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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Scientific Evidence

In the past long 40 years of conservative cutting government purposefully to "starve the beast", we have lived with the myth that cutting taxes somehow spurs investment and grows the economy.

In fact, the Laffer Curve, even went so far as to promise that by growing the economy, reduced taxes would actually INCREASE tax revenue because of the overall growth of the tax base.

The problem is it NEVER has happened. That is right, NEVER.

What does happen is a concentration of wealth in the few, and a rapid, seemingly unstoppable shrinkage of the middle class. The promised growth of the economy, we found out in 1990 and in 2008, has not happened; at least a healthy growth of the economy. Instead we have a toxic imbalance of the economy that is killing the middle class in the country.

Take President Obama's middle class tax cut, for example. This was piled on to the largest tax cut in our nation's history by George W. Bush. The result? A growing deficit and a job loss disaster.

It is time to tell these idiots that it doesn't work. It is so obvious that radical conservatives now control the Republican Party. Any chance for compromise has been lost.

We need to use the government to stimulate the economy with government jobs. I suggest nationalizing education for a start. That's right, the federal government does it. All state and local educational bureaucracies should be shuttered. And, the revenue deficits that almost every state now endures, could be avoided by shifting the task to the federal government (along with the appropriate tax revenue).

This, I would suggest, be fazed in over twenty years.

To have thousands of teachers laid of throughout the country is madness. The federal government should take on the task. I suggest upping taxes on petroleum companies (let's start with BP!).

I do suggest that all Americans begin asking themselves why they pay taxes. We have bought into the fallacy of tax cuts, which has served to destroy people and freedom.

The rich, led by B.P. and Wall Street are raping this country and we can stop it if we want.

But, for sure, this will not happen if we put the "Tea Party" in control. If we do that in 2010, we are done...

Democracy simply cannot take the inequities that have developed. The United States now is not even the top ten of equitable governments in the world. We are slowly sliding into fascism!

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