Not to speak badly of the dead: but Scalia was a bigot plain and simple. Conservative thought does not include bigotry. But, by pleading arguments of the past, especially when the segregationist and racist traditions lurk there, conservatives often resemble the bigots that wrote the Constitution.
Fact is this article is spot on. The Constitution had a fatal flaw in it from its inception: slavery. Slavery was, in 1890, not the behemoth it became by 1860. But in that time frame, slavery made the United States a world economic power house.
Why? Well two things: 1. Labor that was not free to the slaveholder, but was free after paying for the chattel. And, labor that was separate from any labor complications; labor relations, recruitment; etc. 2. Endless land acquisition through genocide to the land owners.
If you just look at the Cherokee for example. They went to the Supreme Court and won rights to their land and the case was simply ignored by President Jackson. So vital agricultural farmland that became the heart of the cotton producing south was basically stolen at little cost. This was going on in 1860 when the nation erupted in war over the expansion of slavery into the west. Again, a huge economic advantage other world competitors did not have.
So a strict Constructionist like Scalia and other conservatives, by interpreting the Constitution in 1890 terms is supporting a brand of racism that cost America 600,000 lives and millions of African American and Native American lives and culture.
It was in short a human tragedy of incalculable proportions.
And Republicans want to go back to it!
The Reckoning is on us. We shall not go back, war will happen first....another Civil War!
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