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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Delivery Man....Out of Gas

Google and Amazon are competing with one another to build bricks and mortar shipping centers so we all can get same day delivery of all the goods we order on-line.

Local retailers, who order merchandise in bulk, and then sell it to us when we visit their stores are reeling.  On-line purchasing is nothing new, it was one of the first innovations driving the dot-com economic bubble in 2000.  The big idea was grocery delivery via the internet.  Thankfully it failed.

But next day delivery is new.  It requires putting large warehouses close to urban centers, then using inventory control run by computers of course, and robot retrieval of merchandise from the shelves, to be placed on an army of trucks and sent to your door.

This weekend we will all troop into our cars and travel, anywhere, to celebrate Labor Day.  We will consume millions of gallons of gas, at  inflated prices (for the United States anyway), not realizing that this practice will soon be doomed because we are running out of gas.

That's right, we are running out of gas.  Regardless of  all the stories you have been reading about fracking, that   produces natural gas that still doesn't run  most vehicles, it does nothing  to produce an  substantive increase in the supple of petroleum.  

If you have driven on I-5 lately, you will notice the multitude of trucks roaring up and down the freeway.  Trucks have literally taken over I-5.

And we are the reason they are there.

I remember when I was a kid I ordered a Flash Gordon decoder ring from the back of a comic book.  I can remember going to the mail box every day for over a month to get my ring.  It finally came after about five weeks.

That was the way mail order worked in those days, it took a long time to get your stuff.  And we waited, and waited.  If we wanted something quicker, we went to the store.

Today, the store sits on our desktop, and we order everything.  And the trucks keep rolling, burning up gas and diesel and record rates, so we can have what we want right now.

And retail stores either close, or are consolidated into Wal-Marts and the trucks roll on.  Amazon, Wal-Mart and the rest make a few people rich, using robots to quench our endless thirst for speed.

And gasoline prices explode; so we can get our Nintendo NOW without even driving, or pray not, walk to our corner electronics store.

We are the problem.  Most of the nation is once again setting all time records for heat this summer.  The polar ice caps are mostly gone.  Every indication there is says global warming is accelerating.

And anyone with any common sense would tell you that the global demand for gasoline, is depleting the finite resource fast.

And Google and Amazon are coming up with next day service, that only serves to increase the use of gasoline.

This is what we should be doing right now.  We should renovate trains.  We should put a tax on gasoline and diesel that would force us out of trucks for long haul delivery, and back to the rails.  We should have a program that helps truck drivers find jobs with the railroads as this painful transition takes place.  We need to force retailers like Google and Amazon to build real stores in local areas, stock their shelves with produce delivered to their areas by trains, and put those train depot areas closer to populated areas.  There still will be the need for short haul trucking of course, but it needs to be regulated.

Will that be a strait jacket for retail?  To a point yes, But do we need to do it?   In a nutshell we have no choice

And, just think of all the jobs we have eliminated in retail markets, by automating all this.  Literally, robots hunt the shelves of warehouses, and fetch items, carry them to the trucks and pack them.  Stores, people, and jobs, have been eliminated so we can get things right now.

Jobs are lost, and precious gasoline is squandered.

The delivery man will soon run out of gas, and little boys will wait forever to get their decoder ring.  We need to change NOW.

We need to reinvent stores and delivery systems around the conservation of fuel, not on the maximization of profits.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Eastwood Post and Assholes

I was minding my own business, just checking my Facebook and wham, there it was.

A black background, with a picture of Clint Eastwood.  The text read something like more bullets for assholes.  Like a fool, I checked the comments, and the third comment said, and "this would work for Obama", in short, it threatened the President of the United States.

The post was "shared" by an ex-Facebook friend (I de-friended him immediately).  I also intend to distance myself from him.

And then, in some of the comments I got the inevitable "calm down", "you are over reacting" etc.

Does anyone remember Sandy Hook, it was just six months ago?  

