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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Oh Iowa

Cnn, along with all other news outlets, was filled with political analysts discussing the Iowa upcoming caucasus.

It is the Caucasus system that is remarkable for its undemocratic nature; basically small groups get together, discuss issues and then vote.

Iowa is dominated by conservatives; especially Christian conservatives. This means that Republican Presidential candidates must appeal to the most conservative, reactionary part of their party, in a sparsely populated state.

Some Republicans, I suppose, would say this is good. It "grounds" the candidates in the conservative base of the party.

As a Democrat I think it's nuts!

The country is not represented by Iowa in the least. Most Americans live in urban/suburban corridors, on the East and West Coasts. The average American is urban, multi-racial, and lives in large population centers. The average economic American lives increasingly in the Global Economy.

Neither of these apply to Iowa at all. So how on earth does what Iowa thinks make any difference to the "national interest"?

And then there is the electoral college.

This is an anachronism of not the twentieth century but the eighteenth century. I assume you know how it works.

Is is also deeply anti-democratic.

Because of their racist anti immigration, anti African-American policies, the Republican Party is increasingly the Party of the minority white elderly (and Iowa!) The electoral college system, protects minority interest, and has more than once, elected a President who has less votes that his opponent.

This just happened in 2000. George W. was elected but actually lost the "popular vote" by over a million votes. But, he won Florida and got a majority in the undemocratic electoral college.

The results were disastrous for America. When 9/11 happened, Bush was a minority elected President. To increase his base, he deliberately sought out a foreign conflict; it was all about getting more support. Lying to do this was acceptable, as a minority elected President, the ends justified the means.

America's is changing. People of color are fast becoming the majority in all population centers. Inter-marriage is acceptable, and the country is becoming a blend of cultures, nationalities, and races. America is becoming brown. (I always have wondered why whites decry people of color, but risk their health by lying in tanning booths!).

Although many white racists are aghast at this browning , it really is understandable, given the global nature of the world we live in. The global economy, the internet, and communications have tied the world together like never before.

A racist nation, that elects to isolate itself from the various nations of the world, stands NO chance of economic survival.

As Republicans appeal in Iowa to white only crowds, that are "social conservatives", they isolate themselves more from the world economy. As they lurch further to the right, hoping for another minority elected President (numbers-wise not racially), they offend nations of color with whom the United States must deal with economically (and socially, politically and otherwise).

The world is watching in more ways than one, as racially isolated elderly white men react to, rather than embrace the global economy.

Electing another minority President will be a disaster for the United States economically. "Whites only" won't work in the global economy. Iowa is so far removed from China, India, and Brazil that it is almost comical.

Moreover, the problems and issues in Iowa are light years different than the problems of Los Angeles and Chicago.

If we elected a minority elected President, based on Iowa's values, we will also elect someone who cannot relate to the critical problems of urban America; unemployment, housing, economic revitalization; etc.

Iowa, with an unemployment in single digits, is MORE different from urban America than ever before. Not only are their values different, their economic status is different.

A minority elected President will open the door for widespread urban unrest, upheaval and violence that could end our democratic system of government.

So, Oh Iowa, holds huge risks for our continued existence as a nation.

It isn't just a matter of race, or whites "taking their country back".
Oh sure, they can take it back, and doom us all to second class status in the global economy.

Iowa's values are not America's values. They used to be, in 1940 for example. But it "ain't 1940" anymore, and is sure as hell "isn't Kansas" either.

The midwest that used to be America's core stopped representing American forty years ago. It figures that conservatives would still hold that notion, they usually are fifty years behind the times.

Go to Salinas sometimes,or Chicago, or San Francisco: THAT is America and is becoming more America all the time.

And it isn't about race either, it is about the world, and how it has changed, and how our economy is not our economy is the global economy, and whites make up a minority of that economy.

Oh Iowa...Oh no Iowa...

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