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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Self Interest?

The concept of voting in your best self interest is not a new one.  It reeks of ME first, but it is what most voters do; they vote in what they think and hope will most help them in their lives.

In Northern California, and rural California the exact opposite has been the norm  now for many years.

With the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, working class whites, not just in the south, felt betrayed by the Democratic Party.  In the south and rural north, the party of Roosevelt,  moved  in mass over to the Republican Party.  The motivation was at first racism, no question.

A second motivator was the Vietnam War.  Working class young men bore the brunt of that war.  They were sent to the wrong war at the wrong time, became extraordinarily cynical and came home to rejection by their more affluent friends.

Liberal anti-war college students, protected from the war by an unfair draft, were able to sit out the war in great numbers.  The working class, loyal young man who did their duty,  felt betrayed and abandoned  by his country and by the Democratic Party.

Then along came Reagan and his Hollywood populism.  Reagan was able to collect even more working class people into a Republican party,  based on a working class populism, that mixed racism with revulsion against non-"family values".  Reagan had been elected govenor of California by a backlash to anti-war protestors and "hippies".  Once Reagan was elected he turned this anger on "welfare queens" and taxes, shifting the tax burden from the rich to the middle class.  Trickle down economics was sold as being in the best interest of the middle class.  The concentration of wealh in the top 1% of the past forty years is proof that this cutting taxes to stimulate the economy and aid everyone is simply a LIE.

What really was going on, was a carefully orchestrated campaign, led by special interests, to manipulate the market to their permanent advantage.

The United States was the top dog after World War II.  It remained alone in the world with a non-damaged infrastructure.  This advantage began to wane in the 1970s, with the oil embargo and the ending of the Vietnam setting off high inflation that hurt the middle class.  And who did the conservatives blame for this?  The Democrats of course.

In anger, and as a result of unprecedented propaganda led by radio conservatives, the middle class swung right, abandoning the lessons that the New Deal had taught them.   Those lessons by the way, that wealth had to be re-distributed to a limited degree, or a middle class could not exist, have never changed in their veracity.  Keynesian economics still work, even in the global economy.

The New Deal had saved the middle class in America.  But, when Democratic Party  swung into supporting  civil rights, the white middle class had enough.  It reacted negatively to the Democratic Party, joining Nixon's Southern Strategy and Reagan's "Shining Beacon on the Hill", and started voting Republican.

Meanwhile, the rich benefactors of this political shift, cynically began changing the game in America, accumulating more riches and cutting opportunities for the American Dream.

And the middle class fell into a trap of voting contrary to their self interests.  And the middle class committed suicide.

Fox News was a  direct reaction to this "victory" of the wealthy over former New Deal Democrats.  It continued and perfected the propaganda of right wing commentators, with devastating effect.   Reagan even changed the Federal rules for mass communication, enabling a huge advantage for conservative propaganda.  And white middle class Americans began watching Fox News all day long.

Remarkably, even though their votes brought them NOTHING, middle class whites continued to vote directly against their self interests, electing more and more conservative pro-rich, pro-special interest legislators.

Northern California is a perfect illustration of this.  The logging industry imploded in the 1980s.  The working class in Northern California bought the lie that environmentalists caused the closing of mills.  The logging industry, that cynically outsourced work, closed plants that had simply ran out of public  land lumber.  Clearcutting had simply cut down all the timber.  What was left were private lands, the last of the old growth forests, that had to be preserved.  The sad fact is it takes over 100 years for a forest to regrow.

And the Democratic Party has been perpetually blamed for this .   And the voters in the North State continue to vote for the interests of the wealthy class at stark variance to their own because they see environmentalists as the enemy.

Meanwhile, thanks to an incredibly foolish adherence to an anti-immigration position, the statewide Republican Party has shrunk in size and power.  Currently Republicans do not even have 1/3 of the legislature, do not have one state officer position, and are even losing more influence with the demographic changes in the state.