 A day or so ago, a gunman snuck into a school in Georgia, with an assault rifle intent on killing police who were responding.  Thank God he was "talked down" by an heroic hostage and there were no casualties.  Meanwhile we had Trevor Martin, and just today a white young man gunned down for no reason by three African Americans.  And of course, Fox News jumped into that one, wondering why the President didn't comment.  

Of course they ignored that the gist of the Trevor Martin case was that charges were not filed for months after the killing...In the recent case the bad guys were arrested immediately.  

But death is death.  If the President had the time, he should comment of every homicide with a gun; he would have to comment all day; every day...there are hundreds of them a day!  

And the toll just continues.  The United States has the most domestic violence of all the world countries currently not involved in Civil War.  And, we even have more than Syria and Egypt per capita, and they ARE involved in a Civil War.  You have to go to Darfur to see a higher casualty rate.

And posts are made on Facebook that basically say, "If you know an asshole, shoot them".  And Clint Eastwood, Dirty Harry himself, who shot bad guys all day long, is the example.  Dirty Harry?  Really!  

This all insinuates that disputes, political, personal; etc., can be solved by killing the "asshole" with a gun.  A bullet solves the dispute.

What are we doing?  What is wrong here?

In Nazi Germany, genocide was initiated by killing Jews, Russians, Poles, Gypsies; etc by lining thousands up to trenches and shooting them in the back of the head.  So many were executed this way, that the German Army was running out of bullets.

That is how the gas chambers were invented.  The Nazis shot so many "assholes" they ran out of bullets.  That is exactly what the Eastwood Facebook Post implied; kill with bullets, but there are more assholes than bullets.

So what is next, poison gas?  In fact, two days ago in Syria, one of the sides used poison gas and hundreds were suffocated; mostly babies and children.  The news accounts were rife with startling pictures of lifeless infants, killed by poison gas.  Who ever did this, certainly felt that the "other side" were "assholes" and should be killed.

Genocide works like that.  Studies show that perpetrators of genocide never get what they have done, there is always a justification:  self defense, fear of genocide against them, racial or ethnic prejudices; hand of course hate.  Killing babies can even be justified, 

Sherman famously said Nits make Lice when questioned about giving small pox infected blankets to Native American children.  

Hanna Arendt wrote her famous "The Banality of Evil", discovering that Germans went about their killing like a job, nine to five, just working for a living...The fact they were killing human beings was a job, a task like changing a tire.  My blood chills just thinking about it.  

Everyday in this nation, we see deaths by gunfire.  There are guns everywhere.  Certainly we have enough bullets for all the assholes who live in the United States?  

Actually no, the NRA has for months been calling for an investigation of the Federal Government who allegedly is using up available ammunition, leaving less bullets for the private "assholes".  Predictably, there has been a run on ammo, gun sellers gleefully selling out of bullets.

So the assholes better watch out, because there just might be enough bullets, and Eastwood's final "solution" can be enacted.

Finally, I have been told to "get a life" "lighten up", you are taking this too seriously.

Tell the parents of Sandy Hook that!  

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Today in the Sacramento Bee there was an article about global warming.  Basically the vast majority of scientists  have agreed climate change is worse than previously predicted, that ocean levels will raise at least 3 feet by 2100.  

The facts are indisputable that climate change is on us, is proceeding faster than predicted, and is caused by human's over use of fossil fuels.

In spite of this report, by a scientific group that won a Nobel Prize previously for its global warming research, fracking is being touted as the savior of American energy needs.  The black hearted oil companies are executing a perfect pivot, diverting attention from CO2 levels to "clean" natural gas".  

Fracking?  Clean natural gas?    That would be the fracking that is ruining hundreds of water wells, that is belching tons of methane into the atmosphere, only adding to the global warming phenomenon.  Fracking is the current trump card of the right.

After all , they sprout....fracking mines clean energy.  Fracking, I know, I know, its been used for what?   Thousands of years!....Is perfectly safe.  

Watch Gasland.  Just watch it.  And then ask yourself, how predictable have the oil and gas companies been when damage to environment promises are concerned?   Just trust us....has given us the Valdez Oil Spill, Santa Barbara, and the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico.   

