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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Deny at Your Peril

Deny, Deny, Deny

The conservative wing of the Republican Party, actually THE Republican party are masters in the art of denial. They deny reality, they deny scientific proof, they deny facts, and they deny history.

It is a simple approach, and effective with a populace that is scared half out of their wits.

Modern America is afraid. We are afraid of terrorists, illegal immigrants, socialism, godless government; etc. And, the deniers are artful in their perpetual uncovering of liberal hoaxes, that they defeat liberals by convincing the populace that facts are really hoaxes.

Let's look at a list of the denials.

1. Cutting government spending dramatically will help, not harm the economy. Lately, the European Union has realized that a year or so of austerity, deep cuts in government, has plunged it back into a recession. But, the cons deny this, blaming the government itself, the "nanny state" for the recession.

2. Tax cuts boost the economy. We have the Bush Tax cuts for nearly a decade now, with job losses at record levels. But the cons blame the liberals for the job losses. They deny that tax cuts can do anything but help the economy, in spite of years of facts to the contrary.

3. Global warming is upon us, and causing great damage. Cons deny this constantly. It is almost entertaining to watch con weather men, who report dramatic catastrophic weather changes, and laugh them off as, "mother nature strikes again".

4. Peak oil is a liberal plot to hurt the economy. A story surfaced yesterday in Sacramento, reporting that Governor Brown has loosened oil drilling regulations so much, that people are getting killed in the oil fields. Oil companies are injecting hot steam into exhausted wells, to drain every spare drop of oil out. This, the deniers say, is technology, not evidence of an industry desperate because crude oil is running out fast.

5. Muli-nationals hurt the economy. Cons deny this emphatically. The U.S. has, according to them, the largest corporate tax rate in the world, that needs to be cut. This claim flies in the face of facts that show the actual taxes corporations pay, after all the loopholes, is one of the lowest in the world.

6. Joblessness is caused by tax cuts. There is proof that corporations took much of their tax cuts and invested in automation, eliminating thousands of jobs. Tax cuts do not automatically create jobs, in fact, they eliminate jobs. Cons deny this to the death. Any tax increase is depicted as a "job killer".

So the deniers go on and on. Every fact is denied. Every report is depicted as a hoax. Watch Fox News sometime, and count the number of denials and hoaxes uncovered. It is astounding.

No democracy has survived that depended on make-believe and denials. No democracy has survived that allowed deniers to take it over. We are such a democracy now, and thanks to our denier friends, our days are numbered.

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