And in Northern California a nonsensical separation of the state movement grows with absolutely no chance of success.  Conservative groups push for secession, knowing full well there is no chance it will succeed.

And rural people buy it.  Blinded by propaganda, they vote again and again directly opposite of their self interest.

As a result, northern California gets poorer and poorer, "patriots" tilt at the windmills of secession, and the poor get poorer.

People seem to enjoy getting fooled.

And the interesting thing is, in many other areas of their lives, they are getting more progressive.  Families are including gay brothers and sisters, inter racial marriage is commonplace, even in the most conservative of families.  But their churches, who invariably are Christian Conservative, continue to work to blind them to what is in their self interest.  The conservative press doesn't let up.

Of course  they buy it!   Millions are being spent EVERY day to keep the middle class silent.

They continue to waste their votes, sending people like Doug LaMalfa to Congress, who are there for one reason only, line their pockets and vote for their agribusiness profits.

The easy fix for the alienation and lack of representation at the state and federal level, is to elect Democrats.  It is that simple.

And they won't do it!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Free Capitalism From Itself

This is a response to yet another con apologist article by David Brooks, who tries so hard to me a moderate, but can't help himself by being wrong all the time!

Brooks is amazing...we have to search for ways to make capitalism work better.  Meanwhile, Republicans refuse to pass a minimum wage increase, refuse to pass any jobs bill, refuse to drop their austerity nonsense.

We finally watched "12 Years a Slave" last night.  Everyone in this nation needs to watch it, some twice.

Here a  few inconvenient truths:   1.  Slavery grew the American economy rapidly, assisting industrialization with cheap textile products, created by slave labor.  2.  Genocide grew the American economy by killing the legal owners of vast areas of land, allowing immigrants to begin their economic lives on land they got for free.  This was an enormous advantage in competing with Europe for economic hegemony.  3.  The Gilded Age, culminating in the Great Depression, proved forever that a free market economy, unregulated, would eventually implode, creating misery everywhere, and eventually resulting in mass warfare and fascism; witness WWII.

Look, slavery was never nice.  Capitalism has an ugly face, that destroys often as much as it builds.  Left alone in a total free market, it will implode!  At its worse, it is very negative.

Brooks is an apologist for this negativity.  He can't bring himself to support even one progressive idea, like simply raising the minimum wage, when history shows redistributing wealth, when it gets greatly out of wack, not only is good economics, but good historical survival.

As we watch other nations deteriorate into perpetual warfare, we could be next.  FDR, in 1932 realized that, and instituted policies that Republicans hate to this day and saved the free enterprise system.  And he is vilified to this day for it.

Brooks talks about the American Enterprise Institute as a "Think Tank".  So is the Hoover Institute.  Neither one of them produce any real breakthroughs, because their ideology is so flawed, so opposed to common sense fixes, and yes sometime complicated fixes,  to the free enterprise system, that they literally cannot think.

Finally, try this one on:  The ACA is yet another idea to begin SAVING the health care system in this country.  Raising the minimum wage is another idea to save the capitalist system.  Passing immigration reform is yet another.  And believe it or not, treating everyone fairly with equal civil rights also saves the capitalist system.  If Arizona foolishly approves their horrible discrimination toward Gays based on "religious freedom to discriminate", they will doom their capitalist system.  Companies will relocate, segregation is the enemy of free markets!

In the 1960s LBJ got that.  As a Southerner, he saw the damage that was produced by maintaining a segregated social and economic system.  Since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, that southern conservatives hate so much they actually changed parties because of it, the south has turned into an economic success; still not fair, but way better than before.

Raise the minimum wage.  Ensure Civil Rights for all citizens.  Regulate the free market system when necessary for its own good.  And stop voting Republican until they wise up...

Friday, February 21, 2014

Arizona Again

Once again Arizona is proving its engrained facism.  

This time the Constitution of the United States is the target.

