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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

As Long As Its the Other Guy

As long as its not me, ok.

This is the modern narcisstic viewpoint of Americans.  The Greatest Generation, who learned the hard way that teamwork and selflessness, is the way to prevail in global conflicts, is gone.  

They have passed on mostly, the remnants are too old and mostly stored away in the "rest homes" baby boomers built for them, so boomers didn't have to be bothered by their elders.  Grandma and grandpa die along in "facilities", as their kids go to Hawaii.  

Today, we are seeing growth, at least in their noise, of nihilists, who deny any responsbility socially for anything.  Everything revolves around them.  Food stamps are big government intruding into the natural selection process, poor people deserve their status, and should starve.  Government welfare programs, of every kind, are reducing the competitive nature of people, creating a "takers" culture that are really parasites.

Now, this "privileged hard working class" only makes up a dwindling fraction of the population.  The "takers" class is growing rapidly.

This is all part of nature's plan, the boomer rich say.  If we continue helping others through governmental programs, even ANY programs, we will criipple our economy.

So, we see boomers pushing for more punitive approaches to social/economic issues.  In the past forty years, America has become a prison nation, with millions incarerated endlessly for drug infractions.  We treat addiction in the United States with jail, while the rest of the world treats it with medicine.  The results?  The highest inceration population in the world, and no end to crime; especially drug related crime.  

And the there we have success of the "as long as its not me" generation.  Homeless populations have exploded.  Every village, small city and metropolis in the country is struggling with legions of homeless.  

And when the boomers encounter a homeless person..."as long as it not me, ok".

American lost its soul with the advent of conservative philosophy that regards all government as evil, all taxes as taking from the rich to give to the poor.  

And the middle class has shrunk, as its leaders actually sponsor the madness that is destroying it.  

"What's the Matter with Kansas" is a classic, showing millions of people who are voting exactly against their (and their childrens') best interest.  It shows that "as long as its not me its ok" is pervasive in the United States today.

And where does this lead us.  The uncaring, hard is best approach to social/economic problems leads us straight to fascism!   And we all know where that got Germany.

But, what the heck, if its not me, its ok!  

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