And so it goes...white supremacy still, in the state’s Capitol. And this is nothing new of course. And it exist because we let it exist.
Fear....that’s right fear...and neglect..NEGLECT. A long time ago there was a book named “Invisible Man” about how whites did not see people of color. If you want an example, just check yourself next time you are next to a homeless person.
You don’t make eye contact, you look away...
That is the way white’s handled interactions with people of color (not just African Americans) for a long time in this country. It wasn’t that you did anything negative to “them” (other than making sure you moved to an area where your kids didn’t go to school with “those people”), it was that you flat ignored them.
So you, ignored them. You looked the other way as gang violence escalated making mean streets deadly. You looked the other way as war on drugs was passed, supported by Democrats and Republicans, that threw millions into prison, for victimless crimes; destroying families.
And you supported Charter Schools that cleverly and cynically sponsored “new approaches” that just happened to segregate children from each other more than even during Jim Crowe days. And even more brutally, cynical white corporate elites encouraged in people of color that segregated Charter Schools were better, after enacting policies that emasculated inner city public schools; leaving them cesspools of failure with poor funding and even worse personnel practices. We should have long ago paid teachers in inner city segregated school more, and rotated staff every seven or so years, because dealing with the broken and ignored, the abused and yes, ,poor, exacts a toll on the teacher and the staff.
Every teacher in California needs to spend at least seven years in a “tough” school. I did...and it is what prompts me to write this piece right now...I have looked into America’s ugliest side and seen myself.
Sacramento is the most diverse city in Californian, more so than even L.A. And it has made some strides in finally becoming a city of opportunity for all.
But it has 3000 homeless, it has Black Lives Matter that is very active, because the Sheriff and City Police Departments still discriminate against people of color. And the communities are angry.
And the communities still are allowed, even encouraged to move further apart...Sacramento sprawls to the east, north and south. It sprawls maninly to leave the “inner city” and get away from “them”. It sprawls to Woodland and even Winters for heavens sake still escaping. Always running...always.
And the State Capitol sits in Sacramento. And the Capitol is dominated by Democrats, not Republicans who are now the party of racists, but by Democrats who are diverse but still cannot get this thing right. That’s right, Republicans are the party of racists.
And people of color are keeping track. And if Democrats don’t finally start to move on this monster, our democracy is over.
It is the is in the FACT that we have to stop the long commutes...our environment can’t take it anymore.
My Naive American brothers and sisters screamed as they were annihilated that it was the land that would strike back, that nature would strike back. Native Americans did not hold personal lands, they shared land in common. The idea was that the land was the Great Mystery’s and the People had a sacred duty to preserve it, because it was the source of life, and God, the Great Spirit, (whatever you call it) was right there, right there in the trees, in the clear streams the mighty rivers. If man destroyed that sacred trust he/she would suffer a reckoning that could destroy mankind.
And that is EXACTLY what the “white supremacist based culture has done”!
When? When will we stop running? It isn’t working. The sprawl has the horrible effect of adding to the CO2 that is being poured into the atmosphere reducing our climate to Pleistocene levels; that will kill all of us. The heat in the summer, in poor areas, means adding to the anger; as long hot summers drive people to violence. The heat gets us all to go inside, to avoid the heat, to hide....not just from the heat from each other.
We all sit in little boxes EVERY DAMNED DAY for get to and from work...and then wonder why we can’t get along with others?
We are NOT designed to sit in little boxes...
We have to stop running.....stop.....turn and face is our prejudices (and I’m talking to everyone here) but do as President Obama said and preached, stop running...start loving and take a risk.
See me...look at me...touch me...realize that person you look away from or ignore is really you....that without love and Community there is nothing.
I worked with hundreds of people who did just that. In Del Paso Heights there were teachers who had been working and working everyday to educated, to teach love and understanding. In Elk Creek there were white teachers who broke they hearts helping kids who lived in a cesspool of drugs, violence and federal government neglect. I am proud that I was part of that everywhere I went; not that I did enough, I didn’t....but I will tell you true, I did a hell of a lot more than most.