In segregated times, southerners used religious freedom as one of the reasons numerous bigots tried to use religious freedom to justify discrimination against African Americans.  

The idea was to use scripture out of a context to justify institutionalized racism.   

It goes like this:  It is against my religion to serve Blacks, allow them to intermarry, get jobs; etc.

Now, in Arizona they are trying the same trick, voiding the Civil Rights Act, the 14th Amendment, etc.

There is nothing in current law thats forces anybody to do anything against their religion in a dealing with gays.   Nothing.   

But good old Arizona voted and sent on to the governor a bill that allows open discrimination against gays, including negating their civil rights even more than before.

All in the name of religion.

Not so long ago, in Germany and Italy, religion was used to justify the murder of over six million Jews.  The justification was that Jews killed Christ.

Nevermind that none of the Jews were even alive when Christ was crucified.  Fascism does not care about law or logic.  It is all about power.   

If we allow abomination to continue, we will be tolerating the same fascism that existed in Germany and Italy.   

This isn't just about Gay rights, it's about fascism and its evil getting a foothold in our country.

We need to resist this and demand Arizona be punished for their fascist behavior. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Get off ACA's Back

This is the part of the ACA that is most positive.  One, the "portability" of insurance, that allows people to go to the exchange and get their own insurance.  Small businesses, that cannot afford to cover their employees, self employed entrepreneurs, now can get affordable insurance.  And those in their 50s and 60s, are not yet at Medicare age, now can get insurance at a time in their lives when they need medical insurance.

Look, we are the ONLY economy on earth, who ties health care to whether we are employed or not.  So, to lose a job, means disaster if you get sick.  This has been a huge drag on our economy, puts us at a competitive disadvantage in the global economy, and ruins careers.  I am an example of that damage.

I have a son in law, who has a bad back, and is dragging his feet to get insured.  There may be some red tape issues, but there is simply no excuse to not get insurance today....none.  My son in law is self employed and right now cannot work, has not obtained insurance yet, so he sits home, untreated.

I was one of the unlucky ones, who watched his wife die slowly of breast cancer.  The ONLY thing that saved us financially was that we had medical insurance.

But, in those days if you changed jobs, you fell victim to pre-existing conditions.

I needed to change work places for political reasons: I clashed with my boss.  But, I could not, even though I was in education and got "group insurance", move from one work place to another within the same town.  Moreover, the job was the same one I was doing (Human Resources), in public education.  And I practically was promised the other position.

But to move meant no insurance for my wife, who was dying of breast cancer.  The Human Resources Director, who was retiring, called me and said I could not apply for the job since I would not be able to get insurance for my wife.

So, I stayed in a job situation that ultimately became toxic.  Because I could not change jobs, my situation at work got so bad I had to resign, and was able to relocate after my wife passed away.  By that time, even though I was a Superintendent, my time to build a career was over, so I ultimately took an early retirement.

Today, I could have moved.  I could have gone to the exchange to get insurance, or more likely, pre-existing conditions now are covered, so a job move is now very possible.

For me it meant a dead end to my career.  For me, my career was harmed, in addition to losing my best friend.

But, what the heck right?  According to my conservative friends, the ACA is awful, socialism, terrible; etc.  We all are sucking off the government's teat...eating the candy; etc.

Ask some of the people  quoted in the article below.  Ask your kids.

Get off ACA's back!  And as for you cons...may you rot!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Hate Does Not Stop!

Just get on the Internet anytime, and it takes but a few seconds to find the racism and hate.

I have a "buddy" who keeps saturating me with hate pieces.  The latest was of Michelle Obama who was "caught" gripping her crotch, or smoothing her dress, and the nasty crotch comments continued.

Some joke huh?  Never, never saw this crap about Laura Bush!

Next a "joke" about the President ladling bullshit.  Of course it was graphic. Of course, ha ha.

And then the con rants threatening impeachment, hanging, and death.

All fine, all part of politics?