And why won't the gas companies divulge what is in the fracking chemistries?   Why must this be secret?    And why did the fracking fanatics sneak a law through that makes fracking not covered by the Clean Water Act?  If it is so harmless, why not let the EPA test the water?  How in the world can this be?   If you have seen Gasland, you test the water by roasting marshmallows in your kitchen sink, by igniting your water!   

But, I have friends, who I must call IDIOTS, who still deny.  Who still chuckle whenever I talk about the thousands of wildfires that are currently ravaging the Western United States, who say, "Well that's Redding", when the temperature hits 116, with high humidity; when the sun sets red in a smoke filled sky.

It is all a liberal plot.  It is all a way to get us to leave our beloved super 8 cylinder trucks, with the predictable gun rack, that we have fun going out into the forest and run over plants and animals.  

Idiots.  That is what future generations will call us, for FAILING to HEED WARNINGS THAT ARE SO OBVIOUS THEY SMAK YOU IN THE FACE!

Look, Petrochemical companies hate your guts, they despise you for your idiocy.  They laugh behind your back for being so gullible, so easily fooled.

Nobody respects a fool.  Nobody!  

And the right wing in this country is propped up by legions of people who are being played for fools, who react to propaganda and support causes, like climate change denial, that only harm their best interests.

So, even though I will be called a name caller, I will speak for the future generations, who may see the end of mankind on earth:

Grandma and Grand Dad, you were idiots.  You trusted oil companies over common sense.  You were selfish, holding on to your R.V., knowing in the back of your greedy hearts that you were killing us.  You voted for right wing fanatics, out of racist fear and ignorance.  You followed Fox News without question, with no skepticism.  You bought the hate of Rush Lyndbaugh,  knowing it was bull shit, but afraid to actually question, to read, to research.  You went against science regarding the climate, as it turned to shit around you.  You pushed for more gas, as cheap as you could get it, not caring that we would do when we have none when we need it for essential services.  You just turned your back as children died in one climate catastrophe after another.  And when the Polar Bears disappeared, along with the North Pole, you said that really didn't happen.  You lived in an artificial reality, devoid of science, like idiots.

Because, grandma and grandpa, you killed me because you are idiots.  

Saturday, August 17, 2013

It can't Be that good if the Government has to spend money to sell it!

I came across yet another excuse from my conservative denier friends about the Affordable Care Act.

This one dealt, incredibly, with the amounts of money the government is spending to implement the Act.

It was pointed out, with no tongue in cheek, that if the Act was any good, the government would not be spending all the money it is to "sell" it.

I did not bother to look up the approximately trillion dollars anti-ACA proponents have spent over the past five years to discredit the ACA.

Remember 2010?  Who can forget when Congress recessed for the summer, and went home to face an unexpected and well funded "rage" by the ascending Tea Party over the ACA?   It was later discovered that the Koch brothers, and other well heeled interests (including the health insurance lobby) had poured money into the Tea Parties, to create the uproar.

And sure enough, support of the ACA dropped, Republicans were elected to office and it became almost impossible to pass the Act.

Only through some incredible effort was the ACA passed, with the vital "public option", that would have made it even more successful than it will be, discarded.

Studies are now showing, the more the public finds out about the ACA, the more they like it.  And that the deniers hate; and fear!

They hate the fact that a black President is getting credit for the ACA.  He has even given in to calling the ACA "Obamacare", a derisive term cooked up by the right wing's disinformation machine; throwing their argument back in their faces.

But the debate continues, over a change, that has already been approved.

The danger here, lies in the Supreme Court upholding of the Act, that  left the expansion of Medicaid up to the states.

Red state governors took their cue from this mistake, and are making it very difficult on the poor to take full advantage of the ACA.  After all, the singular purpose of the ACA was to extend medical insurance to the approximately 50 million poor, who have no insurance at all.

I can see a migration from Red states to Blue, of the poor, who cannot get coverage in their Red states, because of the actions of partisan conservative legislatures opposing the ACA.