But just enough will never be truly enough....
We inherited a racist mean society that once enslaved millions of human beings and killed millions more to get their land. It does not sit lightly on me that my great great grandfather was lynched for being married to a white woman.....that you just don’t excuse.....that you just don’t ignore....that haunts me everyday.
But what that does do, is to slam me squarely in the camp that people of color (I pass easily for white) find themselves everyday....the lynching effected my grandfather and father up to the day they died...
I know, I know, it was over 100 years ago.
Ask a Native American, as a Japanese American, ask a African American if they have don’t. Ask them why “Black Lives Matter” and LISTEN TO THEM DON’T LISTEN TO YOUR FEARS!
Many forgive, and I have to a point...but when you see what still is in America...when you look at who we just elected President....we just refuse to once again give in to IT...white supremacy.
And we are paying an enormous price; ironically in our climate of all things; suburbia’s sprawl is killing us....and it happens to get away from “them”...
The Great Mystery is working in environmental ways to teach us that we must stop now....we must turn and face ourselves, and find the goodness that lurks in all of our hearts..
Now, at this point in OUR existence, we have no choice...We change or we die.
The Reckoning!
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Monday, October 16, 2017
You Know
An open letter to the gas, oil and coal companies:
Stop, please stop...
Your full court press to end climate change alerts, to get rid of the EPA, to put your pipelines across state after state and your refusal to acknowledge or tell the public that we are running out of gas is working.
Yes it is working. Climate deniers elected a President, who is so bought and paid for by you it is hard to believe. He appoints deniers to cabinet posts, denies the Paris Global Warming Agreement, and works tirelessly to feed you. He does this to “Make America Great Again” know that is a know!
And for what? You know just how limited oil and gas reserves are right now. You know that clean coal can’t happen without regulating the energy market place. You know?
That is the worst part, you are manipulating this for immediate and huge profits. You are doing this on purpose.
You fight renewal energy at every turn. You feed PG&E, your energy stooge, who neglected to put power lines underground and just burned up the Napa Valley. PG&E is responsible partly for the Napa Valley conflagration; you bear the responsibility for the rest.
You ignore climate scientists, you bankroll denier web pages. Meanwhile you declare that you believe in global warming, just not too loud. You do this to calm your stockholders nerves and consciences.
But you also have children and grandchildren. How do you sleep at night? How do you sleep at night when your products, including plastics by the way, are ruining Earth? How???
You know global warming is real and man made. ALL of your official P.R. Announcements say so...that is what you say; your actions are diametrically opposed to that position.
You are just like the tobacco lobby; who admitted their product killed people, but kept on selling it and worked like crazy to minimize the truth. In short, they admitted cigarettes caused lung cancer, but kept selling the product.
And it worked...And millions of people died young and continue to die.
You bankroll tax cuts for you; you attack mercilessly public transportation; even buying right of ways so light rail cannot exist. You lobby endlessly against bullet trains. You destroy trains. You lobby against Amtrak.
And you know, because your scientists tell you everyday, that you are addicting the world to the idea that your products are endless; and they aren’t. You know that Peak Oil is real.
You know that catastrophic climate change is real. You know!
You tell us that tar sands and fracking can make America energy independent; when you are addicting us all to gasoline run transportation; leaving trains to rot in a contrived obsolescence.
Trains burn oil too. But they get many times more people to their destinations that’s single engine automobiles. And buses, you engineered Greyhound to go out of business. You lie, you cheat and even steal...and when one of your filthy oil operations blows up, or floods the Gulf of Mexico or Alaska, you lie about it.
You lie all the time.
Single occupant cars driving an average of 50 miles one way to work is your goal...with gasoline spiking every year in cost, as the supply dwindles. But the “utopia” you seek, of a public paying trillions of dollars for scarce fuel, will kill us all. In fact many of us won’t live to see your dream come true...many of you won’t live to see it either because you will either starve to death or burn up.
