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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Water carriers

I am amazed every day by the conservative water carriers I meet.

In spite of statistics, and anecdotal evidence, showing a growing huge gap between the very few rich and the many poor, the water carrier middle class, usually aging white men, continue to support class warfare.

That's right, the term class warfare, used by Republicans to thwart Democrats criticism of income inequities, is really what is being waged by the rich class against the rest of us.

The financial sector is the most glaring example.  Movies are made on the madness of Wall Street, criticizing the greed and glaring acquisition of wealth in unproductive work..  Financial manipulators simply move numbers, gamble with other people's money, cheat, and acquire speculator wealth beyond imagination.

"The Wolf of Wall Street" is a recent example.  I was reminded of the pictures of former presidential candidate Mitt Romney, that shamelessly showed he and his partners awash in money, clutching it in their teeth, taking a bath in the green bounty of the top 1%.  It made me sick!

Meanwhile, the rest of us are relegated to increasing flattened incomes, lost pensions, and spreading poverty.   And, to top it all, the rich have convinced the water carriers that the ACA is evil, no health care for the rest of us.....only the hopelessly unfair present system that provides only for the rich.

And what do the middle class white men do?   They cheer the cheats on.  They bitch about the 47%, coached almost word for word by Fox News, to chant "takers" "takers" versus their heroes the "producers".

The problem is the "producers" are increasingly producing nothing but paper profits to increase their own wealth.

The great swindle is that  "trickle down" does NOT WORK.  Regardless, cons continue to repeat the con:  that tax cuts and reducing government and regulations will mean increased prosperity.

This flies in the face of empirical evidence, that the cons hate since they have become anti-science for obvious reasons.  The facts do not support their economic policies.

But, we have the Tea Party, who has taken over the Republican Party, backed by the Koch Brothers' Fascism, that pushes unceasingly right wing agendas down our poor throats.

So keep it up water carriers...keep up the good work....licking the boots of your masters, making sure your children and grandchildren make less, you have to work until you die, all for a damned myth of trickle down, and that  rich are nice guys.


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