For the past few days I have followed the reaction to the tragedy in Newtown. I have endured several Facebook "face offs" with conservatives, who say not to rant, then take off, accusing, denying, defending; etc. I have heard all sorts of excuses: mental health deficiencies, federal government, poor parenting, coddling criminals (?), video games; 10 round or more magazines, assault rifles, bazookas; etc.
You will note some of the rants included a grudging admission that the explosion of guns in our culture might contribute to violence, but only as a passing admission. A whole host of excuses go in front of controlling the sale and distribution of guns.
One consistency comes up again and again: the smug indifference to fellow human beings. And, coupled with that, superficial and "easy" answers to complex societal situations.
One genius suggested that bringing corporal punishment back into the classroom would stop the violence. In short, he said graphically that beatings would teach children to not do violence.
I found it ironic to say the least, that 20 first graders were massacred, and this guy thinks spankings would have helped? Whoopass stupid!
Then, there was the opportunist who put out a picture of a tee shirt that implied the shootings occurred because we took prayer out of the public schools. I suppose the shooter would have stopped if the kids prayed. Whoopass stupid!
Many times the answers suggested belittled teachers (of all things) for the lack of discipline in class. Now remember, the bad buy broke into the school, killed randomly; killing teachers and staff as well. So, some people took the opportunity to criticize teachers. I supposed they should have taken the bullets more gracefully? Whoopass stupid!
Some Conservatives believe, in their souls, in personal responsibility (unless something pertains to them, then Medicare all the way!). They literally hate their government, want it limited at every turn. When something bad happens it has to be someones' fault, and often they turn on the victim. Remember the Senator candidate who implied that women got raped because they asked for it with provocative clothing (legitimate rape; implying there were some rapes that were deserved).
Whoopass stupid!
In summary, what we have is whoopass mean. That is right, mean and spiteful human beings who always, I mean always, blame, ridicule, and smugly proclaim that their simple minded solutions are the best.
So, in California we have "Three Strikes and You're Out", state mental hospitals are closed, thanks to that conservative hero, Ronald Reagan, who thought the family should treat their crazy sons and daughters. Legions of homeless madmen were the sad result.
And today, the NRA finally spoke, and attacked. That is right, they attacked those who ask that we study violence, and consider cutting back on guns, improve mental health; etc. He attacked, blaming, defending the culture of violence.
And that is whoopass stupid!
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