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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Terms of Nativism

Not to lessen the impact and the wrongness, moral bankruptcy racist pig that Trump is, but he was elected remember?  Somebody voted for him.  What has happened is NOT a surprise and is the rule rather than the exception.  

This means he got more votes according to a racist system (electoral college) that was established to keep the slave south in the union.  He is a minority elected President, he did not get the majority of the vote.  

But I digress.  Trump is not alone; never think that.  He reflects a long tradition of nativism and bigotry toward immigrants.

Your ancestors and mine were called these things over the years as they sought to assimilate.  And on my Dad’s side, those who were already here got names flung at them, as well as bullets, in the carnage that is sometimes America.

Germans:  Huns, Krauts, Mofs, Boches, Nazis....

Italians:  Wops, Dagos, Greaseballs, Guineas, Goomba

Jews (you can add nationalities if you like):  Kike, (Polish Kike) , Yids; etc

Irish:  Micks, Maddy, Prod, Taig

English:  Brits, Limeys...

White southerners:  Rednecks, Hillbilly, White Trash, Trailer Trash, Cracker, Hick, Bumbkin, Peckerwood.  

Africans:  The N word in every way possible, Mother F...era...Blue, Homey, Home Boy, Boy...etc

Vietnamese:  Gooks, Kinks, Slopeheads....

Native Americans:  Redskins, Diggers, Savages

Japanese:  Slant eyes, Yellow, Japs

Vile wrong and makes your stomach churn....But 30% of Americans believe in the President who just went there, who was elected with the promise to “put them in their place”, who promises to build a wall, to discriminate, to “Make America Great Again”.

But the fact is all of you reading this know the words above very well...many of you have even used the terms, or for sure have heard them used.  Some think they are colorful.  For some, you use these terms and a fight is coming.  For others, a bullet.  

Will he...will it work?  Do we need a purge?  Did we in the past?  

Nativism rears its ugly head in America every generation, sometimes worse than others.  There are dozens of reasons for it, in spite of the absolute fact, that we are a nation of immigrants.

The exception of course are Native Americans who have been attacked with straight up genocide and cultural destruction.

The history of America is one of violence and racism.  We all are racists to some degree, you can’t live here and not be racist.  It is an illness that veers us closer to fascism all the time; it is a doorway to fascism....ask Germany and Italy.  We make tribes of people, we stereotype, we use hatred to win, to divide, get elected.

Every once in awhile a person will come along and take advantage of this hatred and racism politically.  That has happened again with Trump.  He was elected with a racist vote.  

He won an upset because of the racism he espouses.  He worked for years on the “birther” non-issue, coupled with overt immigration racism, to win the Republican nomination and later the Presidency.  He used the white supremacists’ backlash to gain just enough votes to win the electoral college (a system of electing a President that was originally made to support slavery).

This is not an accident.  America knew what he  was doing when Trump was elected....he plotted the whole thing out....but as before, once the genie is out of the bottle, the consequences could be dire; including war. 

Now it up to America to right the do what we have done before, rally the country to put down Trump’s nativism and racism.  We can do it peacefully or with war.  

Be ready for both.  

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