I am sure the new digital equipment will be more adaptable. But, who will run the camera? If it is not an experienced teacher/administrator then forget it. Just as the person who runs the camera determines the accuracy of the picture (and quality for that matter) the cameraman is essential when using video to improve instruction. So, you will have to pay someone to run the camera who knows what they are doing.
“Knows what they are doing”, is the operative phrase here.
Why tenure? Just go to one school board meeting anywhere. The United States’ educational system is failing because of the local school board system. We put people in charge of the schools who don’t know what they are doing. Then we worry that the system is not working.
School boards have political and personal agendas. Teachers were fired before tenure, for their political views, if they got married, if they were seen having a beer on a Saturday; all sorts of nonsense. There were women who were fired because they got pregnant scarcely thirty years ago!
That is why you have tenure, for professional protection from unprofessional school boards.
Our local elementary school district was just ripped apart by a Board President whose wife was stealing money from the school she worked at as a library aide. He was able to hide the crime, and threatened the Superintendent, who hesitated to do anything since he had the votes to get her fired. When the crime was finally exposed, by the Principal of the school, who was almost fired for her courage, the Superintendent quit, the Board President quit, the Board is left with a mess, and the children suffer. The credibility of the Board and the Superintendent was destroyed. How does this mess lead educational reform?
This kind of nonsense happens all the time. Local school boards have meetings with hundreds of furious parents, because the board has decided to do something that is completely nuts! Read any local newspaper for a short time and you will find school board malfeasance all over the place! Superintendents, highly educated and highly paid, spend 90% of their time “babysitting” school boards, dealing with irrational behavior and worse by board members. Capable leaders are fired all the time, because they take on school board tyrants, only the Superintendents who can “get along” with wacko board members survive. How do I know this, because I was one!
If you stand up for rational behavior, you risk being fired.
We need to professionalize our school system from top to bottom. If this is done, the need to unionize will decline rapidly. And, we will see a viable and effective evaluation system because professionals will be running the system.
So, put away your video cameras Mr. Gates, and start pushing for more fundamental reform; change the governance system, centralize it and streamline it.
We spend so much on education without much pay off, because we have a labyrinth of governance that discourages effective reform. Until we make that fundamental governance reform, we are wasting a whole lot of money to accomplish nothing.
It’s the system stupid!
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