So why do you do it? We know some of you had homes in Santa Rosa. I know some of you, as you sit on your corporate boards and scheme to destroy climate change activists politically, economically and socially, KNOW what you are doing is wrong.
How do you sleep at night? The Reckoning is already here.
How do you sleep at night?
Saturday, October 7, 2017
The Wolf is Inside
A charged word or descriptor. And a very misunderstood word. And a politically charged word that has negative connotations.
I have a habit of identifying some right wing conservatives as fascists. And boy, does it piss them off.
But I am not speaking flippantly. As a MA in Government I had to sit through plenty of political philosophy oriented classes; some of the most difficult that I had to take.
And fascism was identified, defined, discussed, used as a template, explained as a negative and a positive term; etc.
Fascism can become the sickness of authoritarianism. Totalitarianism can result from a fascist regime, as the authoritarian aspects take over all government, resulting in a dictator. This does not always happen, usually fascist movements result in minority parties, who often take up conservative Christian goals, like anti-abortion or anti-birth control, but remain in the democratic (not party) Parliament as an irritation, but not having enough votes to govern. For example, there is a fascist party right now in Italy with about 3% share.
But the urge to morph into a one person rule is hard to exist regardless of how small the movement.
A good example is the dictator Franco in Spain before WWII. His was a conservative Christian fascist movement, that moved into a dictatorship around militaristic means to an authoritarian end.
The enemy? Socialistic Communism. And the Civil War that ensued was a preview for the world of the fascist led WWII.
Now what does this have to do with America today?
Political theorists and observers are picking up fascist tendencies in the right wing conservative movement, organized around President Trump (whose political behavior and methods (if he has any) are fascist. His followers, many from the Christian Right, are reacting to the liberalization of society led by the LGBT and progressive movements that put civil rights and social justice as societal goals.
And there has been change to be sure. And that change very much threatens the fascist mindset.
This conflict of ideas manifests itself in a major political tactic that Trump used to get elected. Even though California had been lost probably forever to the Republican Party due to the anti-immigrant politics of Pete Wilson in the 1990s, Trump surprised everyone by adopting a “WALL” as a solution to what he said was a rampant immigration problem.
There is no such problem in any widespread way in America now. There was in the 1990s, but that has abated. But Trump resurrected the issue in a highly successful political way and got elected using it.
Europe has fallen to its allure as well, swinging right, spawning the Brexit movement, and threatening the European Union. In Europe’s case there IS a refugee/immigration problem, as Africa reels from global climate change effects causing mass migration, and the war in Syria and Iraq pushed people to flee the violence. And the fascist movements in Europe (which is chilling considering Europe’s last infatuation with this form of extremism) have gained a lot of political advantage by using racism and xenophobia in predictable ways.
Fear is the friend of fascism. People are spooked easily when there is a perceived external threat. And, having thousands of war refugees trying to get into your county is definitely worrisome to say the least. And fascists use that, through “dog whistles” of racism to motivate hate of outsiders and build a political base.
Always, look for anti-Semitic dog whistles, it is the backbone of classic fascism.
And it works. And it is easy, because there is a template that has worked before in the years 1929 to 1945. Spain, Germany, France and Japan all swung to the right during those years of world depression and finally global conflict. Authoritarianism also manifest itself in Russia, through the Communist fascism of Stalin. America and England, although remaining liberal democracies, also followed strong authoritarian leaders in Roosevelt and Churchill.
It was not a good time for Democratic countries. The Depression was blamed on “international bankers who were Jews”. This was nonsense of course, but again, find a scapegoat is classic fascist methodology.
Today, in America and Europe the same tactics are being used for political advantage. In the United States the “greatest generation” is mostly dead, leaving their children the “baby boomers” in charge. We, I am a baby boomer, do not have the first hand experience with fascism that drove our parents to basically have to kill the movement by killing a lot of people.
Fascism ended with atomic bombs being used in Japan to shock the fascist regime into quitting. It took that much to get them to quit.
