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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Your Dishwasher Is Killing Your Grandchildren!

Currently California, that ‘leads’ the United States in renewal electricity energy production, uses about 75  percent coal and natural gas to produce our electricity.  The rest comes from renewables.  A tiny fraction is from solar.

Solar is the least expensive and easiest renewable electricity source but has one big is basically free because the sun’s energy is free.

Corporations can’t figure out how to ration it.  They can’t figure out how to turn a profit.

If you are a solar panel owner, you know your electric company moves heaven and earth to charge you for the problems your putting electricity back into the grid causes...leaving out that basically this is a ruse since power lines can run in two directions and the real costs were paid a long time ago.  But many California cities are their own power company, providing electricity to their customers and running the police departments with the revenue.

We have starved cities and counties to death with our Prop 13s and our tax cuts, blaming government for everything and approaching revenue like its killing our souls (the recent 12 cent gas tax that is desperately needed for highway repair and mass transit development).

But we continue as idiots ignoring the FACT that right now over 70% of our electricity is produced by sources that are running out fast.

And sources that can be used to power automobiles, trains and buses are going into your air conditioner!

But it will never run out right?


Put up the solar panels, insist on wind power and tell your idiot conservative friends to SHUT UP...when they complain about bird deaths that allegedly happened from wind power (sound diversion keeps the birds away).

The FACT is greedy and morally bankrupt cities and corporations are quietly fighting solar and wind rather than investing public dollars in them instead of fighting them.  Many  small cities (like Redding, ,CA) own vast areas of public land that could easily hold solar arrays but refuse to invest the money (our money by the way) in solar arrays.

What is wrong with this picture.  We are right now killing our grandchildren right now every time you run your dishwasher.

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