But, the six month agreement is so transparently a first step and not a solution, than anyone can see its limitations. There is no deception.
Two areas of the international community apparently are so jaded and politicized they purposefully cannot see it. One is Israel. The other is the Republican Party.
Israel reacted with skepticism off the scale. They even oppose the six month limited agreement completely.
And the Republlican Party. Well, they reacted with several comments that claim the agreement is a cover to divert the American Public's attention from the "train wreck" of the ACA.
What!? Really!?
I can understand Israel's opposition. After all, the United States almost plunged the world into nuclear war, with its opposition to nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1963. Of course, the fact there were hundreds others targeted on the U.S. from Russia did not seem to be as deep an afront.
Israel, who probably has a nuclear weapon already, can not abide an Arab State being so armed next to them. The double standard of that non-withstanding, Israel's position at least understandable.
Ok, we can get that. But Israel also has not yet launced a pre-emptive strike, like American witless Neocons want to do RIGHT NOW.
The same idiots that got us trapped into Iraq, now want war as the only answer to this international dilemma. No sanctions either, just attack.
Luckily this time, they are not running a similarly witless administration.
George Bush was so devious, and inexperienced in international affairs, he relied on te Neocons to advise him about Iraq; plunged the United States into a mindless and fruitless war.
This is where Israel and the Republicans are right now. In refusing to negotiate, in relying on military action first last and always, they virtually insure war, and destabilization of the Middle East for years to come.
And it all has NOTHING to do with the ACA.
The good news about Republicans is they are so partisan and reactive, that we can predict their behavior. And, with an ACA that is having implementation troubles, the cons keep messing up.
And the neocons, many who should be in jail for war crimes, keep their stupidity flowing.
Thank God these guys are so politially witless, it doesn't take much effort to keep them on the defensive....
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