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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Do Nothing LaMalfa

After trying to pass a symbolic motion for a public vote on rapid rail, that had no chance of passing, our earnest state legislator "Do nothing La Malfa", walked up to the head of the State Senate and made some attempt at congratulations. As if his move was in any way serious!

La Malfa had no chance to force a public vote on the state senate's deliberation on the future of the high speed train project. He was, of course, grandstanding so he can tell his Northern California sucker consituents that he fought for them, blocking a project that will bring thouands of jobs to San Francisco south, do nothing for us and enhancing his coronation as our next Congressman.

As usual, yet another huge state/federal project has been adopted, with no benefit to the north state. As usual, now that we elect one Republican after another in a Blue State, we get absolutely nothing, other than increasingly rich representatives.

Conservatives like do-nothing Wally Herger, and his partner, do nothing Doug LaMalfa, know that once elected, they can use their position to make themselves rich (or richer), while doing nothing for the voters back home, because they stand for fiscal austerity, except for themselves; amassing millions while on the public dole is the way to represent an area with 25% unemployment?

Here's an idea. How about fighting for an extension of the high speed rail system through Redding on to Seattle? And, start talking about cutting a rail system through to the coast from Redding. This would link the noth state with the Pacific, be a huge boon to commerce, and would give access to a port that will not be adversely affected by the inevitable damage that rising sea levels will do to the San Francisco Bay area.

But a person would have to look forward, not backward into his own pocket. A person would have to put his public's interest ahead of his own.

LaMalfa, oh no...he stands for....what does he stand for anyway? Oh yes, agricultural subsidies for the rice industry that is his industry and meal ticket.

He sure doesn't stand for us.

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