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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Really...the IRS and Citizens United

So now there is blood in the water.  The cons have yet another crusade, in the endless quest to destroy governmental credibility.

And, like fools, progressives are joining the mindless clamor.  Like fools, we take the bait.  Like fools, we throw fairness and government by law, not of by men, out the window.  

Ok, just do a little googling, and you can find out the real cause of this fuss.

The United States Supreme Court!

The "Citizens United" decision opened up the floodgates for 501 C (F) non-profit corporations to be formed, that heretofore had their primary mission social welfare causes, that now could be used as covers for political action groups.

And hundreds, mostly conservative organizations (many tea party operations), made application in the past two years to form these "non-profit", TAX EXEMPT organizations.  The reason this happened was Citizen United.  

The IRS was inundated with these applications.  And, the IRS had to decide if these new blatantly political organizations in fact were following the rules of a non-profit.  They blatantly were NOT.  

Remember, these non-profits, tax exempt organizations CANNOT advocate for a political candidate.  They can indirectly advocate for political causes, but direct political electioneering is not allowed.

In fact, the IRS regulations, passed by Congress, have purposefully left loopholes in the tax code big enough to drive a truck through.  The regulations are simply not enforceable, and the cons know it!

So, 501 C (fs), can solicit contributions, anonymously, and be tax exempt, and still support the most far out political agenda they want to.  

The rest of us, when we make a political contribution, have to sign an oath that we are not attempting to deduct it from our income tax.  If we do, the IRS is on us.  But if we belong to a 501 c, we can do anything we want.  That is the con!

Well la de da!   So millions pore into these "constitutional awareness" organizations, many anonymous, and can be deducted from taxes.  

What exists is a tax haven through the 501 c tax code.  Those who follow the old rules, cannot claim a tax break, those who follow the new "rules" can.  What!?  

Go ahead and google the Tea Party Express.  On their page, right now, is a graphic ENDORSING Mark Sanford for Congress in North Carolina.  Remember now, non-profits under the code cannot directly get involved in political activity.   What is this, if not blatantly breaking the tax code?

What in the hell is this, if not direct political activity?  Who is kidding whom?

So, we get feigned shock, anger, vitriol; even the President weighed in yesterday, saying how shocked he was.

Meanwhile, thanks to Citizens United, non profits can solicit campaign contributions anonymously, support candidates to the hilt, and then scream when the IRS checks if they are following the bogus rules.

This is a "controversy" that goes to the essence of the corruption of the political process in this country.

We will be now "entertained" to a blood bath feeding frenzy by cons in Congress, claiming the IRS and the government was out to get them.

Get them?  Really?   Really! 

And the amazing thing is, not one...not one single application for non-profit status by a tea party group, no matter how directly political their websites and operations were, have been turned down by the IRS.


As where!

I am Chairman of the Shasta Country Democratic Central Committee.  We are still subject to old campaign finance law.  We cannot burp sideways, and the feds and state regulators are after tax exempt status, everything must be reported in extraordinary detail.  We fill out onerous regulation form after form with stiff fines if they are late or not filled in correctly.  

I have been remarking for months, how unfair it is, that using Citizens United, 501c's, are now the main political action committees in this country, eclipsing tradition political party organizations.  Research shows that the old, regulated process of campaign finance, has been "revolutionized by 504 c's, with disastrous effects for fair elections.  On the one hand you have a heavily regulated campaign finance system, with most of the big money migrating to 501 c  non-profits, who give you a tax break for  pouring money into a totally corrupt system.  

These "Citizens United" babies, have raised millions of dollars, not even bothering to hide their openly political operations, in a ruse that makes any fair minded person sick.

And the IRS, the favorite enemy of ALL wacknut conservatives, is now the enemy of us all, for simply trying to make some kind of fairness out of a legal mess caused by the "Supremes".

The IRS is under attack for trying to do their job!

And the trade-off is democracy dies a little more each day!

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