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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


The latest information has come out about the state of Wisconsin.  And it isn't good.

Wisconsin rates 49th out of 50 in the United States for recovery from the recession.  In short, Wisconsin's recovery is next to last in the United States.

Scott Walker, a right wing evangelist, has led Wisconsin right down the tubes economically.

And he did it with austerity.  He was able to convince enough  voters to not recall him.  And he was able to convince a majority of the legislature, Republicans, that cutting government, and reducing work forces would result in economic growth.

And of course, just has it is occurring in Europe, the opposite is the case.

The economy is next to last!!

The same thing is happening in Europe.  Conservatives convinced leaders, that "tightening the belt" and suffering would lead to smaller deficits and economic recovery.  .

And of course, predictably, the opposite happened.

When will we learn.  One, macro-economics is not like your household budget.  Austerity is too severe a remedy.  It reduces demand, and that only deepens the economic downturn.

Keynes was right.  You cannot save your way out of a recession, like you can save your way out of a personal budget crisis.  You cannot apply "common sense for a person" to a nation-state.

Every time it happens.  Every time!  And we keep doing it.

Oh, Mr. Walker is also attacking what is left of the union movement in Wisconsin, and has just signed one of the most restrictive laws in the nation regarding abortion.

That is another little plum that Mr. Walker has brought to Wisconsin, restricting human freedom and a woman's right to determine what is her family's best interest.

Walker fights government regulation tooth and nail.  But when it comes to reproductive rights, the state must rule all.

Every time it happens.  Every time.  Conservatives force austerity down people's throats, the country goes bust and everyone suffers.

In Nazi Germany, the right did virtually the same thing, but then pivoted, and 'primed the economic pump' by declaring war on humanity.

Is Mr. Walker planning the same thing?  

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