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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Purity of Race

Today in the news, there was an article about victims of a forced sterilization program in North Carolina that ended in the 70s. Victims are seeking financial compensation from the state for what happened to them.

Racism, prejudice and the culture of racial purity spring from nefarious eugenics beliefs.

The 16th and 17th century were known for war, slavery and conquest. The mostly white "Western Civilization" having stolen the idea of gunpowder from the Chinese, used it to make firearms that led to the colonization of Asia, Africa and America.

After decimating native opposition, there was an wholesale migration, especially to Australia and the Americas of Europeans many who were "asked" to leave.

As the migration increased, competition arose between white immigrants and native peoples.

Ownership of property and rights was a bedrock of legal beliefs in European society. Feudalism had grown into the dominant social and ecnomic system based on owning property.

Property ownership, a concept unknown to native people in the Americas, was the sole source of status and wealth in European culure.

So, as Europeans moved into the Americas and Austraila they stole the native lands. This was an essential way of upward mobility for poor immigrants, who at least in Australia's case, were also thieves, and social outcasts. Austraila began as a penal colony.

The Puritans, for example, were driven from England for their unconvential religious beliefs.

The practice of indentured servitude was a way to America for many debtors, who used the system to come to America, worked off their debt, then set out to the west to start a farm on someone else's land.

These people were NOT members of the upper class, educated or cultured. . Often times they were debtors, who escaped debtor's prison to come to the New World. Cherokee history tells of the first white contact, and how dirty and dishelved the whites were.

The aristocracy and rising middle class, the bourgeois if you will, stayed in Europe. There was no reason for them to risk everything coming to the New World, because they were in control of the old one.

To justify the plundering of the New World, the newly presented Darwinian theory of survival of the fittest was bastardized into racial superiority "facts".

It was reasoned that Europeans were superior because they had the guns. Everything else, the subjugation, genocide and wholesale theft developed from this basic concept; cultural superiority rose from military superiority.

This firepower proves me better theory is still with the world today and one day may kill us all.

And of course, there was slavery. The New World was developed on the backs of African slaves, who offered cheap labor.

How then to justify slavery? Darwin took care of the Indians, they were racially inferior, not even human beings. So, the same justification was used on the Africans. The United States Consitution, aglow with freedom and equality, classified slaves as 2/3 people and Native Americans not at all.

Africans were sub-human. Their culture supported slavery after all, and they did not have guns. Of course, Europeans were only dealing with first impressions of African culture, and ignored other gains (like the Moslems who had nearly destroyed Europe 300 years earlier, the fact that mankind evolved in Africa). Native Americans were less than sub-human, were animals, who could be slaughtered; especially if you wanted the corner lot.

If we fast forward to North Carolina in the twentieth century, we see the products of this eugenic madness. It was so bad, that racist sterilization practices even survived World War II and its genocide. The revulsion of the civilized world could not overcome the madness and justification for gain of racism.

It still pervades our culture today. The rumors that President Obama was not born in the United States, that is a Kenyan, that he is a closet Moslem all are racist at the core. These lies are based on the same mindset that gave us the forced sterilization of thousands of victims by various states in America, of all places, the "land of the free and home of the brave". If you have ever been to an Indian Reservation you know what subjugation can do. The colonial culture stole Native Americans' lands and their wealth, leaving their descendents to rot in virtual concentration camps.

The historical fact is eugenics were used to justify slavery and the wholesale theft of millions of square miles of land. And, this was done by immigrants to America, many of whom who had been asked to leave Europe because they were debtors, criminals or even worse.

They then made up theories of superiority to establish their greed and their crimes.

The Purity of Race really masks crime and sins against man. That is a fact and one day God will render his verdict. I doubt if it will be a kind one!

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