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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

America Land of the Free Home of the ????

Fox News is trumpeting the latest poll showing the smallest percentage in 50 years who trust their government. Nice.

This of course fits into their mold of depicting the Obama administration as corrupt, out of touch and the originator of the recession we still are working through. Tea Baggers even carry signs calling the recession Obama's Recession!

What? Are the American people so stupid that they forget when this mess started, and who started it? Every analysis I have seen of any validity, directly places the blame for the recession on the de-regulation of the home mortgage industry, and the financial wall street gambling cabal.

President Obama had nothing to do with it. The Republicans, who controlled the government for eight years, I don't count the two years they "lost Congress", sold us out to lobbyists and to wall street con artists. That is simply a fact.

Now, the Republican Party has "created" the Tea Party movement, in a ridiculous attempt to again change history.

And, judging from the latest poll, if polls are go be believed, they are actually succeeding.

What I think the poll shows is a disgraceful failure of us, the American people, to GROW UP.

We are at the core the reason for the mess we are in. We have lived on cheap credit, gone farther and farther into debt, and have rewarded politicians who have promised to cut taxes, raised spending, and conned us into believing it would all work out!

We also have stood idly by while millions of jobs were outsourced, unions were destroyed, and fellow Americans' dreams smashed.

In the last twenty years the middle class has dwindled, the rich have gotten richer, and we still whine about the government.

The government did not do this to us. We have listened to snake oil salesmen, who con us over and over to trust THEM while they cut our throats. Then, rather than admit we have been fooled, we blame the President?


Look, try this on for size: We need to pay for what we want. If we want Social Security and Medicare and Health Care Reform, and fighting two wars, and saving the world...and..and...then we need to PAY FOR IT!!!!

In California right now we have lived with the con that government is the problem, that we need to cut it, cut taxes but meanwhile we raise spending by "charging it" to future generations. Taxes will hurt our grandchildren, or somebody else...not me..I want mine now, and I won't share. But, I want smooth highways, police and fire protection, and good education for my grandkids...but let's pass a bond, or get a loan, anything but pay for it.

Grow up! It is time to become ADULTS! WE got into this mess. WE continue to listen to hucksters who con us over and over that we can have small government to run a nation of over 300 million people, with a multitude of races, many languages, poverty on a huge scale, the need for national defense because we have pissed off the world; etc.

We actually believe peace and prosperity can be accomplished with a government that lets corporations do anything they want, cuts taxes even more, and helps our economy just how exactly? OH, I KNOW, CUT TAXES AND ALLOW THE MIRACLE OF THE AMERICAN FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM TO BRING US ALL TO THE AMERICAN DREAM JUST LIKE THEY HAVE SINCE 1980!!

But this hasn't worked. Every time it has failed, and ordinary Americans have suffered.

Listen closely, big business are almost all now multi-nationals. They have no allegiance to the United States. They do not care about you. If gas goes up so you can't afford to drive to buy food they don't care. If the unemployment rate stays at 12%, they don't care.

Markets are exploding in China and India. The multi-nationals do not need our middle class anymore to fuel global economic expansion. They don't!

So that leaves us on our own. If we continue this madness, of blaming our government and not trusting it, and depending on the same old solutions of cutting taxes to stimulate the economy, we lose. And we lose big time.

Look in the mirror America. The government is not the problem...we are!

How do we start? Well, the first thing we do is start caring about our neighbors who have lost their jobs and soon will lose their house. We need to eliminate the idiotic tax breaks and tax cuts for all of us. We need to use government to help us out of this mess, and yes, even use government to build some kind of job base doing green jobs, forest reclamation and solar development. We also need to revitalize our railroads, nationalize the rail beds (not the private companies), and rebuild our train infrastructure .

And we need to take care of our own. Tariffs or taxes on multi-nationals will drive up prices, but that is actually what we need!

We are all spending our way into oblivion. So what if we have to "save" to buy that I-Pad, and not purchase it until next Christmas. So what if we have to put off our immediate gratification and pay more taxes so our society does not implode.

So what if we have to start paying as we go, fix social security and Medicare, so our children can have them. So what if we actually make the new Health Care Reform work.

This will all take sacrifice and service to our country.

I wonder how many of our servicemen mis-trust their government while they are in harm's way?

And, what happens if the nay sayers win. We get Republicans and they give us what we already got in 1994, a lot of hot air, no reform, and a lot of sell out of the middle class.

Don't believe me. Look at EVERY INDICATOR of the middle class in 1993 and today. Every one has declined.

In short, if we get conned again, there will be NO middle class anymore, and we are looking at aristocracy.

So grow up, home of the "brave" and save and sacrifice. Pay your damn taxes and participate by voting and give a damn about your country.

Your country is your government for God's Sake! Grow up America!

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