Is it worth a friendship?
Last night I admit I was not feeling too well. I had surgery again to clean out my sinuses (am home today and ok), but was not in a real positive mood.
Then I get an email from a golfing buddy, who claims to be a Democrat, but sends me right wing fanatical stuff all the time. He thinks it is funny.
This time, the author (not my former friend) of this hateful fascist propaganda, did what fascists do, they criticize and denigrate the government and those who work in the government.
Now I am not talking about the normal, and healthy watchdog system we enjoy to criticize the government, that is well established in law and tradition in our country. Every level of government has recourse, whistle-blower rules, appeals; etc.
We do not have a out of control government at any level, in the United States, regardless what the Tea Party's propaganda says. Due process is everywhere, even in the military. If anyone tells you different, they don't know what they are talking about.
One of the first stages of fascism is to de-legitimize these checks and balances, make people suspicious of elected government, and set up the "Party" as an alternative: The Tea Party is doing that right now by running for as many offices as they can, but according to a creed (oath) that dictates how to govern the way the Party dictates. In short the Party is set up as a mirror government.
This is not healthy criticism or check and balance. This is fascism!
The "joke" listed several governmental services, from the IRS, to teachers, as service, it was very inclusive. The author claimed to not understand what the service types do, then he used a metaphor that a "bull" recently "serviced his cow", and now he knows. (I am surprised the idiot knows how to tie his shoes).
In short, the bull, public service employee, is screwing the public and him.
Nice huh. Tell that to the widow of the F.B.I. Agent who gave his life for us. Tell that to the 35 year teacher, who has worked in the poorest neighborhoods. Tell that to the Public Health Service that eradicated Polio.
"Ask not, what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".
Now, conservatives are saying ask nothing of me, screw the poor, I've got mine, the hell with you. Their blind, irrational hatred of government, is making them ripe for the picking by the fascist right.
Today, we have lowest number of Americans serving their country in any capacity, in our history. This is because we now have an all-volunteer army (SERVICEMEN).
I spend 35 years serving the youth of this country as an educator. I served 3 and 1/2 years in the National Guard. It was at the end of the Vietnam era, and yes I didn't get shot at. But, do you have any idea how FEW serve today?
Less than 1%! That's right, our young people are "letting George do it", and George comes home, screwed up, wounded, and unemployed. The slackers stayed home, did not serve even in the Guard, took the jobs, and then write the crap that I received today. There is a word for that, traitor.
Everyday, millions of service men and women deliver your mail, fight your fires, find and kill terrorists, educate your children, save you in tornadoes, cure your sick, and yes, "ask what they can do for their country".
Many of these jobs, contrary to the selfish, greedy and yes STUPID right who relishes in degrading service men and women, pay less, have dangerous and thankless jobs. Oh yes, they are screwing us alright, screwing us by protecting us, educating our children, delivering our mail, and yes, collecting our taxes.
Did any of these idiots think how we are going to pay our Defense Budget, which is more than all of the other nations in the world combined? That is right, combined! The more tax breaks we give ourselves the more selfish and "do for ourselves" we become. There is a word for that: treason.
I was proud to be one of those few who served. I did more for my country in ONE day, than most private sector right wing critics do in a year. Oh yes, they give to charity, they cheat on their taxes, they plot to cut programs that feed starving children. Real patriots!? Traitors.
So this is the deal. I have grimaced, I have stomped out of golf matches, I have written angry blogs like this one.
Now, if one of these idiots sends me anymore fascist propaganda, putting down public service men and women, you are done with me.
That is right, done.
And, I will come after you non-violently, hitting you with fact after fact, argument after argument.
Fascism is growing every day. I really believe this. We must resist its malignant growth at every level. The Tea Parties are spawning grounds for fascism. This is treason.
I will not stand silent and let it grow without a fight!
Is that worth a friendship? You are damn right it is.
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