This will only add to the unfairness and misery for the poor; as usual, they get the short end of the stick.

The same complaint was made about Social Security, which took over five years to phase in, and that was done during WWII.  Conservatives, who still hate the singularly most successful social welfare law in our history, complained that the Act was hindering the war effort.

Medicare: same thing; Ronald Reagan famously declared, through a well funded denier campaign, that Medicare would end capitalism in the United States.  And, since the Vietnam War occurred during Medicare's implementation, I remember conservatives complaining that the Act should be stopped because it too hindered the war effort.

Every one of these landmark social welfare acts has been resisted for generations by the conservative movement.   And ironically, much  of the philosophy of these laws actually were born in conservatism.

Otto Van Bismarck, not exactly a liberal socialist,  first came up with the idea of Social Security in Prussian Germany!   Social Security is a public insurance based pension program, based on the conservative ideas of insurance and risk.  Individuals contribute for a lifetime into a fund, that in fact, provides for the retirement of current retirees.  It was, and is, a conservative idea!

Medicare is simply an extension of Social Security, adding Health Care to the  pension benefits of Social Security insurance.

Most people do not have the will, nor the capacity to save long term for their retirement needs.  The financial collapse of 2007 proved that, the middle class had invested and borrowed on their homes, as the sole provider of pension support aside from Social Security.  When their homes declined in value, the equity loans middle class families had taken out on their homes, suddenly were reduced to nothing, leading to widespread foreclosures, and a steep decline in personal wealth; especially in wealth leading to retirement.   As a consequence, baby boomers are left with Social Security as their sole pension source.

As a consequence, baby boomers today must work until they die.  And, those who can retire, must wait until Medicare.

The ACA will change that hopefully, giving "early retirees" a bridge from retirement to Medicare eligibility.

Finally, there is the pesky Massachusetts's  example.  The Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney's claim to fame, what his successful implementation of an ACA type health insurance plan in his home state.  Romney had brokered a deal with the Massachusetts' Democratic dominated legislature for a public mandate driven health insurance plan which is what the ACA is  patterned after.  In fact, the core elements of the two laws are practically identical.

And Romney could not run on his accomplishment, because the Republicans had decided to fall on their swords to scuttle the ACA.  He failed precisely because he could not tout his singular highest accomplishment..

"It can't be that good...."  The unbelievable denseness of that statement given the trillion or so dollars opponents of the ACA are still spending is unreal.

Meanwhile, the Health "Care" Industry in the United States continues, and will continue I fear, to be a monolith, sucking the very economic vitality out of our country, no matter where you stand on the ACA.

The fact is we need even more radical reform than the ACA requires, implementing the kind of governmental controls many European countries did decades ago, on an out of control health care monopoly.

In short we need the public option, which will morph into Medicare for all, with strict government controls, to finally bring an end to our economy killing health care crisis.
And THAT, my conservative friends, is where we very well may will wind up, thanks to your endless denying of the benefits of the ACA.

Maybe President Reagan will be proven right, capitalism in health care may eventually end, killed by the conservative movement's inability to adopt the very social welfare concepts they created!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

"I Have Never Been Racist"

Many of my friends have lived in Northern California all of their lives.  Northern California is defined as Sacramento north to the Oregon border.

The farther north you go, the whiter it gets (both with snow and with skin color).

Residents of  what used to be called "Superior California" do travel to "the city" (San Francisco and to Sacramento,  where a diverse population resides.

But many do not move there, choosing to stay in a basically rural and often remote environment of Superior California.  A major reason for no north south migration, is housing values are so much higher the more south you go.

This relative isolation has manifest itself in a hard core conservative outlook on politics, race and society in general.

Northern California was logging country from 1940 to 1985.  Towns like Weed, Elk Creek, Mt. Shasta, Hayfork, Burney; ;etc., were developed around mills and logging centers.

Men worked in those mills, which were union jobs after the war, and made very good money for unskilled labor (in some cases).  Skilled labor made even better money.

