The Reagan Revolution included the United States in the folly that Reagan propagated in California. After his tenure, Conservative Think Tanks sprang up all over the country (mostly paid for by big corporations), legitimizing the conservative economic, political and social philosophy.
What these think tanks have NEVER done is to statistically prove that Reagan's ideas and philosophy actually worked!
Take "Law and Order" as an example. Reagan was elected Governor of California with the promise to bring order to campuses who were protesting the Vietnam War. He did, he moved the National Guard and police in, shot a few students, and everyone went home. Of course, meanwhile, the war was ENDING. But, of course, the "Law and Order" approach was given credit for "pacifying" the campuses.
So, the con was on. California passed a series of referendums and laws extending prison stay, the "three strikes and your out laws"; etc. We built massive prisons, and did away with "bleeding heart" rehabilitation programs.
We also reversed state support for prisons over colleges (pay back for those unruly students).
Today, yes today, March 3, 2010, students throughout California are protesting again, only this time because they cannot afford the tuition and fees in our former public colleges.
The dream and promise of college education access to all has been destroyed. The innovation and ideas of a well educated California population gone.
And who is accountable for this? Not Reagan and the conservative philosophy that got California is the mess for sure! "It's the damn spending liberals", they cry! Don't blame me, the cons claim, as they cut yet another program.
And, of course, the people of California buy it! In recent polls, 50% of Californians versus 47% think cuts are the best way to handle a 23 Billion Dollar Deficit. If that is done, the public schools system, AND the prison system, in California is done. Oh, but Charters and Vouchers are the answer they cry! Make the school system aristocratic is another suggestion. In an increasingly multi-racial, multi-cultural society have a school system that is segregated. That worked well in the south pre-1964 right?
And who is accountable? What didn't work? The con think tanks continue to scream "spending, spending, spending" when in fact state spending has declined or been level when adjusted for inflation and population growth for over 10 years!
So where is ANY accountability? Who does Mrs. Jones blame because her son's favorite 3rd grade teacher just got a pink slip? Who indeed!
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