Governor Perry of Texas announces that he believes that the federal government exists to serve the states. The states are supreme according to the good governor.
Meanwhile Perry constantly brags on Texas’ economic superiority to the rest of the Unites States; especially comparing Texas to California. Too much government regulation in California he cries; damn liberals raising taxes and stifling business he lectures; and so forth.
Meanwhile he completely ignores the deplorable living conditions for the majority of the citizens of Texas; an infant mortality rate that is one of the worst in the nation, poverty rate off the charts, pollution that is stifling, and one of the lowest wage scales in the United States.
But the biggest caveat to Perry’s nonsense lays in the wildfires and the drought that continue to plague (good word plague) the Lone Star State.
Texas is the home of good ole U.S.A. (now Saudi Arabian) oil. The oil industry owns the state; especially Governor Perry. They say jump, he jumps. Ironically, Texas itself ran out of oil a long time ago; just the companies (multi-nationals all) occupy Texas. Offshore drilling still exists, but the production of oil in Texas drops everyday.
America is NOT self-sufficient in oil, and never will be again. The world market dwarfs the available supply, and regardless of all the “natural gas will save us” propaganda from big oil, there is no way the United States can run its economy on domestic oil reserves. The time we could, if “foreign” oil supplies were suddenly cut off, is measured in days not in years.
So, a world war, like WWII for example, in today’s oil market, would have put the U.S.A. in the same boat as Japan and Germany, access to oil far outside their borders and inaccessible. Japan and Germany lost WWII for many reasons; especially the incredible courage and bravery of the U.S. soldier, but one main reason was THEY RAN OUT OF GAS!
Texas ran out of gas a long time ago.
However, that is not the Achilles heel that is sinking Texas in spite of Perry’s P.R. campaign (and perish the though, possible Presidential bid).
Texas helped poison the atmosphere years ago, by tying America forever to conspicuous consumption of oil and gas. For years lead poisoning and smog killed America’s children. Now, the CO2 emissions are killing the planet.
In a tragic twist, Texas and other states of the midwest and south, are predicted to become arid wastelands in the not so distant future.
Presently, Texas is enduring a record predicted drought that has Perry declaring days of Prayer, hoping for divine intervention; so far, no luck. Now, some are praying for a Hurricane (of all things) to bring rain. So, follow a disaster with a catastrophe to bring water.
What Perry missed, along with the incredible arrogance of fellow Texans, is that nature bites back. Pouring CO2 and other contaminants into the atmosphere will, and is, changing the climate in catastrophic ways.
So, Texas burns as Perry brags. Texas has ridiculously low tax rates, with high poverty rates and human misery as the result. But Texas oil, over the last century, changed the climate that will ultimately destroy the Lone Star state.
Watch for Perry, as this thing gets worse, to beg the federal government for help; in fact he already has by asking for a “state of emergency”. There was a minor dust up over this, with a Texas Republican claiming the federal government dragged its feet to send aid because Perry famously threatened to secede Texas out of the union. There was no basis to this charge, in fact federal aid is going to Texas to assist with the huge financial damage caused by climate change…I would be shot in Texas for using that phrase since all Texans are armed it seems (at school, in bars, in cars; you name it).
Gee, I thought the conservative’s hero stood for states’ rights with no central government (until there is a problem).
Let’s see how Texas weathers the weather that it helped ruin. Let's see if the "economic miracle" (didn't George W. use the same myth to get elected?) of Texas survives going years without adequate H20!
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