Nevertheless, Bush blundered on. Immediately, due to the taxing nature of basically stealing an election, he took weeks of vacation; blithly ignoring warnings that terrorists were planning an attack on the United States.
Of course 9-11 changed all that. In a right world, Bush's temeridy and reluctance to act in the critical moments of the attack would have been further proof that he was an accidental President, not fit to govern.
But, 9-11 gave him an opportunity.
The opportunity was not only to start a war with a country that had nothing to do with the attack; the opportunity was to adopt the most basic political strategy used by the inept, and the incompetent politician.
Bush decided to cut taxes and raise spending.
The economy flagged after 9-11. A small recession started, primarily because the American People were frightened, and Bush provided zero leadership during the crisis.
To counter that Bush built up the military, started wars in two places, and CUT taxes.
Ostensibly the cut in taxes was to "stimulate" the economy. Actually what it did was shift trillions of dollars to the rich 1%, who had bankrolled Bush's theft of the election. The spending accelerated, as Bush and the neo-cons attempted to run "nationbuilding" exercises in two countries, by privatizing the efforts.
To keep public opinion quiet, to avoid large causalty numbers, Bush's administration attempted to fight two wars with small combat arms units, and large support contigents. These support contingents included Halebuton Inc, and others, private companies who moved in, getting trillions of dollars for essentially doing nothing.
The corruption is just now being uncovered, with billions of dollars given away, books cooked; etc. Iraq and Afghanistan have basically been raped, trillions of dollars have been squandered on water systems that don't work, barracks that don't exist, and on an opium trade that is better than ever.
And the effect of basically eight years of cut taxes and raise spending, was a huge recession/depression that destroyed America's middle class.
This also added enrormous power to the wealthy conservative elites, who already were profiting hugely from the increase in oil prices that naturally occurs from the oil peak (we are slowly running out of gas so it costs way more).
The result was the election of a Democrat in 2008.
Unfortunately, the conservative elite will not tolerate that. A Democrat, and a smart one at that, understood the con that has taken place, and began working to reverse what is an avalanch of inequality in the country.
So, we go into 2012 with President Obama incredibly being blamed for the economic catatrophe that Bush so artfully fashioned. And, the conservative elite is throwing billions at the political process in an attempt to continually fool an American population that stupidly buys the idea of lowering taxes, but doesn't want to give up the government programs (and defense spending) that keeps some of them at least working. Essentially they want their cake and eat it too.
If Bush would have demanded sacrifice to pay for the wars, raised rather than lower taxes, the defict we all "worry about" would never had happened.
But the truth never works against a cut taxes/raise spending politician, with a population who still holds to buying snakeoil rather than truth.
So we continue our spin down into fascism.
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