That's right folks, a second tier country....second rate, not the leader...less than we should be.
And what did it, what puts us second tier?
White supremacy for one...Idiocy for another.
The mark of a great country is the life style, the sense of well being, the lack of murder and violent gun driven crime.
And we rank way down in all of these.
Right now, right this instant, we are about ready to gut the ACA for a mean spirited take away of millons of people's health....not their insurance but their health!
And this happens why? Because white supremacists like McConnell from Kentucky of all places, are absolutely convinced that poor people of color are that way because they are lazy and using the system.
This is of course bullshit, since the vast majority of "users" of Medicaid (poor people's health barely minimal health care which is woefully inadequate anyway).....are very young or very old.
Young as in birth young, Medicaid pays for poor mother's birthing, pre-natal care and post birth care.
Old as in dementia old, Medicaid pays for skilled nursing placements for milliions of seniors whose families and estates cannot pay the $10,000 per month or more for dementia care. Moreover, the in home health care that keeps seniors in their homes is another Medicaid benefit; again helping poor and even middle class families from bankrupcy.
And Republican fools are about to end that, plunging the entire middle class into bankrupcy.
How do I know that. My father died last year of was a long struggle, with Home Health Care for at least three years, and Reverse Mortgage paid placement in a non-Medicaid facility (saving the taxpayers the expense at the cost of the only asset my Dad had).
So no inheritance for us, but also little out of pocket hit to the taxpayer.
Most middle class and poor people seniors do not have a reverse mortgage (you have to own the home outright to quality).
So what does that mean?
It means that when the Republicans get through, a huge tax cut will be given to their rich cronies, and a huge cut to Medicaid and death to babies and dementia ridden seniors will be the result.
And that will make our hell hole of a country even lower in the ranking as a decent place to live.
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