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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Comment on Forging A New Paradigm

At least the level of discourse of these comments is way above the "idiot" "moron" type I usually see.  There is little doubt our political system is being damaged by radical ideology.  And any political scientist worth his/her salt can identify the radical elements of the discourse.  It is coming from the right.  The genius of our political system is in its tendency to stay away from the radical noise and rule from the middle.  I suggest that is exactly what the ACA controversy is about. The law is a middle of the road attempt at a universal health care plan.  Its antecedents are easily studied because the former candidate for President, who called himself an extreme conservative, implemented a nearly identical law in Massachusetts.  That fact is NEVER acknowledged by the reactionaries (thanks for the definition Hal).  

So, ideological opposition is ridiculous when exercised from the right:  the ACA was their idea.  Progressives still have trouble with the ACA BECAUSE IT RELIES COMPLETELY ON PRIVATE ENTERPRISE!

So why the opposition?  I suggest a whole lot of political theater, with a healthy pinch of racism.  The Republican Party remember, inherited the Dixiecrats, who would not be expected to accept the first African American President, especially one who outflanked them with the first legislated universal health care plan FROM THE RIGHT.  

That fact is driving conservatives crazy.  It fuels their anger, and has made them reckless, witness the last few weeks.

The President is way smarter politically than anyone gives him credit for.  He was able to get universal health care passed when every previous President had failed,  and, he adopted the plan from conservatives, emasculating his future Presidential rival, and appears to have split the Reagan Republican coalition as well!

Great Presidents  forge new political paradigms. Lincoln did it, Teddy Roosevelt did it, FDR really did it, and (it pains me to say it) so did Reagan.  It appears Obama is going to do it also. 

Conservatives are taking the bait, and are paying for it.  They are getting played, by a savy politician and by demographics, and apparently have decided to fight back by committing political suicide.  

And the new ruling coalition that Obama is crafting will rule from guess where....the middle.

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