Which brings us the the really distressing part. America is more than flirting with fascism right now. Trump is a classic fascist; authoritarian, using right wing Christian principles (anti-Gay, anti-birth control, definitely pro state sponsored Christianity) doctrine to gain power.
It reminds one of parliamentary right wing Christian Parties in Europe, who use authoritarianism to deny people their rights. These groups are anti-liberal as well, and do not sponsor or support democratic decision making.
They have taken over the U.S. Congress, making it impossible to deal with any real issues for the last eight, now going on nine years, in opposition to an African American President.
Adolph Hitler foresaw this in America. He famously derided America’s opposition to his racism by pointing out that America mistreated Native Americans and African Americans throughout its history. In effect, he called for authoritarian solutions in America to our problems and of course planned a military “solution” that included killing African Americans, Jews and practically everyone.
Which gets us to the worst forms of fascism; that history has shown can be stopped with as I so tragically say, “With a bullet in the head”.
Why so violent you say? Isn’t that the same thing the fascist are preaching?
Unfortunately for mankind, when Germany and Japan were going through the last stages of certain defeat; a remarkable thing happened. First at Okinawa then in Berlin, fascists killed themselves and their children rather than surrender. Japanese fascist leaders would not quit, even when Germany surrendered after Hitler and most of his close advisors killed themselves and their families. The Japanese authoritarians even armed their citizens with pitchforks to attack the American invaders and fighting to the death. The bullet to the head in Japan’s case were two nuclear bombs that wiped out two entire cities.
Finally, after those two “bullets to the head” the death grip of Japanese fascism was broken.
In the wake of that horror, of 55,000,000 people killed, the United States entered a period of about 10 years with anti-fascist educational films, of which I watched several in the 7th and 8th grade.
Xenophobia and racism were exposed in those films as defining and explaining totalitarianism to a group of middle schoolers in 1959. And we listened because the teachers who were showing us the film and teaching the lesson, were all veterans who had killed fascists or watched their buddies killed by fascists.
And there was no mincing words, fascism was evil, it was Un-American, it was wrong, and we had to be constantly on the alert, otherwise it could happen again, and it could happen in America.
Actually, it already was happening and had been happening for a century at least in the south, with the fascist Jim Crowe regimes that discriminated against Jews, Blacks, Browns and even Methodists! In short, the south already had fascism in the Bible Belt, using once again conservative Christianity to discriminate against minority groups and hold tight to political control by white supremacists of the region. It took a President being assassinated and the leadership of a former white supremacist to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that finally began a peaceful transition from fascism in the south.
But white supremacist fascism did not die resurrected itself, as fascism is want to do, in the Trump Birther movement, that actually was a springboard to renew the deep racism in America into a backlash that got Trump elected.
And America took a violent turn to fascist government. It happened so fast because as we are finding out, it was aided and abetted by Russian fascist (Putin is a classic corporate fascist) movement that is using technology in an open war on liberal democracies. The 2016 election was decided by fascist interference in the election.
So, after all that warning we had back in the 1960s, fascism is taking over our country right in front of our eyes. Trump is a classic fascist; rules as an authoritarian, male dominated, and stereotypes minorities and immigrants to “build his base” of power.
As a totalitarian he has failed to staff government bureaucracies and focused all leadership on himself and a small group of followers; classic fascist totalitarian political behavior.
Corporate supporters have bankrolled Trump’s accession; the Koch Brothers who are classic fascists being one obvious example of billionaires supporting authoritarian leaders.
And of course, the Christian Right is involved in this to the hilt; seeking to roll back the LGBT gains of the Obama Administration, seeking overturning Roe v Wade, seeking an end to government sponsored birth control.
All off these are classic fascist goals that culminate in finding a scapegoat, and external threat; the Muslin and racially “inferior” immigrant refugees of Africa, Mexico and the Middle East.
Hitler predicted that America would be fertile ground for fascism. He actually developed his racist program against the Jews based on some of the same laws and injustices that Jim Crowe southerners had used for a 100 years to scapegoat the African Americans. He studied the genocide of Native Americans from studying the reservation system of the West, removing the victims from view; then killing them; typical of the concentration camp system...
