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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Today in the Sacramento Bee there was an article about global warming.  Basically the vast majority of scientists  have agreed climate change is worse than previously predicted, that ocean levels will raise at least 3 feet by 2100.  

The facts are indisputable that climate change is on us, is proceeding faster than predicted, and is caused by human's over use of fossil fuels.

In spite of this report, by a scientific group that won a Nobel Prize previously for its global warming research, fracking is being touted as the savior of American energy needs.  The black hearted oil companies are executing a perfect pivot, diverting attention from CO2 levels to "clean" natural gas".  

Fracking?  Clean natural gas?    That would be the fracking that is ruining hundreds of water wells, that is belching tons of methane into the atmosphere, only adding to the global warming phenomenon.  Fracking is the current trump card of the right.

After all , they sprout....fracking mines clean energy.  Fracking, I know, I know, its been used for what?   Thousands of years!....Is perfectly safe.  

Watch Gasland.  Just watch it.  And then ask yourself, how predictable have the oil and gas companies been when damage to environment promises are concerned?   Just trust us....has given us the Valdez Oil Spill, Santa Barbara, and the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico.   

And why won't the gas companies divulge what is in the fracking chemistries?   Why must this be secret?    And why did the fracking fanatics sneak a law through that makes fracking not covered by the Clean Water Act?  If it is so harmless, why not let the EPA test the water?  How in the world can this be?   If you have seen Gasland, you test the water by roasting marshmallows in your kitchen sink, by igniting your water!   

But, I have friends, who I must call IDIOTS, who still deny.  Who still chuckle whenever I talk about the thousands of wildfires that are currently ravaging the Western United States, who say, "Well that's Redding", when the temperature hits 116, with high humidity; when the sun sets red in a smoke filled sky.

It is all a liberal plot.  It is all a way to get us to leave our beloved super 8 cylinder trucks, with the predictable gun rack, that we have fun going out into the forest and run over plants and animals.  

Idiots.  That is what future generations will call us, for FAILING to HEED WARNINGS THAT ARE SO OBVIOUS THEY SMAK YOU IN THE FACE!

Look, Petrochemical companies hate your guts, they despise you for your idiocy.  They laugh behind your back for being so gullible, so easily fooled.

Nobody respects a fool.  Nobody!  

And the right wing in this country is propped up by legions of people who are being played for fools, who react to propaganda and support causes, like climate change denial, that only harm their best interests.

So, even though I will be called a name caller, I will speak for the future generations, who may see the end of mankind on earth:

Grandma and Grand Dad, you were idiots.  You trusted oil companies over common sense.  You were selfish, holding on to your R.V., knowing in the back of your greedy hearts that you were killing us.  You voted for right wing fanatics, out of racist fear and ignorance.  You followed Fox News without question, with no skepticism.  You bought the hate of Rush Lyndbaugh,  knowing it was bull shit, but afraid to actually question, to read, to research.  You went against science regarding the climate, as it turned to shit around you.  You pushed for more gas, as cheap as you could get it, not caring that we would do when we have none when we need it for essential services.  You just turned your back as children died in one climate catastrophe after another.  And when the Polar Bears disappeared, along with the North Pole, you said that really didn't happen.  You lived in an artificial reality, devoid of science, like idiots.

Because, grandma and grandpa, you killed me because you are idiots.  

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