Listen my  friends.  This country will NOT SURVIVE if anything happens like most of you want.  It will not.

Right now, many of you want a fight, and you will get it.  But it will mean the end of our way of life, and end to democracy, an end to many of us.

This country endured a civil war once before, and lost over 600,000 people.  The next one could mean 100 million.

Is that what you want?  Really?   Really?

So keep up your crap.  Keep wishing for tragedy, thinking it will mean a leg up politically, which is what you are all about anyway.  Political advantage and leverage is what this crap is all about, sometimes by force.

And you will lose.  Bigotry always loses in the end.

Lincoln was wrong in his forgiveness, I often think.  Racism and prejudice deserves what happened after WWII, a short noose!

So think long and hard the next time you send on a hate piece on the Internet...Because you are attacking the very essence of our democracy.

You can certainly politically argue as hard as you can, on issues,  but your racism and hate, is not funny!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Commute Will Be Terrible What are We To Do?

The San Jose Mercury News today ran an article that while innocuous, simple, and superficially benign, holds ominous consequences for all.

The Bay Area's economy is booming.  While we in Northern California continue with our self imposed conservative austerity, waiting for the promise of prosperity that never comes, Silicon Valley, San Jose,  even Oakland, are more than revived economically.

Technology is fueling it, but this time it is  not a superficial dot com one time phenomenon;  rather, a global demand for software, hardware, robotics; electronics of every dimension.  And the brain power to invent, innovate, and build these gadgets lies in the Bay Area, with its multitude of educational institutions, and variety of populations.

Meanwhile, this bastion of progress, of economic growth, are once again blundering into a trap that will surely bring economic ruin and  civilization disaster.

The words are simple really.  And we have learned to even trust them even though we hate to do it, we all have.  The words are:  "The commute will be terrible, but what are you going to do?"

You see, the employees of this economic growth cannot afford to live where they work.  Rents are skyrocketing, the price of a house in Palo Also averages well over $500,000.   Homes that in Redding, or Medford, sell for $200,000 sell for $700,000 in the Bay Area.

And many are priced out of the market.

So, to hold middle class jobs, the middle class has to move to Salinas, to Tracy, to far flung commutes.

Meanwhile, with a drought raging in the state, against objections from practically every environmentalist and geologist who realizes earthquake danger and water resource scarcity,  fracking proceeds to mine the "huge" Monterrey  Shale.

And we are still running out of gas.  

As the world economy begins to grow again, China and other "developing nations" copy the American urban sprawl model, fueled by the commute.  And more and more, this commute is provided by a single passenger automobile.   And that was never predicted by the Peak Oil scenerio.  China and India joining the commute, only means world oil reserves have peaked times is only going to get worse!

"Its the commute", will sadly be our modern civilization's epitaph.  

We really are running out.  What is really frightening, is nobody seems to give a damn.  

Think about it.  If we are now fracking to get oil and natural gas, sucking every spare drop out of already depleted oil and gas reserves (the key word is reserves), then WHAT IS PLAN B?

We are already using Plan B.  During the oil embargo of the 1970s, many oil companies started to turn to what is the world's only last gasp oil reserve, tar sands and shale.  Oil companies started to ramp up production, but the embargo ended too soon, and efforts were abandoned because it was too expensive; besides there was still vast reserves of sweet crude.  That was in 1975!   

The oil would have been heavier, and more polluting than the sweet crude of the Middle East, and much more expensive.

But, as every oil resource expert knows, it is there, there is a lot tar sands and shale (by 1970 standards), and it is the last reserve.

And right now, with the Keystone Pipeline about to be approved, with fracking going on all over the place, the world is blithely using up this last reserve, and pouring CO2 into the atmosphere!  

Most sweet crude oil wells only can harvest about 50% of the actual oil reserve miles below the surface of the earth.  Fracking can recover about 10 to 20% more, and that is it.  After that, nothing.