Hitler knew America had deep fascist potential, it just needed the right circumstances.
Roosevelt knew this also. But to his credit, he resisted calls to become a dictator; several commentators begged him to take over the government, but his belief in the value of liberal democracy to the American Dream was too strong.
The American First movement, who admired what Hitler was doing, led by Lindberg, was a fascist admiring bunch, who preached supporting Germany by keeping America out of the war. They advocated anti-Semitic goals and were anti-democracy, authoritarian and admired the totalitarian “miracle” that the Nazi regime represented in the late 30s...
It is not by accident that Trump has adopted the essence of America First into “Make America Great Again”...
Remember, there was a depression that made it easy to recruit to the fascist cause. Fascism grows when times are hard; it offers a simple solution to complex problems. It offers militaristic solutions to problems, offering to destroy enemies, send immigrants home, and as Trump put it, eliminate the problem with fire...when referring to North Korea.
The use of such authoritarian language is vintage fascism.
So the wolf is no longer knocking on the door, the danger of a fascist take over of our government is no longer an outside threat, the wolf is inside with us already.
The Reckoning.
Friday, October 6, 2017
The Tragedy of Shasta County
The tragedy of rural California.
(Record Searchlight January 2017).
After three straight months of no movement, Shasta County's unemployment rate in December inched up to 6.7 percent, despite strong job gains in the private education and health services, and retail sectors, the state reported Friday.
The county's jobless rate had been stuck at 6.4 percent since September. The unemployment rate in December 2015 was 7.5 percent.
Sheila Stock, a state labor analyst based in Redding, said Shasta County has added 6,700 private sector jobs since December 2011. Government sector jobs have declined by 700 in that same time period.
Last month, there were an estimated 400 jobs added in private education and health services. Boosted by the holiday shopping season, retailers in Shasta County added an estimated 100 jobs in December.
“So more employers still felt the need to hire more people in the holiday season,” Stock said.
Stock considers September through December the retail hiring season, and this year the county added 500 jobs in the sector over those four months.
“In 2015, we added 300 jobs. But 2013 and 2014 both saw 600 job gains in that time period,” Stock said.
December’s 6.7 percent unemployment rate was the lowest for the month since 2006, when it also stood at 6.7 percent.
California's unemployment rate in December was 5 percent, unchanged from November. A year ago, the rate was 5.7 percent.
There were an estimated 200 fewer people working in the professional and business services sector and 100 fewer individuals working in leisure and hospitality. The mining, logging and construction sector lost 200 jobs from November to December, though the estimated 3,000 people working in that sector last month was unchanged from a year ago.
A survey of help wanted ads in December showed demand high in Shasta County was high for registered nurses and truck drivers. Teacher assistants, retail workers and physical therapists also were wanted.
The unemployment rate in Siskiyou County in December was 9.2 in December, up from 7.8 percent in November. Tehama County’s unemployment rate last month 6.9 percent, up from 6.4 percent in November. The unemployment rate in Trinity County in December was 6.6 percent, up from 6.4 percent in November.
All numbers are not seasonally adjusted.
These figures do not lie...Shasta County like many inland counties in California lags way behind the more affluent and economic urban areas.
And why is that? I have argued for years against the conservative wave that hit rural California as part of the Reagan Revolution in the 1970s. That Revolution has seen its ebb since the disastrous governorship of Pete Wilson, who foolishly tied the Republican Party to the xenophobia of immigration fear.
Meanwhile the state got more and more diverse, leaving even Orange County voting Democratic.
The irony here is Latinos, the target of most of the xenophobia, are by their Catholic roots, social conservatives. It would have been easy for Republicans to appeal to them in the 1990s. But no, Wilson foolishly tied the economic downturn of the George P. Bush era (which really was caused by Reagan’s tax cuts) to immigration from Mexico. He profited personally, getting elected twice, but tied Republicans to a losing position and handed the state over to the Democrats, who decided to become the party of diversity both locally and nationally.
