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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Monday, October 16, 2017

You Know

An open letter to the gas, oil and coal companies:

Stop, please stop...

Your full court press to end climate change alerts, to get rid of the EPA, to put your pipelines across state after state and your refusal to acknowledge or tell the public that we are running out of gas is working.

Yes it is working.  Climate deniers elected a President, who is so bought and paid for by you it is hard to believe.  He appoints deniers to cabinet posts, denies the Paris Global Warming Agreement, and works tirelessly to feed you.  He does this to “Make America Great Again” know that is a know!

And for what?  You know just how limited oil and gas reserves are right now.  You know that clean coal can’t happen without regulating the energy market place.  You know?  

That is the worst part, you are manipulating this for immediate and huge profits.  You are doing this on purpose.

You fight renewal energy at every turn.  You feed PG&E, your energy stooge, who neglected to put power lines underground and just burned up the Napa Valley.  PG&E is responsible partly for the Napa Valley conflagration; you bear the responsibility for the rest.

You ignore climate scientists, you bankroll denier web pages.  Meanwhile you declare that you believe in global warming, just not too loud.  You do this to calm your stockholders nerves and consciences.  

But  you also have children and grandchildren.  How do you sleep at night?  How do you sleep at night when your products, including plastics by the way, are ruining Earth?  How???

You know global warming is real and man made.  ALL of your official P.R. Announcements say so...that is what you say; your actions are diametrically opposed to that position.  

You are just like the tobacco lobby; who admitted their product killed people, but kept on selling it and worked like crazy to minimize the truth.  In short, they admitted cigarettes caused lung cancer, but kept selling the product.    

And it worked...And millions of people died young and continue to die.  

You bankroll tax cuts for you; you attack mercilessly public transportation; even buying right of ways so light rail cannot exist.  You lobby endlessly against bullet trains.  You destroy trains.  You lobby against Amtrak.

And you know, because your scientists tell you everyday, that you are addicting the world to the idea that your products are endless; and they aren’t.  You know that Peak Oil is real.  

You know that catastrophic climate change is real. You know!

You tell us that tar sands and fracking can make America energy independent; when you are addicting us all to gasoline run transportation; leaving trains to rot in a contrived obsolescence.

Trains burn oil too.  But they get many times more people to their destinations that’s single engine automobiles.  And buses, you engineered Greyhound to go out of business.  You lie, you cheat and even steal...and when one of your filthy oil operations blows up, or floods the Gulf of Mexico or Alaska, you lie about it.  

You lie all the time.

Single occupant cars driving an average of 50 miles one way to work is your goal...with gasoline spiking every year in cost, as the supply dwindles.  But the “utopia” you seek, of a public paying trillions of dollars for scarce fuel, will kill us all.  In fact many of us won’t live to see your dream come true...many of you won’t live to see it either because you will either starve to death or burn up.  

So why do you do it?   We know some of you had homes in Santa Rosa.  I know some of you, as you sit on your corporate boards and scheme to destroy climate change activists politically, economically and socially, KNOW what you are doing is wrong.

How do you sleep at night?  The Reckoning  is already here. 

How do you sleep at night?

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