The Affordable Care Act, is violently opposed by Republicans. The House of Representatives has voted to repeal the Act, including provisions that are already saving lives (coverage of children until 26 and eliminating pre-existing conditions from coverage).
I wonder if they ultimately are successful and repeal the act, what they will do about the millions who will lose insurance and health care?
The GOP has made it their "wedge issue" that succeeded in the 2010 rise of the Tea Party that won them the House. Now, they are using the same method to try to win the Senate and stave off Democrats attempts to win control of the House in 2014.
It is all political and has little to do with the ACA.
Americans are fickle. A recent poll showed distrust of the ACA, and a tendency to blame the Act on risies in premiums (which is not proven by the way).
Now, we are coming out of a recession. Wall Street is setting records. Housing starts are booming. And unemployment is dropping. In short, we are in a full fledged economic recovery.
Insurance rates for everything, not just health insurance, and going up like they always do when people buy more.
And who does the GOP blame, the ACA. The facts are this is nonsense, the ACA has little to do with it.
The ACA does regulate health insurance for the first time in our history. For decades, health insurance companies ran like a banana republic, anything goes. Policies had exclusions in small print, there were millions of junk policies, that charged low premiums, with no hospitalization, or huge co-pays and deductables (basically a person was duped by low cost and no value).
Now, as the ACA stops these practices, what do you think insurance companies will do, cooperate?
Of course not, they scream, they contribute to the GOP lie machine, and they conspire to raise rates, cancel policies for sometimes no reason, in an attempt to overturn the regulations they hate.
America do you believe that fair insurance competition existed prior to the ACA? Do you remember the 30% raises in rates, yearly, BEFORE the ACA? Have any of you been screwed by an insurance company, buying a policy and getting nailed by the small print?
Do not be fooled. Give the ACA five years at least to work, it took seven for a very similar law in Massachusetts to take effect.
You are getting worked by masters of deception. Quit playing into their greedy hands.
Finally remember this fact: the ACA mandates that 80% of your premium dollar has to go to care, not to greedy insurance profits. That is way more than before, but allows a reasonable profit, because insurance companies will gain millions more customers under the ACA. But that is not enough for these guys, they want it all.
Do not trust them.
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