, in the 80s, when the rest of the world had rebuilt from WWII (we always under estimate how important that is), their more efficient and less costly single payer/socialized medicine began outperforming the American market based model. No longer was America the economic power house of the world and had to compete with Japan for example, and Germany (whose economies had been flattened) in manufacturing: and they did so with single payer/socialized medical benefits.
And that resulted in a huge advantage labor cost wise.
Americans stopped buying American because labor costs were passed along by American manufacturers that included increasing health care benefits costs.
2. We allowed lobbyists of the health care monster that we created to have access to our legislatures, and they have basically bought them. The Public Interest, as presented in the Preamble to the Constitution ("provide for the genereal WELFARE") has been distorted into "free markets that drove America's rise to economic power will work miraculously to drive down health care costs".
Meanwhile, thanks to the medicines and medical care, and in spite of an American lifestyle of self abuse through over consumption (do you know anyone who is under weight?), the life expectancy rose to the mid-eighties. (Which ironically is lower than other single payer/socialized medicine systems).
And we are stuck arguing about a vital issue in the wrong terms. We argue that health care is not a right (the Constitution basically SAYS it is a right) but a privilege that is STILL anchored to employment.
So, according to conservatives, if you are not employed, you are not "earning" your health care. Conservatives have tied their very political theory to this; and that transfers into the sick are lazy and brought it upon themselves so "tough luck".
And liberals, aware that it was their party that was in power when this whole mis-step happened (the New Deal screwed up and should have installed Medicare for all in 1946), now push for the solution that the economically strapped Europeans did years ago. And vital to making this work is tax and spend, which opens them up to fatal politcal attack.
Coupled with an increasing aged and ill population (fat, ill and very expensive) and you have the perfect storm.
The solution is complex (Trump finally stated that) and dangerous politically. It has paralyzed our political process. Americans are being told the choice is stark, economical health care must basically be rationed or it won't work. And part of that is true. But then solution makers go to the extremes, declaring that our political liberty is economic liberty for insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
On the other hand, 80% of Americans get medical insurance benefits, their employer pays health insurance for them. And herein lies part of the solution. This has to stop (that's right stop) and the benefits paid must be paid directly in salary to the workers (and mandated by he way for a time, you just can't cut the benefit because companies will take the difference)....then taxes have to be increased for a lifetime (that's right even tax social securiity some) to run a single payer system in the entire United States.
The wellness provisions of the ACA and the required coverages need to be continued but wellness even more stressed; our aging just has to be healthier or none of this will work: diabetes from over weight is an epidemic right now and is simply caused by a high carb and sugar (beer) diet.
And none of this is possible in any kind of free market simply has to been enforced through common government action and oversight.
Yes taxes must increase and rather than get rid of the ACA we need to gear it to include the "public option" with private insurance for those who want more and better coverage....Austrailia's model is worth looking at).
And we probably won't come close, because we have built a monster that now, if the ACA is actually gutted, will bankrupt us all.
Again....the Reckoning..our politcal system is broken so bad by those on the right who feel economic liberty includes punishing the sick for being sick and on the left, who feel economic liberty means a socialized medical system that in effectively punishes the health care providers for treating the sick.
We need to copy Austrailia!!!!