And then something very bad happened, that caused even more of a shift to the right.

The lumber ran out is one story, that is mostly ignored by most Northern California residents.  The second story is the spotted owl was labeled as endangered, so vast areas of forest that could still be harvested, were declared off limits, and killed the lumber industry.

The second story is what many Northern California residents believe.

And they blame the Democratic Party.

Never mind that the EPA was signed by Richard Nixon, or that Ronald Reagan was President when the logging industry really declined.  Never mind that "clear cutting" had reduced old growth forests tremendously.  It was those damn liberals fault.

So Northern California swung hard right.  The huge resource development projects, the Central Valley Project; etc., had brought millions of dollars to the North State.  People forgot about that, electing exceedingly conservative Republicans to Congress and to the state legislature.

And the North State got redder, and poorer.  Even though still rich in natural resources and scenic wonder, the rural reactionary nature of the people turned off entrepreneurs , who elect to stay in the Bay Area, or locate to other states and leave the more accessible North State out of their business expansion plans.  

Racism is also prevalent, because the further north you go, the fewer people of color you encounter.  But, you hear from many, "I have never been racist".  The truth is that is seldom tested, because people of color are relatively scarce.  There is a solid and quiet racism, almost latent, but not tested because there hardly minorities around.

The "boat people" after the Vietnam War challenged this; many moved to Northern California.  And, predictably there were several nasty racist incidents.  But the influx was fairly small, and dwindled with time.

And education shortcomings  hurts the North State as well, because the educated elite in this country is getting more technicolor all the time, and don't want to locate businesses (especially technology) in Redneck territories.

So my home town's biggest issue right now is what to do with the thousand or so homeless people, who are a product of a cheap retail economy, with very little economic growth in evidence.

In short, the statement "I have never been racist" also goes along with..."and most of my friend up here are poor and getting poorer".

Superior California is becoming the Appalachia of California.

Teachers are "Union Bosses"????

The following was written in response to a conservative praising the "Parent Trigger Bill" and trying to say that teachers are "union bosses", deliberately disparaging educators:  

I read, with disgust, your latest diatribe about the Parent Trigger Bill working.

Your use of language is intriguing.  You describe union leaders as "union bosses and their shills", and you describe teachers pushing for more pay increases with "zero accountability".

You sir, have obviously spent no time around the public education sector.  None.  You work for a think tank, an intellectual center based on researching pubic issue.  

But you have researched zero regarding real educational politics and issues.  None.

I spent 35 years in the education business.  I am currently a President of the Board of a Charter School.  

One, why do cons always used "union bosses" to describe teacher union leaders.  They don't boss anything.  Every CTA local Chapter has at its head a teacher, and a executive committee of teachers, who are full time teachers!   There is a professional staff in CTA "Service Centers" who provide advice and coordination to help with the endless regulations and laws in a thing called the Ed. Code (which you probably don't even know is).

And "zero accountability".  Really?  Really?  Do you know what a parent teacher conference is?  

As a 16 year teacher, I sure do.  A parent can request a conference and grill a teacher on a variety of topics ranging from classroom order to what is on the blackboard.  Every year there are at least two nights when parents come to school, and check the accountability of the school.

Most failing schools have very poor parent involvement and support.  For every "horror story" that prompts a "Parent Trigger" process, there are thousands of elementary and secondary schools chugging along, turning out educated children, that have done a pretty decent job running the most robust economy on earth.

And, yes, in the late 1970s California unionised  its teachers.  Since then salaries have gone up, pensions are better, and a whole host of repressive laws (like pregnant teachers being fired!) have been stopped.  

I can remember when I was a kid, wondering why 70 year old and plus retired teachers hobbled into the classroom, to substitute.  I found out later, it was because their pensions were so low, they had to sub to eat.

But privatise it and it will work better, right?  Wrong...Do that and the poor and the disadvantaged will get nothing, no education at all.

Public education is the bulwark of freedom and democracy in this country.  It needs help, not your constant right wing criticism.

