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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

White Supremacy Wins All the Time Except for the Reckoning

So now the Starbuck’s CEO wants classes to curb the unconscious bias (the new catch phrase) that caused a manager to call the police on African American men who sat waiting for a business meeting in a Starbucks.  White people do that all the time, sit and wait for a friend to join them, but for two black guys..the manager called the police. 

And when the two men complained that they were once again being faced with white cops’  guns, they got testy.  Really?  How would you react?  

I would be livid, just like they were.  But unconscious bias, nice way of saying out and out racism, is he problem so a few In services will fix it.

Fat chance.  

If you look at recent history you don’t have to look long for proof that white supremacy rules in the United States of America.

In 2008 we elected the first African American President.  The FIRST  thing the white leader of the Senate said, who is from the south by the way, is “We are going to make sure he is a one term President”...The FIRST THING.

And then it started.  EVERY law the new President sought to pass, the Senate Republican leader instantly opposed...every one.  Every move the African American President made was attacked.

And a billionaire businessman began a bogus campaign that the African American President was not born in the United States, in spite of a valid birth certificate, and whites throughout the nation  kept claiming that the African American President was illegitimate.  

And that leader of this bogus lying campaign was elected President in eight open white supremacist  was elected President with the electoral college, a device southern colonists used during the writing of the Constitution to unfairly give slave states the power to pick Presidents.

So a minority elected President (Trump got less popular votes than Clinton by millions) was elected President and began the first day dismantling every single accomplishment the African American President had done.

Every single one....

And the CEO of Starbucks wants to have some In services to deal with unconsciously bias?

Bullshit...simple bullshit.   The only way to stop white supremacy is to destroy it.  And it will not be easy.  America just proved that once again. 

America proved that in the very beginning when Andrew Jackson  (whose portrait sits prominently in the White House now) told Chief Justice Marshall that he made his decision let him enforce it (the decision that made the Cherokees the rightful owners of their land); and followed up with the Trail of Tears where most died in a thousand miles trek to the badlands of Oklahoma.  

These same badlands that were again taken from the Cherokee a few decades later because oil was discovered on “Indian Land”.  People who should have been instant millionaires were again dispossessed and shoved off their land.  Violence was used to do this, killing those who didn’t leave.  

America proved that violence is good, with the most brutal system of slavery known to mankind, that a Civil War was fought to end; 600,000 dead.  

And then, rather than repair the societal damage a hundred years of slavery had wrought, a Jim Crowe system was allowed to exist around the fabrication of state’s rights, that brutally lynched thousands of African Americans a year and enslaved them in “legal ways”.  

Meanwhile a genocide was culminated against Native Americans culminating in a state sponsored atrocity in California, the Golden State, because Native American land got in the way of an insane gold rush that destroyed in a few years the entire watershed of California.  

The population of Native Americans in California dropped from 150,000 to about 25,000 in 25 years...out and out genocide.  Bounties were paid for the skins on Native Americans..up to $100 a head.

And an inservice will fix this?

Even progressives, who write articles like this one, are more than unconsciously biased.

I am part Native great great grandfather who was married to a white woman was lynched in Texas in 1859.  His crime...stealing a shod horse (he was the village blacksmith)....his real crime, marrying a white woman.

One more lynching in a state rife with them.  One more victim of white supremacy.

How to stop it?  America doesn’t have it in it...America is a failed is only a matter of time until the reckoning will end us.

And it will come in the “progress” the “greed” that fueled a system of government that masqueraded as a democracy but was actually the most brutal racist regime in human history...that’s right in human history.

And it will end with oil...Oil that fueled “progress”, that drove the earth into a global warming that will kill millions.  But the irony is the greed, the easy success that white supremacy gave white people who “earned” their wealth by stealing it from others or working slaves to death and then subjugating them to a lifetime of poverty , will be the reckoning.

It will happen the first time it dawns on a motorist that their is no more gas.  That the five cars they have in their front drive can’t work anymore.  That the forty miles they moved away from the city center is a long walk; they moved as far as they could away from those terrible people of color.  When they watch in agony as their children starve to death.  As the remaining resources of the world are used to fight one war after another over the remaining drops of oil

And white supremacy will have attained what it always was destined to do...destroy the human race.

And in a million years or so, if artifacts are found, people of color who really started this civilization in the first place, will  read about this disaster and simply kill every person who shows any evidence of white supremacy.   Perhaps when people learn of the end of times white supremacy brought upon us, they will stop it.  No inservice will do it for sure.  

Why, because it is an illness that has no cure...that lives in a tangled web of hate and greed, of rights unfairly taken, of the constant need to put others down, to steal from them, to kill them.....

It is a terminal disease!

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