The conservative deny machine is running at break neck speed.
Two areas of denial are particularly galling, dangerous and pathetically sad:
1. In the past weeks we have witnessed tornadoes in the midwest and south of Biblical proportions. The storms are massive in size and scope, killing scores and destroying billions of dollars in homes, businesses, farms; etc.
Climate Scientists, because of the "deniers" have been slow to blame climate change for this catastrophe because of the political power of climate change deniers.
If one actually reads the science, the overwhelming majority of articles predict the exact extreme weather we are experiencing.
Tornadoes are not totally understood by science. However, the ability to predict them and warn the public has increased greatly in the past twenty years due to computer models, radar improvement and satellite imagery.
This statement sounds exactly like why climate change scientists have improved their projections over the years. Computer models and the speed of computations (crunching numbers) has enabled scientists to be more accurate in predicting the tragic impact of the damage man has done to his environment.
The facts are overwhelming that climate change is driving these "killer tornadoes" Last week temperatures in Texas were well over 100 degrees (in May!) and wind shear and cold air coming down across the great plains were huge. When these two temperature masses clash, the effects are tornadoes and bizarre, extreme weather (hail the size of baseballs; etc).
This hits the heartland of America, where most climate deniers live. Oklahoma is a hot-bed of those who think global warming is a "liberal plot", and today they tremble in fear of a climate change catastrophe. Ironic and tragic!
The deep south is treading water as the Mississippi River floods at a one in 500 years flood, while conservative deniers call it "just crazy weather". Huh? C02 attracts H2O molecules (every high school biology student knows this) resulting in a "greenhouse effect" that retains water in the atmosphere. Add heat to this and you get more rain. More rain means more water, leading to floods. Oh, I forget, this is all just a liberal plot!
And still they deny that which is killing them!
2. On the tax front, Orville Norquist (what a name for a political operative) is visiting the California Legislature trying to get all Republicans to sign his NO TAX INCREASE EVER PLEDGE.
This comes a day after the Supreme Court in a split vote declared California's prison system "cruel and unusual punishment" in that it is hopelessly overcrowded with Turkish Prison like conditions. In fact, the conditions are worse than Turkish prisons!
These conditions resulted from when Californians passing a host of punitive, stupid conservative laws in a paranoid "law and order-crack down on crime" reactionary spending spree that expanded the California prison population way past the revenue income to pay for it.
California, shudder, spent more money than it had! And conservatives led the way!
Anyone can get elected if they promise to cut taxes AND raise spending: George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan; et al. The problem is the bill for this foolish denying does not go away!
Because Orville is running around scaring Republicans to death with his no tax increase hammer, California has a prison system that jails far too many and pays for less, resulting in overcrowding and an unconstitutional system. The resulting budget deficits are chronic and forever.
And what do the deniers say? Cut schools, cut mental health, cut, cut, cut to pay for more prisons.
The deniers take absolute no responsibility for passing laws that were completely underfunded. They never do!
California led the nation into the cut taxes fervor, led by Ronald Reagan. An ideology has grown up that is so out of touch with reality, that it continues to create social and economic disasters, just like global warming, everywhere.
The nation is running a ruinous deficit caused by a President who started two wars, and a war on terror, while massively cutting taxes. And now, the deniers blame the current President who inherited it all. And what do they now want to cut?
Medicare and Social Security are the targets, blaming seniors for the deficit that their "entitlement" programs had nothing to do creating!
What did President George W. Bush want to "reform" and raid for funds to pay for his deficit; Social Security! Does anyone remember the famous "use my political capital" that attacked social security, trying to privatize it and pour money into a Wall Street that led us into financial disaster in 2007! Have you ever wondered where we would be today if your social security funds had been invested in Wall Street!
The "Little Hoover Commission" churns out conservative denier propaganda attacking everything public and unions in particular, saying they are the cause of the deficit, while denying the impact of mindless tax cuts.
It's the revenue stupid! Tax cuts, reduce money to government. If you spend at record levels, while cutting taxes, you get a.........DEFICIT!
And the deniers do the same thing they are doing with global warming, they look right into the camera and DENY that tax cuts are causing the is all progressive program spending that causes the problem, they say. This is not only a denial, it is a LIE!
Today, I mean right now, people are DYING in the midwest, being chewed up by killer, monster storms fed by the engine of global warming. Today, I mean right now, children are starving in America fed by the engine of tax cutter conservatives, who don't give a damn who gets hurt with their maniacal ideology.
This denier mentality is nothing new for the conservative movement in the United States.
In 1940, conservative leaders were denying the threat of Hitler AFTER Germany attacked Poland and even Russia. Cons attacked and almost blocked the Draft, which passed the House of Representatives by ONE vote! This was in 1940!
Herbert Hoover, remember Hoovervilles, denied to the day of his death that Roosevelt had anything to do with ending the Great Depression, and helped establish the Little Hoover Commission, that has been denying reality ever since.
What is the matter with these people? I would never wish tragedy on anyone, but it is ironic that the areas of the country that house the core of the conservative deniers, is now getting destroyed by the very thing they deny. People are dying, being flooded into oblivion, and still they deny!
The problem is nature does not lie. When conservatives put their heads in the sand and denied the threat of Adolph Hitler, history could not be denied. Nature does not deny. Nature is nature, it is simply there, and if you pay any attention at all, it is showing you every day what is real, and becoming more threatening to man's very existence every day.
History does not deny it is there for all to see if only you read and think!
Oh, one last comment: Today I read in the N.Y. Times that deniers in Arizona (go figure) now are claiming the tragic shooting of the Democratic Congresswoman was all a government plot to build support for the President. The shooting victims apparently were all actors, the whole thing was staged. I suppose the killing of the nine year old little girl, the funeral; etc., is all deniable. These people are sick! And still they deny...
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