They just cannot govern.
A few years ago, it was Reagan, he said "The scariest thing to hear is I am from the Government and am here to help"..
The audience then was the Greatest Generation who had lived throught the Great Depression and WWII, and knew better. But the cost of the war was the big lie that unfortunately both parties has kept away from the American People....
The American People had been sold the lie that the war was paid for with war bonds....not even close.
It took until Reagan's administration to put a dent in the federal deficit that was a direct product of WWII and the rebuilding of Europe with the Marshal Plan. The 90% Tax on income over some millions for the very rich, was used, along with high income taxes to pay the bill
And Reagan, and other California rich folks, decided enough was enough, and sold the anti-tax propaganda to the public over and over again...and they listened.
We listened and Prop 13 was born, and tax cuts to stimulate the economy...and we had not paid for the Vietnam War yet.
You see wars are expensive.....and they cost lots of money...especially when you fight them wrong (Vietnam) and create a social/economic train wreck.
Think I'm lying? Look at George W. Bush and Iraq....he lied to get us into that mess, then floated a huge tax cut, following on the Reagan game plan, and splat....2007/08...Great Recession.
They just cannot govern....
It takes government expertise to make this work. And Trump especially, elected once again with Conservative blowing up in our face.
Conservatives keep promising results, and now are trying to deliver on repealing the ACA that about 2% of the American People want.
But it will definitely hinder governing; and punish people of color and the poor.
They just cannot govern!
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