It is hissy fit time..
I really thought that the Supremes were going to overturn the Affordable Care Act. I really did.
The Insurance industry has poured millions into discrediting the Act. Two Justices, at least, have wives, or themselves, who openly were patronized by the Insurance Cabal (I can't call it anything less).
And when you read the part of the Act that caps their profits and administrative costs, and even will pay a rebate to millions at the end of the summer, you quickly understand why the Insurance giants hate the act. I never could understand why insurance companies would propagandize against an act that will give them 30 million new paying customers. It is the regulation piece, that restricts their utter freedom to jack us all around, that they hate.
And they, up until now, have been very successful in poisoning the well regarding the act. The insurance industry has spend millions, lying about the act. And, predictably, a majority of Americans are very paranoid about Act.
A reporter asked why the administration has not made a better case for the Affordable Care Act. The response from the White House was basically that they could not afford to match the full court press that the Insurance Cabal has mounted.
And, of course, the Republican Right Wing (who is the Party now), has been only too happy to fall in line with this propaganda. Much of this has not been because of opposition to the Act itself, after all Mitt Romney who is the Republican standard bearer passed a very similar law in Massachusetts. The almost hysterical opposition is because President Obama is given credit for it; hence the derisive term Obamacare.
If anyone believes this is not crass political theater I am amazed.
Meanwhile there are 50 million Americans, and increasing, without any medical insurance. The recession has clobbered the middle class, removing employment and benefits for millions. The nation is in trouble.
And the conservatives go nuts because the government is intervening to save American lives. President Obama today, said "it should be clear I did not do this for politics"; in fact he has bet his political future on it. He then went on to say he did it for the American People.
What a novel topic, someone sacrificed for the greater good.
Another person who voted for the People, at great political risk, was Chief Justice Roberts, who then Senator Obama voted against when he was confirmed. That's right, Senator Obama voted against the Chief Justice, who just voted with the majority to uphold the Affordable Care Act.
A defeat in the Supreme Court, would have been devastating to the Obama Administration, but Roberts voted to uphold the Act!
And the cons are throwing a hissy fit. And they hate Roberts.
And Roberts, and Obama are now brothers in one regard, they have put country above self, have done unpopular things, have taken risks for all of us.
God Bless them; God Bless America.
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