America never was white...never.
The first obvious point is Native Americans were here first. And there was millions more than most think. And they were people of color.
White supremacy might have been here from the beginning, but only white people....NOT!
The immigration was heavy in African Americans; not voluntary to be sure, but heavy in people of color.
And up to and including Thomas Jefferson, intermingling of the races occurred early and often. Several of “our founding fathers” sired children of mixed race...
White European women did not colonize early America. Men at first were the only ones to survive. In fact, early settlements were virtually all men.
And it took months if not years to sail from Europe to the colonies. And the natural happened with Native American Women because there simply no European women.
I am part Cherokee. My family tree shows a great great grandmother who looks more white than Native American. Why? Because the Cherokee inter married (it was not outlawed until much later) with white male settlers early and often. Many Cherokees are as white (looking) as anyone...but have Cherokee DNA. I have seen photos of Cherokee in 1900...they are all white! But DNA shows otherwise!
Then there are the African Americans. Thomas Jefferson again is a good example. His wife passed away and he maintained a little disguised inter-racial marriage for years, with several offspring.
This happened everywhere. Sometimes it was tragic, white slave owners having their way with African women, but sometimes it was mutual; mixed race marriages were not uncommon; publicized yes rare, but existing nonetheless!
White supremacy and racism developed AFTER the influx of slaves and encounters with Native Americans. By this time (the early 1800s) America already was a nation of immigrants and mixed race human beings. The Civil War of 1860 was also a reconciliation of mixed race couples, some slaves were actually more white than colored because of the mixing of the “races”.
Trump does not have a chance to make American Great (White) again...not a prayer. America never was white!
DNA tests of any American citizen, who “thinks I am pure white” often is a real surprise, because interracial backgrounds often show up. Racist white supremacists will go get a DNA test to prove their purity; and suddenly shut up because they aren’t white!
I have several friends who talk about the surprise they had when African American showed up in their DNA, or Asian, or Native American. And in the West, Mexican Americans are almost universally mixed race; the Spanish intermarried in the Americas for the same reason their fellow Europeans did in the north, no availability of European women.
And what have we done as a result? The leading economy in the world. The strongest nation on earth. And still, even though Trump is trying to destroy it, the longest running democratic government on the planet.
And sure enough, it is accelerating again. The white middle and upper class long ago adopted a two children maximum in a marriage rule; assisted by contraception. Immigrants and people of color not so much. So more families of “color” are having more mixed race children than the whiter middle class (that isn’t all white anyway); leaving us with us.....
In California this has meant a minority of “white people” already and in the United States that will happen in 2030. It actually already has happened, since many “white people” are actually mixed race and don’t even know it.
The fact is America is a melting pot. Every few years a demagogue like Trump happens along and tries make political points by stirring the racist anti-immigrant pot.
And that is hypocrisy of the highest order since most of us are mixed race already!
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