The insanity...the insanity...
On the Today show (today), we were treated to a hilarious weather routine reporting the endless drought that is affecting at least half of the nation. The weatherman joked, showed the obligatory video of children playing in the sprinklers, and talked about "another hot one".
One was reminded of hot summers with the ice cream man right around the corner.
Except, this time the jockular weatherman did not mention that the nice ice cream man that is coming right around the corner is hell, the devil himself!
That's right, the joking must stop because hell itself is right around the corner.
Ask central Africa, with thousands now dying in an endless drought and famine. These weather phenomena are not funny anymore. Global warming kills!
The great plains are being battered by relentless heat and drought. This is killing crops at a record pace. Already food prices are forecast to go up, battering an already fragile U.S. economy.
Can it get worse? Of course it will. All you have to do is read about the dust bowl and you realize it can get much worse. Nobody was telling stupid jokes about the hot weather then, as millions of people exited the arid plains and moved to California.
And what does the New York Times do? Why, it sticks its head in the sand, and calls the drought a product of "El Nina..or El Nino?".
What!? They even say that climatologists have made that call. That is patent nonsense!
The truth is climatologists have determined drought like the United States is now enduring as part of the warming of the planet; i.e., global warming. These things have been predicted for years. Now that they are happening, the press seeks to lessen their impact, making jokes out of farmers losing their crops, and dust storms obliterating Phoenix.
Meanwhile, the House of Representatives blindly is rescinding the "light bulb bill" that was saving consumers thousands of dollars and reducing the carbon footprint. The prior sponsor of the bill, under attack by the oil and coal industry, is actually trying to repeal the bill he sponsored and passed, because Rush Limbaugh called it a "nanny state" bill. I suppose "the free market" is to be again given the responsibility to produce low polluting light bulb technology; since in the past it produced the same light bulb basically that Edison invented. That's right, left to free market innovation, we have been basically using a 150 year old technology.
The new light bulbs burn cheaper, last much longer , and use far less electricity. Of course, this means less profits for the producers of electricity, so they oppose the bill.
The insanity of all this is beyond belief. Efficiency and good business practice are to be rejected so big coal and oil can make even more profit!
Look, Climate Change is real. Liberals are NOT advocating that climate change is real to grow government. Why on earth would progressives be rooting for something that could kill us all?
It is (as they say) what it is. I wish it was not. But it is.
People are dying all over the planet, and climate warming is scheduled to get only worse. This is just the preamble to a story of human stupidity and ultimate misery that will be the biggest one since...since..Noah!
The New York Times, the Times for God's sake, are denying climate change! I would expect "Good Morning America" to do that, they are owned by the wacko, right wing Disney Corporation.
I have wondered why big corporations, blindly oppose those who are warning that the human race is looking at possible extinction unless we act now to reduce the conditions that are wrecking the planet. Why would they do that?
How much oil and gas can you sell to dead people? How many consumer toys can people buy when they are broke, and spending all their money for food; while frantically traveling around looking for water? How much profit can you make if modern society ends? Why would Arizona, Texas and Oklahoma be "hotbeds" of climate change deniers, when their states stand to lose millions of dollars and citizens as they slowly decline into arid, hot, uninhabitable wastelands? What is the matter with these people?
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Meanwhile, Los Angeles is in gridlock because they had to repair a large section of freeway and it makes national news. People have no other way to get to work, so the entire L.A. basin shuts down because one section of freeway is closed.
L.A., a national leader in transportation, essentially eliminated its trains and buses long ago, going "all in" for automobiles, sprawl and freeways. This, of course, has pumped trillions of pounds of CO2 and other pollutants into the air over the past eighty years, which right now is making a desert out of Texas.
When I was at Stanford, on the freshman football team, we traveled to L.A. to play U.S.C. While warming up for the game, I suddenly became short of breath with a dull pain in my chest. I reported this to the trainer, having never experienced this before in Northern California. He laughed and said, "Welcome to L.A., you are just sucking in smog".
My chest hurt, I actually could see the air, a dull gray, filled with smoke and dust. I had never seen this before.
And remember, this was 1965, BEFORE anti-pollution laws reduced what was a lung disease filled hell hole called L.A. into a hell hole choked with cars; cleaner air, stupid energy policy.
Insane! Absolutely insane!
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