It is not government regulation or taxes, it is not the opportunity for green jobs and a green economy.It lies in how California, an extreme, automobile centered economy, reacts to Peak Oil; that is a harsh reality, and is building in its destructive force for all of us.We are running out of oil at a rapid pace.
Just today, I read that Mexico is preparing to drill in super deep waters, just as BP did in the Gulf of Mexico. Mexico has, or rather had, vast reserves of oil; now even they are desperately looking for oil thousands of feet below the surface of the ocean.
If Mexico is doing this, we are in deep trouble. The world cannot even come close to providing the oil supply to match its demand. The United States uses between 20 to 40 percent of the world's oil, depending on who you read. Regardless, we make up 3% of the world's population.There is simply NO WAY this can work. We must, right now, start planning and building new ways to get to work, new ways to conserve the precious oil we have left, new ways to live.
In a sense this can revitalize the economy, but in ways that are as revolutionary as when the internal combustion engine was first introduced.
Why now research Peak Oil some, and write an article about it in realistic terms.It will scare people I am sure, just like blacksmiths were scared in 1910, when the "infernal combustion engines" threatened their livelihood.The stakes are even higher now, since our very civilization is at stake.
Liberal, conservative, it makes no oil is gone, and oil is becoming more scarce every day. We are running out of time.
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