While Tea Baggers all over the nation have attacked the Obama Administration for being too lenient with the "mean old bankers" and Republicans "acted" like they could not wait to "shut banks down don't bail them out", the financial reform issue has smoked out their hypocrisy.
The truth is Republicans are Wall Street. Tea Baggers are their water carriers.
Those Tea Baggers who honestly thought the Republican Party wanted to even consider reforming the Wall Street gamblers who ruined millions must be a little shaken today.
The Republicans are blocking even debating the financial reform package pending in Senate. At the same time this stalling tactic is enforced, thousands of lobbyists form business interests have descended on the Congress, to stop any meaningful reform.
Everyone, from the Chamber of Commerce to USAA Insurance has an "objection" to consumer protection reforms. This translates into, "We want the present system that allows the rich to get richer and punishes the middle class" to stay in existence.
Those fools, and they are fools, of the middle class, who joined the tea baggers, should be able to see the con that victimizes them.
Of course, they don't. Why not?
Look at Arizona. Recently, and disgracefully, the state passed what must be defined as a racist, hateful bill on immigration. The same people who decry big government, and lobby for "liberty" from government intrusion into our lives, passed a hateful bill that allows the police to racially profile and stop anyone without probably cause, force them to show papers, and if they are not produced, arrest and detain.
When challenged with the questionable constitutionality of this law, the right wingers respond that they would not be bothered if ALL citizens, not just "true Americans" (whatever that is) should not be bothered by the police stopping them and checking their "papers".
That folks is Big Brother Government at its worst. That is the first step to true tyranny.
If the United States is ever attacked again by terrorists, and the odds are it will be, what is keeping Arizona Police from stopping everybody with black hair for example, and detaining them under this new law? Are Arizona citizens now required to carry their passports?
Hypocrisy is running rampant in the conservative movement this morning. While the Senate grills those who profited hugely by the Wall Street con, Arizona cons pass a bill that grows government to a size and power unheard of in our country.
And behind it all? Racism.
It is no accident that white supremacists helped write the Arizona law. And, it is no accident that right wing lawyers stand to gain financially. That is how it works as a country veers toward fascism. Right wingers pass laws that take civil rights away, and profit from it.
Nazi Germany was a radical example. Nazi leaders profited from the scapegoating and later killing of the Jews. Personal profit was definitely a motivating factor. This horror went to such lengths that murdered Jews were even "harvested" for their gold teeth.
This is where it can get. That is where we are pointed.
And, in November polls show more Republicans will be elected to continue the con, continue the fraud, continue the rip-off.
You can hear the hypocrisy!
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