Nothing, nada, its over soon, the car in your driveway will be the hood ornament!

The "Peak Oil" predictions, that EVERYBODY, including environmentalists ignore, provided for fracking!   Peak oil is only getting worse!

There have been no new oil reserves found since Peak Oil was postulated.  All we are doing is tapping the world's last reserves.

And now, when we should be conserving, the Bay Area lights up, and commuters endure two hour car commutes one way, by themselves, single passengers on their way to environmental hell!

High Speed Rail is attacked by conservatives, farmers, as impracticable.  Lawsuits are filed, backed by oil companies, to reduce rather than add to commuter mass transportation.

So we troop into our cars every morning, move further away from our jobs because we have to, and suck the last oil reserves of the planet up.  

And what is Plan C?  What happens when the Monterey  Shale is used up (oh, it will provide enough oil for three to four years of the entire United States consumption)!  Oh boy!

What a bonanza!  And what happens after the three years?  

Living day to day is alright, it is certainly less stressful, and more beneficial for Me, Me, Me.  But we are sociological, historical creatures.  We can look forward and predict.  We have the intelligence to see a train wreck when it is coming.

And it is coming, sooner than most of us think.  

We have no choice,  we have to develop renewable energy sources NOW.  We have to figure out ways to keep workers closer to their jobs now, even if it means rental and housing market constraints.

The free market always has done a horrible job when faced with limited resources.  Anthropologists can tell you that.  Every kingdom, empire; you name it, that has collapsed, did so because of scarcity of resources in one way or another.  Either drought, or war, caused depletions of resources that strangled the empire to death.  We have never seen this on a world scale.  We are about to!

Every time, I mean every freaking time, free markets deplete resources, scorch the earth, and move on.  

Regardless of what some cons say, there is no move on left; in spite of one loon toon who wants to mine the Moon, there is no Plan C.

 Once the oil reserves are gone, they are gone; that means no more commute even if there are trains (no oil for trains, planes, or automobiles).  

And we will be looking at global economic meltdown or worse.

Don't settle for the damn commute.  Demand that housing and rental prices come down.  Stay close to your  job.  Quit shrugging your shoulders and muddling through, by sitting in your car burning up your children's futures with a four hour commute.

"The commute will be terrible, but what are we to do?"   PLENTY!

The Great Con

Just say it...come out and say it, you hate the ACA.  Quit with the baseless arguments of religious freedom. Nowhere in the ACA does it mandate coverage for abortion, nowhere.  This was taken out, stupidly by the way, to placate Republicans who are cynically using religious freedom to nullify a black man's presidency.

That is the reason behind all this. How can you, as a con, REALLY be against the ACA when it was thought up by the Heritage Foundation?  

And the mandatory contraceptive baloney, really?  Even if those poor catholic sisters are held at the point of a gun to include rubbers in their insurance, IT DOES  NOT FORCE ANYONE TO USE THEM!

I know lots of guys, when I was young, giving out cigars to celebrate a new born, and opening up their wallet to show a condom fresh in Its pack.

"Oh well", and a shrug was what they said.  "God will provide".  

Nowhere does any ACA tyrannical prose, mandate the use of contraceptives.

To once again let the Catholic Church wag its tail, and impose its will on the rest of us; producing rampant overpopulation in every Third World country is madness and the 12century position of the Catholic Church is the cause!

And what about the immorality of the cons, who make up stuff all the time to discredit the ACA?    The same ACA we progressives compromised massively every day to support by the way,because it ain't no Medicare that's for sure.

What about our principles?

You my lady lie in every one of these hit pieces.  The real reason for con opposition has NOTHING to do with philosophy, nothing to so with free market purity.

It has everything to do with politics, and racial backlash to a President who got the progressives in his party to pass a conservative idea, to BEGIN to address our health care crisis.

Quit lying, stand up and declare the real reason for opposing the ACA.  