You must be pretty happy, having a job that requires no real research, just sit and write unsubstantiated blather and get paid for it.

I dare you, I dare you to go to a regular public school and observe for one week, full time, eight hours a day...that means staying after and watching the teachers prepare...go to an elementary school, sit in the teachers room, go to the copy room, sit with the Principal.

You might learn the truth, because your "union bosses is bullshit".

Finally, the "union bosses" are not bosses of anything, they are teachers!   

Sent from my iPad

Thursday, August 8, 2013

So What is Fair Anyway?

While watching T.V. cable news today, yet another report of a racist criticism of President Obama was reported.  Evidently a group chanted "Black Sheet, Black Sheep, go away home" outside an event the President was speaking at.  

The list of questionable criticisms, all politically motivated  is fairly long with the President.  This is not uncommon, all Presidents are criticized after all.  

But what is fair?      Politics is a contact sport, not for the faint hearted.  In reviewing the Civil War, one only has to look at the political cartoons of Thomas Nanst to realize demonizing a political opponent is nothing new.  Lincoln was depicted as the devil, as an idiot, as practically everything negative; and this was by northern critics.  The souths critics were even worse, more racist, more aggressive and hateful.  

So, I reviewed in several sources, the political criticism of the past president, George W. Bush.

I found plenty, most issue oriented:  the War in Iraq, not finding WMDs, the economy, the famous mis-statements of Bush, the I.Q. issue, etc.  

Most of these criticisms came from the Democrats and the political left of course.  And they were pretty hard hitting.

What I did not find were any references to where President Bush was born, where or if he went to college, criticisms of his parentage, and criticisms of his ethnicity.  

These are the basis of many of the criticisms of President Obama today.  

There is plenty of political barbs, aimed at the Affordable Care Act, the economy; etc.  

But the core of the criticisms are more personal, more questioning the basic character and core values of the President.  

In fact, they resemble the criticisms of Lincoln in their ferocity.  

Now, as most of you I hope remember, the core of criticisms of Lincoln came from "copperheads" (northerners sympathetic to the south) or from confederates.  This would seem understandable, since the nation was in a Civil War.  

And fueling this was the core reason for the Civil War, slavery.  And behind that issue, lurked a deep racism, born of a need to justify enslaving over two million people, after kidnapping them from their African homes.  Slaveowners developed a justification for a practice that is a crime in most of the world today: Africans were inferior, non-humans, who were bred to work and nothing more.  

So, racism behind the criticism of Lincoln; just  as it lies behind the criticism of President Obama.

Now this is not to say, those who oppose the ACA are racists.  Far from it.  However, the Birther Movement, that will not go away, is racist, claiming the President was really born in Africa, not in Hawaii as overwhelming evident shows.  

And it goes downhill from there.  Pundits on Fox News, make snide remarks related to race all the time about the President and his wife.  These are allegedly "political criticism" and are justified in their ferocity by the criticism liberals made of President George W. Bush.  

But a review of that criticism does not bear this pay back out.  In all but the I.Q. issue, which facts showed Bush to be actually above average in intellect, the vast majority of criticisms were issue oriented.  

The criticisms of President Obama are different.  The birther issue, is  a non-issue, meant to promote the African part of African American that the President (being from an African and American marriage) most exemplifies.  The cartoons on the internet, that put the President in watermelon patches, chicken eating "negroes"; etc., are still up, even though the election is past.  

Again, the racism that motivated the Civil War viscous depictions of Lincoln come to mind.  

America had a real chance when President Obama, a Harvard educated person of remarkable intellectual status was elected to show it had shed the racism that has dogged it for hundreds of years.  Political criticism was to be expected given the deep ideological divide in the country today.

Unfortunately,   Conservatives (not all but many) have failed that test, and almost by some kind of inherent racist habit, have resorted to criticisms that are at core racist, and eerily reminiscent of the attacks on Lincoln.  

The conflict that spawned those criticisms killed over 600 million Americans, and dogs this nation to this day.  

