Thomas Sowell was at it again in his diatribe “Pols solve only their own problems” . He endlessly lists examples of politicians, remarkably Democrats, who are either solving made up problems, or striving to get elected. His premise is again, that government is stupid, oh yes; Democrat Government is stupid, disingenuous and does not care about common people’s problems.
This guy is supposed to be a scholar. He is supposed to study problems and give some kind of scholarly opinion. All he does is slam one party, one philosophy.
He never mentions: 1. The Republicans in the past eight years opened up the Congress to lobbyists more than in our history, the government quite simply has been sold out. 2. Under Conservative leadership, there has been the largest shift of wealth to the top 1% than ever before in our history. 3. The middle class has deteriorated in the past twenty years and stands at the lowest level, adjusted for inflation, than in 1933. 4. Manufacturing jobs have been exported overseas at a level that have made the United States purely an importing nation with negligible exports. This means a tremendous loss of jobs that are not coming back. 5. The Health Care system is so broken that 50 million have no insurance at all; thousands are dying (mostly children). 5. The conservative “philosophy” of government has led California to spending on prisons at a higher level than higher education, leading to the destruction of the best public higher education system in the world. This was for “law and order”, meanwhile crime statistics increase because prisons have become higher education for criminals (no training, no rehibilitation).
I could go on, but some of you, those not blinded by the lying propaganda of the right, get it. Sowell is a con, yes a con. He lies to get his point across. When will we wise up?
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