This is very ironic, considering that the Democrats were the segregationist party until 1970. But Nixon changed all that, and his southern strategy won the south for the Republican Party, but lost California (the birthplace of the Reagan Revolution) for the foreseeable future.
The problem is many whites ran north and inland in their retirement. They avoided the ethnic diversity that is still growing in the cities, and established conservative hegemony inland, unfortunately where nobody lived.
The other effect, was economic. The economy of California is truly a global one. The digital economy thrives on world markets (Apple Computer, born in California, is a good example). And the jobs have exploded in number, making California the sixth largest economy on earth.
Not so inland. The conservatives, and they are relatively few, run inland counties. And their repressive leadership, that seeks to keep minorities out, that is virulently anti-immigration, runs off entrepreneurs, discourages economic growth.
Shasta County is a perfect example. Right now the Bethel Church, a very conservative evangelical church, is in the process of taking over the City Council. There is a State of Jefferson movement, seeking to link up with counties in Oregon to form a new, conservative led state. It doesn’t have a chance, but it is a rallying point for a increasingly right wing agenda.
Meanwhile the young people are leaving. I even left, a Redding native of many years, who raised my family there. I left for other reasons of course, but political ones were up there.
I could not stomach watching my hometown destroy itself. The crushing blow was a two time failure to pass a small sales tax increase to rebuild the police force and fire departments; that had been decimated by the cutbacks of the Great Recession. For a $2.50 per month average increase in sales tax, Redding conservatives have turned down twice a measure that would make their city safer and less prone to the fire that could destroy the whole town.
You see Shasta County sits on a powder keg; the city sits bottom of foothills from three sides, that if the wind is right, will blow a fire right into the downtown. And the fire protection has been cut.
Moreover young people are leaving in droves...the city is shrinking.
Redding was a model city once, its City Manager government was respected all over the state. Now, with conservatives running the show, Redding is a laughing stock....
The latest is the opioid epidemic, that is killing Redding citizens and driving petty crime up (with little police protection; remember they voted down the police force renewal). And the poverty rate grows. And the schools shrink, or go to Charter Schools, that lessen educational quality all the time.
And the professionals are now beginning to abandon the town, doctors are leaving....
Then there is global warming, that pushes Redding temperatures to record levels every year. This year, with the drought growing brush at record rates, we are headed into October, which is the fire month, with a tinder dry land and less firemen. It is the perfect storm.
Meanwhile a Supervisor started a rant on Facebook about the Sanctuary City California just passed. They are going nuts up there, which is interesting since “illegals” hardly exist up there (there is not work).
But they push out their chests and proclaim their hatred for Democrats and Liberals who they blame for all their misfortunes; which is interesting because conservatives have been running local governments and dominate state elected representative offices for the past forty years! It seems to me they might start asking their representatives where is the “beef” as they slide further into poverty. Fact is their representative are from the agricultural corporate world who represent their selfish interests and don’t give a rip about who elected them...and the people of Shasta County don’t get it.
The blame? It’s on the conservative short sighted leadership, that is continuing Wilson’s hate campaign and have of course hooked up with Trump’s Xenophobic lies. And who do they blame.....the Democrats of course, who haven’t run the county for forty years!
I suppose if they get their dream of the State of Jefferson they will immediately build a wall along the Siskiyou Mountains...good luck because the ill conceived state will fail before the ink is dry on its Constitution.
You see Shasta County is already one of the state’s poorest counties; it gets more aid per capital, Medical; etc, than almost every other county. If they join the state of Jefferson Shasta County and others will literally starve to death...seniors will die, children will die just from the Medical cuts alone...
You see Shasta County can be poor, and a sanctuary for scared white people who have fled the cities because “they” live there; precisely because of their political attitudes. But the dirty little secret is this: Seniors do not suffer from this. They get their Medical, Medicaid, In Home Support Services, etc., etc...and all the opioids they can take....
The people who suffer are young people with families, who cannot find good jobs and are leaving in droves. The people who will suffer is the death of Redding, Red Bluff and even Chico (more liberal) killed by the same idiocy that killed Detroit, Kansas; etc...
