The first was a center cut headline, that Ann Coulter...THE Ann Coulter...has visited a local Winery/Restaurant in a "closed to the public" appearance. The owner of the winery, an unabashed conservative wacko, went on and on about how truthful Ann is, and a "straight shooter" (see shooters later in this article).
He then spiraled into some drivel about how his business was essential to the area's economy that spread nicely into the second main headline of the "Potterville Journal" (Record Searchlight) that reported several lawsuits between the Coulter lover and the county.
It seems this self-appointed savior of Shasta County's economy, had neglected to tell the county that he not only was putting in a winery on his property, but a full restaurant as well. This he did without paying for any of the permits, or going through that pesky government regulation stuff.
And, he railed against the county, saying that "I can take my business anywhere else if they persist in over-regulating me" (my paraphrase).
Now we know why Ann Coulter was there. The bad old government is ruining yet another businessman, by enforcing its zoning laws. By GAWD we tea party patriots will not stand for it..the mayor needs to cross the Sacramento again dressed like George Washington!
Maybe he should take his business to other parts (he sure as hell isn't going to get mine)! Maybe the Mohave Desert?
After all, he said he can take his winery anywhere! He really did, he said he could take his winery anywhere. I kid you quote...What an IDIOT!
Oh and real smart of Mr. Conservative, piss off the few wine drinkers in Potterville (most of the rednecks swill beer and smoke doobies; see prior article on Marijuana Dispensaries).
The only wine drinkers of note in Potterville are......liberals. They sure as hell don't let anyone know however...we are all closet liberals in Potterville (all five of us)!
On the inside cover was an article, following up on the two policemen that shot the two little dogs, in a hail of bullets, to "protect themselves".
Evidently, the two brave officers, had already handcuffed the suspect who sought refuge in the dogs owners' room, and had to blast their out of the room because they were "charged", threatened, cornered (you get the drift) by the two little dogs.
Let's see, two officers at least, armed, with bullet proof vests, who have the bad guy handcuffed, are "charged" by two small dogs.
Now the really good part; I kid you not, it seems one of the officers had a Police Dog on a leash!
That's right, a 100 pound police dog, trained to kill small dogs, jet airplanes, and anything else that gets in the way. A POLICE DOG!
But they aimed at the aggressive" pit bull" (actually Schnauzer/Boxer mix and the Chihuahua (no kidding, one of those tiny ones) who was pregnant by the way (are you kidding me!).
I am not making this up...really I am not...honest!
And just for the record, Haven Humane, our Potterville Humane Society, has not uttered ONE WORD! Humane Society???? Not in Potterville! Shoot the little shits!
Christ, between the two of them they couldn't have outweighed one of the Police Dog's legs!
Really, I am not making this up!
So, two dogs weighing less that 15 pounds against a trained police dog, German Shepherd no doubt (about 90 pounds) needed the cop to empty his revolver into them, to save the Police Dog's life. Are you shitting me!?????
Maybe the dogs had hoodies on?
Why not back out of the damned room and kick the dog who was advancing, and shut the damned door? Just a wild suggestion.
Oh, of course the "supervisor" cleared the cops of all wrongdoing, and for good measure, claimed the motel was a den for drug dealers and such. The motel owner took exception to that statement of course. Remember, Potterville's own city council sued the state to close the drug dealers dispensaries. No tolerance for drugs in Potterville....sanity either!
Can you imagine being downwind of the bullets? The Chihuahua evidently was, and died for it.
Any efforts to save her pups were not reported.
I seriously doubt if the cop could have hit her if he aimed at her anyway...those are little dogs!
So blast away Potterville! Take your business else where away from the Commies! Shoot first, ask questions later.
Finally, (there's more???) good ole Potterville North, they are trying to recall a city councilwoman, a tea party member, who is so nuts that even Potterville cons can't stand her.
Potterville North, a poor area, has kept its electric rates artificially low for years, since most of its citizens are so poor thanks to our conservative wing-nut leaders, that the bond companies, who have been loaning the city money to off-set the modest increase in electrical charges for years, now wants their money. There go those damn liberals again! Ann, Ann, where are you?
So, the city raised the electric rates (still far below PG&E by the way).
And who is leading a petition drive to get the rates lowered, against all sane advice, why the tea party wacko who is being recalled of course!
That's right folks, the target of a recall, is leading the charge to reduce rates, that could put the city in default of loans, it simply has to pay. Makes sense in Potterville!
So, in review(?) ...When in Potterville on vacation:
1. Potterville shoots dogs. If you are traveling, we suggest boarding your dogs. For sure, DO NOT TAKE THEM TO A MOTEL!
2. Be particularly careful to avoid "drug den" motels, especially next to the now legal, but banned (sort of) marijuana dispensaries.
3. Oh, carry a gun too, because the place is crawling with dope fiends.
4. And then, don't drink the wine, because you have to go to the Ann Coulter loving winery, and eat in the illegal restaurant, so Mr. Hollywood won't get mad and leave...?
5. And finally, dim the damn lights, because you know, the Tea Party is fighting for your right to pay lower electric bills, so their stalwart leader can keep her city council job.
I am NOT making this up!
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