I would suggest that we all look deep into our souls, and stop it!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

They Do Nothing, and They Are Winning

Now that we are all blessed that the Congress is in recess, they at least cannot do harm?

The latest excuse for a Congress, led by the radical right wing Tea Party members, has embarked on an obvious four years of block and negate  while President Obama finishes his second term.

That is it, block and negate everything the President suggests.  

The President has tried everything, including golf games, dinners, lunches, meetings; you name it, to court this Republican nay sayers with no luck.

The Immigration Reform effort lies in the House, with no hope of passage.  The House has passed its 40th repeal of the Affordable Care Act, and now is threatening to shut the government down if the President doesn't negate his signature legislative accomplishment.  Of course he won't cave in,  leaving a damaging government shutdown; which will kill the economic recovery costing millions their jobs.  

That's right, they are threatening to shut the government down to stop the Affordable Care Act.  The damage that will bring is of no consequence to what amounts to legislative terrorism!  They are driven to WIN!  

This goes on top of doing everything they can do to scare the American people to death, about an act that is simply trying to spread health care coverage to more Americans.

Even insurance companies and hospitals are on board with the Act, but not the good ole Tea Party.  

Radicals, and they are radicals, will do anything to shove their idealism down our throats.  There is no compromise, none.

Liberals are swooped up with this nay saying bunch, as part of the problem.

It is argued that "both sides are at fault" when in truth, the Affordable Care Act was a heavily compromised act, to get moderate Democrats to vote for it.  Republicans were unanimous in opposition.  That's right, unanimous.  Both sides are not at fault here...the blame is squarely on the Tea Party and their Republican benefactors.  

And we are told it is not racism..

The hell it isn't.  The racism of white Republicans, mostly from slave states, opposing a African-American President at every turn is obvious.  

And then the sequester.  Already we are seeing harm done, on a massive scale, especially to the defense department.  Veterans and active duty personnel are being directly hurt, by the inability of the Congress to do ANYTHING. So the brave men and women who risk their lives everyday to protect us, are being punished by the do nothings.  

Meanwhile revenue reports show overall tax revenues increasing.  Coupled with the draconian cuts of the sequester, the federal deficit, that allegedly is prompting the Dr. Nos of the Congress, is shrinking fast.  And part of that revenue surge is a much needed tax  increase on the wealthy!  

In fact, the deficit is shrinking faster now than ever before, and may soon be a thing of the past.

Then, what will the no boys use as an excuse?  

The fact is a cabal of political radicals has taken over the House of Representatives, due to illegal gerrymandering in conservative southern states, giving an unfair representation to a point of view that most Americans no longer believe in; that African Americans are sub human, that poor people deserve their lives, that privilege and wealth should rule.

With their no saying, their blockade of humanity, these radical Republican fascists (and they are fascists) have damaged the country, and shoved it hard to the right.

Our freedoms are are stake here.  These guys will not quit until they have defeated the progressives so completely that they can foist their agenda on everyone, not just the poor victims in Texas, Alabama and the other southern states, that sometimes would have been better off for the rest of us if they would have stayed outside of the union.  

Finally, a You Tube video is making the rounds, showing a Texas Trooper body cavity searching two women, in all cavities (including intimate ones) on the side of a freeway in plain sight of passers by.  

The victims are white women and thank God the searcher is a female,  but the search goes on in plain sight.  You can see cars slow down to watch.  

The woman trooper shoves her hand up the ass and vagina of two women, by the roadside, with no arrest even contemplated.  The women's' crime, they threw a cigarette out of the car!

What are the Texas lawmen looking for?  Marijuana of course.  And what do they find, after sexually assaulting two innocent women by the road?  NOTHING! 

This is the kind of America the right wing wants....where they can pull you over on the road and humiliate you looking for something with no due process or probably cause.  This goes on all the time in red state areas;  racism, police state tactics are the norm.

And that, my friends is do nothing, negative, hateful FASCISM!  That is exactly the same mindset, that lined opponents and jews in front of trenches, and calmly put bullets in their heads.