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Ok the debate has started. We need to discuss reforming our gun control laws. We need universal gun registration, background checks a national data base of all guns, outlaw semi automatic and automatic assault rifles and pistols...we need to comply with regulations to possess weapons SAFELY!
Oh no I hear you saying. No registrations, no background checks,etc. We have our’s a free country
Oh Really...THINK on this:
1. All of your cars are registered and insured by mandate.
2. You are registered for the draft, for Social Security, licensed to drive, licensed to fly, you are licensed to fish and to hunt....there are data bases that track you associated with all of these.
3. Your appliances are all registered if you want them warranted.
4. All of your electronic appliances are registered, leaving an Mac and IP Address every time you send an email or open a web site. Facebook and Google track your tastes and buying habits.
5. Your credit card registers you, and tracks your credit...
6. Your credit score is registered. If it is too low you can’t get that new car! But you don’t go nuts, you work to improve your credit.
7. If you own a home it is deeded, registered insured tracked kept in a police address data base. If you remodel you have to get a building permit and have inspections by law.
8. If you have a mortgage it is a deed of trust and is registered. You fill out reams of forms to do this without a peep!
So why the heart attack if you have to register your gun, or get a license to have it (you do that if you hunt)? Why go nuts if the government can do a background check on you to qualify to get a lethal weapon, but not a peep when credit checks are run on you to buy anything of value?
You stand for hours at the DMV to take a TEST to prove you can drive. But there is no test to prove you can safely handle a firearm, not a national one or state one in most states. You give thousand of dollars to the NRA so that you won’t have to comply to ANYTHING to have a tool that kills things. Cars can kill take a test to drive a test to use a tool that kills people!
Finally you work for your entire working life to develop a resume of what education you have, of training you have, and letters of recommendation to get a job....but go nuts if a resume was required to carry a weapon. It is my says so in the 2nd Amendment....what about the Preamble, the 14th Amendment, the parts about having rights to live unafraid and safe?
We all conform...we all give up our liberty conditionally EVERY DAY.....So why go nuts if you to have to do responsible compliance to possess a lethal weapon?
Oh no I hear you saying. No registrations, no background checks,etc. We have our’s a free country
Oh Really...THINK on this:
1. All of your cars are registered and insured by mandate.
2. You are registered for the draft, for Social Security, licensed to drive, licensed to fly, you are licensed to fish and to hunt....there are data bases that track you associated with all of these.
3. Your appliances are all registered if you want them warranted.
4. All of your electronic appliances are registered, leaving an Mac and IP Address every time you send an email or open a web site. Facebook and Google track your tastes and buying habits.
5. Your credit card registers you, and tracks your credit...
6. Your credit score is registered. If it is too low you can’t get that new car! But you don’t go nuts, you work to improve your credit.
7. If you own a home it is deeded, registered insured tracked kept in a police address data base. If you remodel you have to get a building permit and have inspections by law.
8. If you have a mortgage it is a deed of trust and is registered. You fill out reams of forms to do this without a peep!
So why the heart attack if you have to register your gun, or get a license to have it (you do that if you hunt)? Why go nuts if the government can do a background check on you to qualify to get a lethal weapon, but not a peep when credit checks are run on you to buy anything of value?
You stand for hours at the DMV to take a TEST to prove you can drive. But there is no test to prove you can safely handle a firearm, not a national one or state one in most states. You give thousand of dollars to the NRA so that you won’t have to comply to ANYTHING to have a tool that kills things. Cars can kill take a test to drive a test to use a tool that kills people!
Finally you work for your entire working life to develop a resume of what education you have, of training you have, and letters of recommendation to get a job....but go nuts if a resume was required to carry a weapon. It is my says so in the 2nd Amendment....what about the Preamble, the 14th Amendment, the parts about having rights to live unafraid and safe?
We all conform...we all give up our liberty conditionally EVERY DAY.....So why go nuts if you to have to do responsible compliance to possess a lethal weapon?
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