Did you know corporate taxes are fifth in the country? Fifth, oh my Gawd, even though there are more people in California than any other state, we still are fifth.
Did you know the overall tax burden is 15th in the country? How on earth can we survive?
Why, we must cut taxes again, don't vote for Brown's Tax increase; it is tax and spend. We need to lay off those unionized state and local workers, slash their pensions and...and...
Sound good to all you cons out there.
Ok, try this on for size: Thanks to this lunacy that has been going on since Prop 13 California's public universities and colleges now cost middle class families more than Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton; etc.
That's right, because of our infatuation with the tax nut right, a middle class high school grad now can go to Harvard for almost half of what it costs for U.C. Berkeley. San Jose State actually costs more than U.C. Berkeley, because Berkeley can provide some financial aid to middle class students. San Jose cannot.
California has Silicon Valley. This area is an economic dynamo for the entire state. We used to have a highly educated citizenry, the best public education in the country K-12. Then the gouls set in, the Jarvis/Gann's the "Tax No More" crowd.
And our state has been going down hill ever since.
IT IS A GLOBAL ECONOMY! California sits on the Pacific Rim, and competes directly with China, Japan and India. We stupidly have allowed Apple Computer and others to outsource manufacturing of computers to the Far East for blue collar work. Now, as we have destroyed our once great public universities, we outsource white collar work as well.
And now, our best and brightest are going back east to go to college because it is cheaper!
Some of you cons, will say, oh now kids can go to Stanford and Harvard? Have you checked the enrollments of these schools? There are elite universities with undergraduate enrollments of about 6,000. UC Berkeley has 25,000!
Our best students must get into a lottery for Cal, they must apply for financial aid, and then, they pay almost double for the education compared to Harvard!
So make sure you all vote against the small tax increase in the fall. Make sure you keep believing the Tea Party, whose economic foolishness have destroyed this state; and threaten to destroy the country.
They are wrong....they always have been wrong. And the tragedy is many middle class grandfathers have voted with them, and doomed their grandchildren to a life of poverty.
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