Friday, February 7, 2014


Your article on Jack Kemp and his courage regarding immigrants was telling.  It was telling for the gutlessness of American Conservative leaders.

That's right and that includes YOU.

President Obama has guts to address the issues of the day.  The Democratic Party, once again, has the guts to take on the health care mess, the minimum wage, income disparity, women's rights, and finally immigration reform.

And where is the party of Lincoln; the party of the Great Emancipator?  Well, they are stuck in reaction to a base made of of southern bigots.

The Democratic Party had the same problem for years, until 1964.  In 1964, by passing the Civil Rights Act, Democrats lost the racist south.  And, much to the Republican shame,  the GOP took them in, lock, stock and barrel.

So now, immigration reform is impossible.  Cons like yourself publish articles whining about the straight racist reaction of conservatives to a Coke commercial, that yes, was the best Super Bowl commercial of them all.

Democrats learned the hard way, after all southern Democrats led secession, that there can be no compromise with racism.

People know when they are not welcome, you are right.  People also know gutlessness when they see it, and that would be Boehner.

We put a real dent in institutionalized racism with the Civil Rights and Voter Rights Acts.  Republicans, to their everlasting shame, have worked to detract from these laws, for sheer political expediency.

People know that hypocrisy, and keep punishing you and yours when they can vote.

But what you needed to say, was that you do not tolerate the racist behavior.  Stop pandering to these bigots, because they are bigots.

Your position on limited government is compromised, moderates have left your party in droves, because you pander to racists.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Water carriers

I am amazed every day by the conservative water carriers I meet.

In spite of statistics, and anecdotal evidence, showing a growing huge gap between the very few rich and the many poor, the water carrier middle class, usually aging white men, continue to support class warfare.

That's right, the term class warfare, used by Republicans to thwart Democrats criticism of income inequities, is really what is being waged by the rich class against the rest of us.

The financial sector is the most glaring example.  Movies are made on the madness of Wall Street, criticizing the greed and glaring acquisition of wealth in unproductive work..  Financial manipulators simply move numbers, gamble with other people's money, cheat, and acquire speculator wealth beyond imagination.

"The Wolf of Wall Street" is a recent example.  I was reminded of the pictures of former presidential candidate Mitt Romney, that shamelessly showed he and his partners awash in money, clutching it in their teeth, taking a bath in the green bounty of the top 1%.  It made me sick!

Meanwhile, the rest of us are relegated to increasing flattened incomes, lost pensions, and spreading poverty.   And, to top it all, the rich have convinced the water carriers that the ACA is evil, no health care for the rest of us.....only the hopelessly unfair present system that provides only for the rich.

And what do the middle class white men do?   They cheer the cheats on.  They bitch about the 47%, coached almost word for word by Fox News, to chant "takers" "takers" versus their heroes the "producers".

The problem is the "producers" are increasingly producing nothing but paper profits to increase their own wealth.

The great swindle is that  "trickle down" does NOT WORK.  Regardless, cons continue to repeat the con:  that tax cuts and reducing government and regulations will mean increased prosperity.

This flies in the face of empirical evidence, that the cons hate since they have become anti-science for obvious reasons.  The facts do not support their economic policies.

But, we have the Tea Party, who has taken over the Republican Party, backed by the Koch Brothers' Fascism, that pushes unceasingly right wing agendas down our poor throats.

So keep it up water carriers...keep up the good work....licking the boots of your masters, making sure your children and grandchildren make less, you have to work until you die, all for a damned myth of trickle down, and that  rich are nice guys.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Nay say Nay Again

We have been treated once again to a State of the Union Speech, and the wack-nut reaction to it from what is becoming the core of the Republican Party. 

There are a host of issues and problems that should occupy the interest of the Congress of the United States.  The recession is still present in many rural states and counties in the country; our own Shasta County being one.

The President talked, finally, about the effects of technology on the economy and unemployment.

