As usual, no accountablily
I have always been amazed by utter lack of introspection that conservatives show toward their "programs".
A case in point, is the incredible lack of any accountability for the complete breakdown of the middle class wealth in the last decade.
National statistics, that no con I know of disputed, showed a precipitous drop in the economic vitality of the middle class; and a huge increase in the wealth of the very rich.
The total wealth figures were even more disturbing; showing a 40% drop in personal wealth in the middle class, from 2000-2008, which happens to be the presidential term of George W. Bush.
It also is the term of de-regulations, tax cuts, corporate tax loopholes; etc.
In short, the Bush era was a time of massive de-regulations, tax cuts for the wealthy, to somehow stimulate the economy to grow. That was the promise of the "ownership society", remember?
The "Ownership Society" was a administration catch phrase, everyone could own a piece of America. Home ownership was to be its anchor.
Unfortunately, the associated deregulation in the mortgage industry, was a hotbed of "liars loans", fraud, and abuse, that directly led to the housing bubble, that directly led to the greatest loss of individual wealth by the middle class in history.
And where is the analysis from the right? There is a strange silence.
All the corporate sponsored "think tanks" are silent. No comment is the norm. Nothing, to explain the largest shift of wealth in U.S. history. analysis, no empirical method, nothing.
What is really maddening is there is no denial analysis either. They don't even bother denying the statistics, they just trot out Romney, who is suggesting the same "fix" the next time around.
Of course, this occurs because the tax cuts, the housing fraud, the "ownership" society cleverly was intended to steal massive amounts of wealth from the middle class, and shift it to the wealthy. They knew what they were doing.
After the statistics were released, there were a few statements by former Bush officials, basically explaining that they were surprised when the economy began to tank, that it was all a shock, as in "shock and awe".
It sounds familiar, like the surprise, that the "intelligence" surrounding the ramp up to attack Iraq, was wrong. The same crap they trotted out when Katrina happened. The same nonsense they tried for 9/11 by the way.
Bush was able to dodge that one, "he didn't know", even though the Clinton Administration gave him tons of information and warned of an imminent terrorist attack. Bush blew it, but as usual did not analyze why he blew it; typical con response.
I can remember, before 9/11 Bush took more vacation days, time off, than any other President to date. He even famously said, working too much in the job was a bad idea. And then, when hell fire was raining down on New York City, he sat dumbfounded in front of an elementary school class in Florida, because he "didn't know, was showing coolness under pressure, was not sure what to do".
Flat out analysis, the guy froze, he didn't know what to do in a leadership position, because he was never a leader to begin with.
But the cover-up worked. Bush was able to shift the onus off his "freeze" and onto, of course, the prior administration, because it was THEIR fault "I didn't know". There was even a T.V. program produced, putting the onus on the Clinton Administration for the 9/11 attack. In the 2004 election, a campaign ad even famously claimed, "President Bush kept us safe from terrorist attack", ignoring that September is 8 (eight) months after he was sworn in as President.
President Bush was President when the most destructive surprise attack in U.S. History occurred. There, I said it. That is certainly NOT "keeping us safe".
To accept these lame excuses, "we didn't know", or the "information was faulty" takes a stretch of imagination beyond intelligent analysis. This is the "business" party after all. Romney repeats ad nausium, that his "business" expertise will fix the economy.
Bush was, after all, the first Harvard MBA to be president. I remember being told, that economic "experts" were in charge, not to worry, everything would work out. Tax cuts will fix everything, regulations were what was was causing all the trouble; trust us!
As our pockets were being picked!
And of course, that is my point. Conservatives never analyze their mistakes, or their programs that don't work so well. Because they never analyze their errors (after all nobody is perfect), they never test their next ideas against prior experience; and blunder from mistake to mistake. The result of this is that fiction takes the place of truth.
But when it comes to a liberal programs, like Medicare for example, legions of analysis are trooped out, finding fault everywhere. Every liberal program is subjected to books full of conservative analysis, ripping into every fault, every failure.
And, with Fox News, talk radio, blaring propaganda at us 24/7, there is not need for truth in any of this.
Fiction is the remedy for all ills. Karl Rove has even written that using fiction to win political points if "fair game" in politics. In short, lying is better than the truth in political debate.
And when Americans accept this all as truth, as they are doing right now, the country is finished.
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