Just say it...come out and say it, you hate the ACA. Quit with the baseless arguments of religious freedom. Nowhere in the ACA does it mandate coverage for abortion, nowhere. This was taken out, stupidly by the way, to placate Republicans who are cynically using religious freedom to nullify a black man's presidency.
That is the reason behind all this. How can you, as a con, REALLY be against the ACA when it was thought up by the Heritage Foundation?
And the mandatory contraceptive baloney, really? Even if those poor catholic sisters are held at the point of a gun to include rubbers in their insurance, IT DOES NOT FORCE ANYONE TO USE THEM!
I know lots of guys, when I was young, giving out cigars to celebrate a new born, and opening up their wallet to show a condom fresh in Its pack.
"Oh well", and a shrug was what they said. "God will provide".
Nowhere does any ACA tyrannical prose, mandate the use of contraceptives.
To once again let the Catholic Church wag its tail, and impose its will on the rest of us; producing rampant overpopulation in every Third World country is madness and the 12century position of the Catholic Church is the cause!
And what about the immorality of the cons, who make up stuff all the time to discredit the ACA? The same ACA we progressives compromised massively every day to support by the way,because it ain't no Medicare that's for sure.
What about our principles?
You my lady lie in every one of these hit pieces. The real reason for con opposition has NOTHING to do with philosophy, nothing to so with free market purity.
It has everything to do with politics, and racial backlash to a President who got the progressives in his party to pass a conservative idea, to BEGIN to address our health care crisis.
Quit lying, stand up and declare the real reason for opposing the ACA.
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