Terrorists are a diverse lot, ranging from tribal affiliations gone bad, to religious fanaticism.
After 9/11 Americans of the conservative persuasion, mostly Christian conservatives, decided we were in a Holy War, with Islamic Radicals who were intent on religious warfare. The fact that most terrorists are secularists have been lost on the GOP.
The Republican Party, in reaction to being absolutely asleep prior to 9/11, grabbed at this fabriciation, and attacked Afghanistan to destroy terrorist training camps, and Iraq to supposedly rid the area of WMDs.
They never found any WMDs nor any "Yellow Cake Uranium", but they did throw away trillions, and created even more terroists by their arrogant and stupid treatment of Iraqi Sulnnies. George W. Bush was so ignorant of the middle east that his administration did not know the difference between a Sunni or a Shiite, or Kurd for that matter.
He blundered into Iraq, destroyed the infrastructure, stupidly tried to privatize the rebuilding effort, put a Shiite in power, put all the Sunnis out of work, and created Issis.
Meanwhile, the neocons persisted in a demanding yet another military solution to a complex political and historical situation in the middle east.
In short, the foreign policy of the United States is a mess thanks to neocon stupidity.
Now, as Syria burns with Civil War, GOP "experts" decide to not take refugees and guess what, call for ground troops in Syria; which would be again stupid beyond belief.
Basically the Republican neocons are at it again, calling for widespread war to rid the world of terrorists.
And of course, in the African black nations, the world's worst state terrorism is totally ignored because there is little oil in that part of Africa; and the faces of the victims are overwhelmingly black not white.
Oil drives the neocons approach to the Middle East. Donald Trump, a poltical humorist, even has stated outright that he will "take all the oil" if he is elected. At least he is honest. Evil but honest.
And, fear reigns supreme. Even though very few United States citizens have been harmed since 9/11, you would think there have been countless slaughters to listen to right wing radio and Fox News.
Fear, fear, fear is the mantra that is used by right wingers to stir up irrational and wrong headed reactions to terrorist attacks.
This comes from the same crowd who sponsored the disaster in Iraq that is resulted in the rise of the Isis terrorist organization.
So we stumble along, deeply divided, reacting exactly as the terrorists expect, being played like a fiddle by both the terrorists and the neocons who are desperate to regain power, so they can spend more lives endlessly and get back into power.
It is all about power, for the Isis terrorists and the neocon terrorists...
Terrorism has goals and objectives. The terrorist has gripes and issues that got them into this revengeful state. We never bother to investigate the reasons for the terrorism, but are lured into reactions that only feeds their recruits.
The neocons we halfway understand, the Isis no way.
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