 The Great Recession was deepened, no doubt, by robotics (a topic that economists gloss over with the wonders of technology). 

The manufacturing sector in the United States has been affected by two things:  outsourcing jobs to cheaper labor markets, and robotics. 

Yes, that's right, robotics.

Recently Amazon caused quite a stir, by announcing that it was considering short flight drones to deliver its smaller packages.  While an extreme example, this is yet another threat to jobs.

Robots put together our automobiles, pack trucks for shipping.  And, the internet has streamlined shopping, wrecking havoc with the retail sales industry.  Computers have savaged the postal service, substituting email for letters, spam for newspaper advertising.  Newsweek magazine, Life and many newspapers are gone along with thousands of jobs.

This is all being caused by technology, that has massively  reduced labor costs, increasing productivity (the amount of product created by worker) to unprecedented heights. 

This simply means fewer people create more productivity.  And the result is increased unemployment and the cheapening of the work force.

Minimum wage jobs are held by not just teenagers entering the workforce (the latest excuse used conservatives to ignore the real roots of underemployment), but by middle aged Americans who simply cannot find anything else.

Conservatives, who have decided to be against everything, and I mean everything the President and the Democrats are for, use every excuse in the book to deal with the impact of technology and robotics on the job market.

Conservatives came out after the President's speech, slamming him while doing lip service to bi-partisanship. 

The truth is they are spending all of their time and effort trying to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, refusing to even consider immigration reform, and keeping every  jobs bill hostage in the House of Representatives.

Technology and the global economy have created an economic reality in the world unlike any before.  In many ways it is as impactful as the industrial revolution was in the 1800s.  Huge areas of the economy have been revolutionized, creating less jobs that produce more products.

This has meant a bonanza of cheap hd televisions, smart phones, clothing; etc.  It also has meant a huge gap between the rich and the poor.  We read with astonishment that less that 1% of the world's population control over 80% of the worlds wealth.  In fact  only80 people in the world control over 80% of the wealth!  This makes France before the Revolution look like a socialist paradise!

This centralization of wealth cannot be ignored; except by the conservatives.  They say its big governments' fault. 

That is patently false and they know it.  What government has done is encourage technology at every turn, aided and abetted by investor interests, that has driven a disparity between rich and poor that grows every day.   Both Democratic administrations and Republican have supported economic growth by encouraging technological advances that massively reduce jobs.

Government has failed everywhere to take steps to mitigate the damage to labor markets by mass robotic and technological production and distribution innovations.  Every robot takes 10 jobs, every news app, lays off another reporter. 

We need another progressive era to evolve quickly.  We need our economic experts to figure out ways of fixing this inequity, before revolutions begin.  We need to stop being in awe of technology an realize the basic threats to human health and happiness its spin offs cause.  Revolution and war are the alternatives. 

That's right, revolutions.  No social/political/economic system can long exist with huge disparities between rich and poor.  The French Revolution, the Russian Revolution are two examples of what happens when economic inequities are allowed to fester.

And the rise of fascism is also a product of this imbalance between productivity and labor.  I have postulated here many times, that a fascist threat very much exists in the United States.  Conservatives have long ago crossed the line into fascist ideology, supporting plutocracy, which produces a violent reaction eventually from people who are damaged and threatened by technology change. 

This tension leads to violence, conflict and the destruction of democratic states. 

But what do we get from the right?  "Let them eat cake", is basically their response.  Leave the free market economy alone and it will result in prosperity for all. 

This is bull and they know it.   The free market economy is fueling the inequity of wealth, adding to the misery, and aiming all of us to violent upheavals throughout the world. 

I really think they have no valid response, because typical of conservatives they look backward rather than forward.  Progressives do the opposite and that was at the core of the President's speech.

We simply cannot afford to keep saying no to everything.  The problems are too great and increasing in scope.  We either make effective changes, or endure the upheavals that are likely to come.

We can be part of the problem or part of the solution.

Conservatives simply don't get that.