The numbers of Latinos and Asian Americans who voted democratic were in the high 70 percents. In short, it was a landslide! African Americans voted 98 percent Democratic.
And, the GOP, is allegedly alarmed by this, since neither group (if you can call such diverse peoples a group) particularly are of the liberal persuasion. Latinos for example are often social conservatives.
Nevertheless, they are voting solidly Democratic.
And now the Heritage Foundation.
Jim Demint, a retired congressman and consummate racist, heads up this think tank. The "Heritage Foundation" recently published articles that claimed immigration reform would be prohibitively expensive and implied it should stop.
Immigration reform, and Republicans' unbelievable opposition to it, has been THE reason Latinos and Asian-Americans have veered away from the Republican Party.
Governor Wilson, in the 1990s, championed a successful initiative that denied benefits to illegal immigrants, and their children. Most of this hated law has been repealed by the courts, and the cost to the California GOP has been huge.
Whole swaths of California, once a conservative haven, have swung to the left, in reaction to the blatant racism and nativism of Wilson's efforts.
And now the Heritage Foundation.
Ruben Navarrotte, a conservative Latino columnist, just published a piece that uncovers the "research" upon which the Heritage Foundation based its conclusion that immigration reform was so expensive.
One of the "researchers" included as support for his conclusions part of his Phd work from no less than Harvard's Kennedy's School of Government, that purports to prove that immigrants have lower IQs than native born citizens. In fact, his "research" claims it will take several generations before immigrants can reach the same IQ levels than whites.
Setting aside how on earth the "researcher" could have passed his PHd's thesis with such a pile of crap, the fact that the Heritage Foundation used his "research" to support anti-immigration conclusions is amazing.
In the dark days of nativism, early 1900s , "know nothings" and other lune tunes, used fledgling I.Q. test data to "prove" that racial minorities were inferior. What the tests markedly missed was the impact of culture and language on I.Q. tests.
In those early days of educational research, racism was pre-eminant. The facts that I.Q. tests were always given in English, and had dozens of questions in them that required a White Anglo Saxon background, were intentionally done, to arrive at the conclusions that minorities were inferior.
In short I.Q. tests were racist and were written to reach racist conclusions.
All, I mean every one of those "research" conclusions have long ago been disproven. Today's I.Q. tests are way different, still biased to some degree, but prove, over and over again, that RACE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH I.Q.
A culturally and language based I.Q. test, if given to a White Anglo Protestant minimally Italian language proficient "genius", would show more often than not, a minimal I.Q. if it were written in Italian. If you don't know the language, you test as an idiot.
There is NO evidence that I.Q. is tied to race. I.Q. tests given that are culturally blind, and in an individual's native language are accurate, those that are not, are not...period...
I would assume the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, would denounce the Phd it gave that "researcher" who has since resigned from the Heritage Foundation. How a racist pile of crap ever passed for a thesis is beyond me.
And the result for the immigrant community? It is the same as it was in 1890, immigrants vote against the racist party in huge numbers.
The Democratic Party, in 1964, literally purged institutional racists from its ranks, by passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This law led to the southern strategy of Richard Nixon, that took the Dixiecrats out of the Democratic Party and folded them into the Republican Party.
Now, the Democratic Party is not perfect for sure. But it did elect the first African American President, by nominating him fair and square in a highly competitive primary race, and then re-elected him.
This is huge in American History, and has meant a migration of immigrant groups into the Democratic fold.
The GOP? Well, racism abounds in its membership. Now, not all Republicans are racist, but appearances are everything. And Jim Demint IS racist, and so evidently is the Heritage Foundation. How else could they have hired that bigoted researcher? How else could it oppose immigration reform based on racist "research"?
Today, these racist, bigoted, blind and stupid groups have led the party of Lincoln into minority status in the populated areas of the United States. Only the provincial biased, and land mass counting more than people bias of the U.S. Constitution, keeps the GOP in the game politically in the United States.
If you look at an electoral map, Democrats rule where the people are, the GOP is dominant in lightly populated areas. There is NO WAY the GOP can survive this for long (unless they change or cheat).
Recent efforts to dissuade votes indicate the GOP has chosen cheating.
If the U.S. Senate was constituted like state legislatures, it would be overwhelmingly Democratic. Only blatant Gerrymandering keeps the GOP competitive in the House.
Only an average turnout of voters spells doom for the GOP. And even that is changing, especially in California, New York and other states with large recent immigration populations.
In California the GOP may be finished as a viable party, because it adheres to the Heritage Foundation like research that is not only indirectly racist, but directly racist as well.
Racism may make the bigoted feel better, but it has never lasted for long in a democratic is always destined to fail. And this time, it will take the GOP down with it.
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