First of all Truman was no Trump. Truman reigned in MacArthur who stupidly was attempting to invade China. Good ole Dugout Doug decided on his own that goading China into a war was a good idea in 1950, advancing toward the Chinese Korean border. This also coordinated with the “lost China” crowd, Republicans who decided that the only way to stop the New Deal was to subvert it through criticisms of foreign policy.
Their constant call for a “get tough” and win back China disregarded the nationalism of the Chinese, was racist from the start, and almost got us into a land war in Asia (which we were trapped into with Vietnam).
The reasons for this were simple, nothing else worked for the Republican Party that had not only caused the Great Depression but left the country totally unprepared for WWII.
China warned us several times, then allowed our troops to advanced up the valleys toward China while the Chinese infantry took the high ground, causing one of the worst defeats in United States Army history.
The survivors of that stupidity were able to escape, preserving enough presence to fight the Korean War to a final stalemate that persists today. Truman fired MacArthur who was scheming to run for President in 1952, as a Republican of course.
The disaster that he led destroyed his political career.
And Truman had the fortitude and integrity to take a very unpopular stance which preserved the President as Commander in Chief. MacArthur was a renegade and had to be stopped. Truman fired him.
Truman also integrated the Armed Services, quite an accomplishment for a man from Missouri, a border state with strong connections to the KKK.
There is absolutely no comparison between Truman and Trump.
Truman was, for the time, a mainstream Democrat, a New Dealer who was selected by an ailing Roosevelt to continue his policies; which he did. The country may have appeared to be tied fo the New Deal, but the REAL reason for Eisenhower’s election was the disaster of the the Korean War.
People were tired of war. Many WWII vets had joined the reserves after the war, where a few years into an enlistment and found themselves back on the front lines; with growing families at home.
A long conflict was the LAST thing they would tolerate.
That was why the Democrats lost in 1952, the same reason they lost in 1968; stuck in an unpopular and costly war.
Truman was no populist...but he was a great President because he continued the policies of one of the greatest Presidents of all time.
Trump? He is a shadow of a leader and does not deserve to be mentioned in the same article with Truman.
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