It is absolutely amazing what the “lame duck” Congress has done in the past few days: a controversial, and possibly deficit busting tax cut extension, repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, a tragic failure to pass the Dream Act (but a good effort); all these come in spite of southern Republicans continuing their mindless nihilism.
It is almost like McConnell, one of the worst Senators in United States history, is trying to desperately stop any hint of bipartisanship. He came out against the Start Treaty, with some flimsy excuse that things were too hurried. This comes after literally months of research, debate and minute vetting of the treaty.
Meanwhile, Korea is about to blow up. And McConnell needs more time to anger Russia, by dragging his feet. We just might need Russia to help temper the emerging crisis in Korea. But McConnell’s sensabilities are more important. He is one of the most selfish bigots in the parade of southern bigots that make up the core of the Republican southern racist block.
Of course, an armed conflict in Korea, costing thousands if not millions of lives, would be part of the Republican playbook; anything to defeat Obama, even if it means the end of the world.
So, again we watch as a southern senator basically hopes for a catastrophe just so the black President can be discredited. The racism and hatred is so thick you can almost taste it
Sometimes I wonder what would have been so bad if the south had stayed out of the union. There is little doubt that after the Civil War the south would have remained a poor backwater, all the slaves would have left and gone to the north. And, it is probable that the north, growing immensely stronger, would have invaded and destroyed the south in subsequent wars, leaving the south in a state like say, Peru, or Chile. No, that would have been too good a fate for them.
It would have been interesting when football teams like Alabama ventured north in a “goodwill game”, in between wars, to be annihilated by Ohio State 120-0, since the small, slow all white players could not even compete with the integrated northerners.
We have lived with these bigoted jerks for over 100 years, and now, the conservative racist southern block is once again stopping progress for the nation. Just as with the Jim Crowe era, southern Senators are becoming more racist and reactionary, blocking reforms, forcing their minority bigoted ways down the rest of our throats.
And it isn’t like we need this right now. Global warming is beginning to have direct effects on the world, while southern conservatives block critically needed change. The economy is beginning to resemble the southern oligarchy that so dominates that area today, where a few rich control the many poor. Democracy is attacked at every turn, the Senate filibusters everything, denying justice to millions.
It is the same thing that the nation endured from 1870 to 1965. Southern racists were able to stop progress, dooming entire generations to economic and social injustice. The consequences of this are evident every day, in high African American drop out and prison rates. The damage the twisted southern culture renders on everyone who is not white or rich, is massive.
So the next time some southern Governor make some comment about considering secession, let’s take them up on it, and tell the traitorous jerks to get out.
Then, once they are out, destroy their economy and their culture like the north should have finished in 1870.
I am fed up.
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