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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Friday, November 16, 2012

We Promise to Change

So now it comes; the inevitable conservative "mia culpa" (not really), and promises to change their approach after losing the national campaign (badly).

And the chorus is loud, and often, and as usual, wrong.

First, the Libya controversy is still being stirred by Fox News and Senator McCain.  The tragedy in Libya, with four people murdered by "bad guys" (we don't still know who they specifically were), is an "issue".  Supposedly, the Administration covered up who really did the violence.

The question is why?  Why cover it up?  If the perpetrators were terrorists, which they were if you apply any kind of definition, then why call them demonstrators gone mad?    The President, in his first public statement, famously said the nation would not be cowered by "terrorists"; why say that if you were scheming to depict the act as a "demonstration"  Romney walked into a buzz saw when he thought he had the President in the debate remember.

 Somehow, this tragedy, we are told by the Cons, disproves Obama's successful foreign policy in the Middle East, which was an election issue: and the election is OVER.  So why keep beating on it?

That is "we promise to change"?  NO, that is we will continue the gotcha  game no matter what!

What difference does it make?  The Middle East is a dangerous place, revolutions leave chaos in their wakes, and people get hurt.

But the cons are working ceaselessly to keep this "issue" alive.  This includes the incredible statement by McCain, that "Watergate type hearings be held".

What?  Where on earth is there any administration culpability in this?  Are we to assume the administration planned the attack for political reasons?  

Or, made up a story, that intelligence officials contradicted within weeks of the incident, openly to everyone.  President Nixon would be shocked by the shoddy cover up behavior.  He was "successful" for over a year before Watergate ruined him.  Obama stonewalled for about a day and a half!

No, the "promise the change" that got the Republicans beat, is no promise at all.  The Libyan "issue" is proof that they are not going to change.

They are still playing payback for Watergate, when a President really did engage in a detailed and planned cover-up of a "third rate" burglary, failed to tell the truth for over a year, and finally was driven from office not for the incident, but for the cover up.

The murder in Libya occurred on September 11, it is November 16, and every depiction imaginable of the incident has been released by the administration.  The problem is finding the perpetrators and punishing them.  If we are lucky, and they talk, THEN we will know the motives...only then!

What the cons forget, is that it was months before Nixon gave an inch regarding the wall of lies that were used.  This administration has allowed all sides (?) of the intelligence agencies to postulate the reasons for the attack and the possible perpetrators, within a few weeks of the event.

Watergate?  Come on McCain, that makes about as much sense as your calling our ambassador to the U.N. "not too bright" when she is a Stanford grad, AND a Rhodes Scholar.  Not too  bright, or not white enough Senator?

And there it is.  There is the proof that no change is coming for the conservatives, now or later.

Scratch the Republican Party and you get white, old southern whites  desperate to retain a system of repression and white supremacy that simply is clueless when confronted with modern America.

If does not help that the President is a person of color.  That fact, and cons don't handle facts very well, destroys any chance to change.  In calling Ambassador Rice basically "stupid", McCain falls into the racist trap of assuming that all people of color are not equal to him.

This from a man who selected Sarah Palin as his Vice President.   Remember her, the governor who saw Russia from her front porch, who listed newspapers she reads as "all those you know", who was so clueless about foreign policy it was scary?  Not very smart huh?  A Rhodes Scholar, really?

So, we promise to change statements, are just that; promises.  The Republican Party is being run by racists who "want their country back".  The majority of statements made in the last few days, come back to  colored people cheated to win, white people can win again if we repress the vote, as their numbers dwindle, and white power succumbs to simple demographics.

We promise to change....right!

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