Part of the con propaganda is that they stand for personal responsibility versus liberal's reliance on governmental regulation. The individual and their integrity is all that is needed in our country, they yell. We don't need government telling us what to do, or holding us back with worthless regulations and laws.
Of course, this is meant to always decrease governmental laws and regulations that are necessary because of the greed of most people; witness B.P. and the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We have seen an economic train wreck in 2008 because of the housing bubble and Wall Street speculation orgy that cost millions of us billions of dollars. Some estimate that 1/3 of the wealth of United States citizens was lost! Certainly the middle class was decimated by loss of investments, homes and jobs. All this because "individual responsibility" is better than government legislation. Just "trust us" is what we hear from the Cons.
Trust us for Iraq? Trust us for TARP? Trust us?????
Ronald Reagan of course was famous for a variety of homilies that decried government and law. His most famous said the "worst words in the English language" were, "I am from the U.S. Government and I am here to help".
I suppose the victims of the concentration camps, who greeted American G.I.s now say that the worst words in the English language were the above!
Now, Meg "Whitless", and several other Republican candidates, as usual, we find have personal responsibility "issues". And true to form, these candidates are blaming everyone but themselves. Some "personal responsibility"!!!!
Meg Whitman, I prefer Witless, would have us believe that an illegal worked for her for nine years, warning letters were sent that her husband even verified in writing, but "I never knew". She did "know" in time to fire the illegal when she "knew" when she was preparing to run for governor. And, she fired the "illegal" when the lady came to Witless (heartless) asking for help to become a "legal". Nice!
Of course, all this is "in dispute" because Witless has been denying it vehemently. And, as usual, her denials strain credibility. The word "credibility" by the way, for any cons reading this, means having integrity in our words and deeds to the point that you can be trusted.
Trusted? Yes trusted to run a state that has one of the largest economies in the world. Meanwhile, Witless uses her Ebay C.E.O. experience as a qualification of credibility as a governor. The same Witless who dodged state taxes, was accused by the S.E.C. and paid subsequent fines and was generally what passes for a "success" in American business.
The same "success" that is being played out in today's economy that has raped the middle class, bankrupted millions, made millions homeless, while paying C.E.O.s record salaries.
Is California actually going to elect a C.E.O. governor when C.E.O.s have been cheating us all out of our money, taking bailouts from government as "too big to fail" while continuing the same corrupt behaviors that have resulted in a host of convictions of everything from fraud to worse?
Are you kidding me?
An aside: Did you know that thousands of millionaires took unemployment benefits last year? That's right, people who made over a million dollars in 2009 were laid off and had the gall to apply for unemployment benefits!
This happened at the same time as cons in the Congress attempted to limit unemployment extensions for millions.
The cons have even started to attack unemployment insurance as an "entitlement" program (it is no such thing) that is somehow discouraging people from looking for work. They also are attacking Social Security and Medicare as "entitlements".
This is a lie! These programs are funded by our contributions. They are NOT entitlements like welfare, not even close. We pay for them over our working lifetimes. And, Social Security is NOT in funding trouble. In fact, it can pay its obligations with no changes for at least another twenty five years. This is remarkable considering that the "baby boomers" are now retiring in record numbers. What to do to continue its solvency? Raise payroll taxes, raise taxes on the rich (who hardly pay anything proportionally for their social security and Medicare).
It is interesting that I know several "rich retired" folks. None of them have refused to accept their social security or Medicare. And, judging from the information given above, none of them pass on unemployment insurance either. How interesting is this, that people who don't need the insurance, because they are wealthy, still take it! Why, you may ask: the answer everytime I ask is, "I worked for it, I contributed to it and I will use it".
There is nothing wrong with this response, because the programs are NOT ENTITLEMENTS, but are payroll taxation driven insurance programs!
Oh, I forgot, if we just trusted personal responsibility, everything would work. We wouldn't need Socials Security or Medicare. Just free liberty from government shackles and we will prosper. Tell that to the 30% of Americans who are uninsured right now!
Excuse me but the best response to this, given what we are going through is BULLSHIT!
Finally, to the voters of November 2010. If you are so STUPID to continue to buy this B.S. with all the damage it has done to you, and so "witless" to trust people like Meg Witless, who are trying to buy you...then you do not deserve your liberty and will surely lose it.
And you will get exactly the government you deserve.
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